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Macedonia Travel Guides

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Topic: Macedonia Travel Guides
Posted By: beTon
Subject: Macedonia Travel Guides
Date Posted: 23-Aug-2008 at 22:23 - MACEDONIA
Longing for South...

There the sunrise warms the soul,
The sun gets bright in mountain woods: Younder gifts in great profusion
Richly spread by nature's power.
See the clear lake stretching white - Or bluely darkened by the wind,
Look you at the plains or mountains:
Beauty' everywhere divine.
To pipe there to my heart's content!
let the sun set,
let me die.

When life gets in fast line, just ask for directions to Macedonia and come rest Your mind and soul and enjoy among gentle nature and dovelike people... Listed below are several web sites which may be useful in researching and obtaining information on travel guides for Macedonia:

.          Travel Guides 4 Macedonia

  • - Macedonia TravelBooks
  • -
  • - Macedonian Culture & Information Centre  
  • - Discover Hidden Parts of Macedonia [ - 1 ]
  • - > Macedonia  
  • - Forbes promotes Macedonia as one of top 20 European scenic drives [ - 1 ]
  • - Yahoo Travel Adventures  >  Eight wonders of Macedonia [ - 1 ]
  • - Yahoo Travel Adventures  >  Revelations of Sacred Truths in Macedonia [ - 1 ]
  • - Wikitravel Macedonia - / - - Bartleby > Macedonia
  • - Travel FAQ for Macedonia
  • - / -
  • - US > Macedonia
  • - UK Travel advice / - Europe Travel Guide [ - 1 ]
  • - Vcarious Macedonia Travel Guide  
  • - > Macedonia
  • - > Macedonia
  • - > Macedonia / -
  • - [ - 1 ] /  - / - [ - 1 ]
  • - - Travelling Man

Toward the end of a live show, weary musicians often appeal to the audience with a stock phrase intended to invigorate the proceedings: “How is everyone feeling tonight?” “I can’t hear you!” “Cleveland, make some noise!” Manu Chao, a wiry forty-six-year-old of Spanish extraction who grew up in Paris, used a different tactic when he played the first of two sold-out shows in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park in June. He shouted out the names of countries, and people cheered, often in reverse proportion to the nation’s population: “Uruguay!” Some whoops. “Costa Rica!” Roars. “Macedonia!” Total mayhem.

.           Travel Services in Macedonia 

  • - Visas & Public Transport in Macedonia [ - 1 ]
  • - Macedonia Travel Services Directory
  • - Adventure Guide Macedonia [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
  • - Tour Guiding Services Macedonia
  • - Trip Planner Expedition: Macedonia
  • -
  • - > Macedonia Hotels & Hostels
  • -
  • - / - > Macedonia
  • - (restaurants & food)
  • - RCM / - Rent-A-Car > Macedonia
  • - MKD Rent a Car  / - / - Europecar > Cheap car & van rental
  • - / - (commercial directories)

.          Travel Blogs about Macedonia

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -  
  • -
  • - > By scooter through Macedonia [ - 1 ]
  • -
  • -  
  • -
  • - Phrase Book > useful words and phrases  
  • - ISIC Discounts: Macedonia / - Euro26 Discounts  
  • - List of Public Holidays in Macedonia  
  • - Important dates in Macedonian History [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
  • -

.          Culture & Heritage of Macedonia

  • - / - / -
  • - Macedonia Cultural Heritage / - Atlas of the Republic of Macedonia
  • - Churches and Monasteries in Macedonia / - Cities  
  • - Kale - Skopje Fortress / - Ohrid Samoils Fortress / - Markovi Kuli Prilep Fortress
  • - Center for Digitization of National Heritage (CDNH) undergraduate projects  
  • - Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze & Iron Age Archeological Map (not updated)
    [ - 1 ]
  • - Kokino megalithic observatory in Macedonia / -
  • - Neolithic Settlement Tumba Madzari / - Macedonian Rock Art Research Center - Kumanovo  
    / - Rock Art Centre - Kratovo [ - 1 ]
  • - Govrlevo -7.000bC / - Osincani -7.000bC / - Dupyak -5.260bC
  • - Tracing The Script And The Language Of The Ancient Macedonians  
  • - Pre-Cyrillic Literacy / - Languages of Macedonia / -
  • - Museum of Macedonia / - Museums Skopje / -
  • - Macedonian Traditional Robes and Embroadery / - - National Dress (Nossija)
  • - Cinemathographic Chronology in Macedonia

.          Nature & Geography of Macedonia

  • - Global Map of Macedonia / - Topographic & Aerial Maps
  • - Households & Population in Macedonia
  • - Households & Population in Macedonia
  • - FlashEarth Macedonia  
  • - Macedonia Mapquest / - Macedonia Maps / - Macedonia Map - NG
  • - / -
  • - / - Thematic Atlas of Bitola Field
  • [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] - Macedonian Railways [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] / - GPS Garmin Macedonia & - Balkans / - GIS Data Macedonia
  • - Short facts about geography of Macedonia  (not updated)
  • - Protected Areas in Macedonia / - Stamer - Prehistoric animals / - ZOO & Nature museum  
  • - Mountains In Macedonia  / - Refuges In Macedonia -
  • - MolikaPelister [ - - 1[/ur - - / -
    / - / - [ - 1 ]
  • - / - Live Meteo /LiveMagnetosphere [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] - in areas that dont have registered hotels or hostels, look for private accomodation - - Berovo / - - Bitola / - - Demir Kapija / - - Dojran / - - Gevgelija - - Kavadarci / - - Kocani / - - Mavrovo / - - Ohrid / - - Popova Sapka - - Prilep / - - Resen / - - Skopje / - - Struga / - - Tetovo / - - Veles

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 24-Aug-2008 at 01:04

.   Traveling  To  Macedonia  Photo

.       Photo Archives 4 Macedonia

  • -
  • - 360 Macedonia Panoramas
  • -  >  Macedonia -  
  • - Photo Macedonia  >
  • - > Macedonian Summits
  • - > Nature of Macedonia
  • - > The Beauties of Macedonia
  • - Expedition Macedonia > Sacred Mysteries of Macedonia  
  • - GoogleEarth Panoramio > Macedonia > Solunska & Upper Pelagonija
  • -  >  Macedonia
  • - > Macedonia > Ohrid > Prespa > Dojran >
  • -
  • - - /photos
  • -
  • - > Macedonia
  • - > Macedonia
  • - > Macedonia -

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 25-Aug-2008 at 22:43

Traveling  To  Macedonia  Video - - -




[TUBE]aSJ6NzxLb-k[/TUBE]   [TUBE]R1ZG3lZU2zo[/TUBE]


[TUBE]09cRWUwPgco[/TUBE]   [TUBE]q9GT2sabHWo[/TUBE]

Macedonia may be the most famous unknown country on earth. Our expedition discovered that this ancient land may be among the most important in history. -

UNESCO - OHRID cradle of European culture and civilization
[TUBE]vxhL6lvLQbM[/TUBE]   [tube]yj0I8sL1dUA[/tube] - OHRID 1954 Vardar Film Production - Directed by Bilbilovski Kiro

Posted By: UrbanFreak
Date Posted: 26-Aug-2008 at 00:12
WOW beTon, great pictures. The one from Ohrid and the mountains are master pieces.

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 28-Aug-2008 at 16:32


It is most useful to visit and see Macedonia as cultural tourist rather than casual tourist, because Macedonia is still living cultural area... for the first and best impression, above all, I'd suggest to open the spiritual doors, Macedonia today is owing its existence to the Orthodox Christian Church through the - Ohrid Archdiocese that was and still is our mother, although early Macedonian Empire lately rebuilt in the face of Byzantium Empire were our fathers, though lately till century ago Ottoman Empire was our stepfather, if can be seen like this i.e. aspects that had have shaped our land and culture...

as signpost, significant to mention is the spiritual, cultural and archaeological value of - orthodox sacred architecture , that is witness of our custums and tradition, - number of preserved Churches and Monasteries in Macedonia is a total of 992, featuring 150,000sq.m of Fresco paintings, 23,000 icons, 240 Iconostases, and other Church items carved in wood. In addition, there is large number of Cave Churches, which are not included in above statistic, or there are new discoveries like - IXth century Monastic Cave Complex at Zrze . Macedonia as Cradle of Christianity in Europe has long tradition of building Churches and Monasteries, almost every third village
has had live monastery and every village has had at least three churches, this Orthodox Church architectural tradition has started one century after St.Apostle Paul firstly founded small Christian Communities and - St.Apostle Andrew ordained St.Apostle Urban for first Episcop(Bishop) in Macedonia and St.Apostle Silvan for first Episcop of Solun(Salonica), those Apostles spread the Word of God among Macedonians and raised Christianity to main-key religion here, which with the official recognition by St.Constantin in 4th century raised the Christian Communities to Big Episcopical residences with several Metropolitans and Bishoprics in Macedonia such as those in Salonica(Solun), Philippi(Kavala), Heraclea Lincestis(Bitola), Stobi(Gradsko), Skupi(Skopje), Lihnid(Ohrid), Bargala(Shtip), Dion(Pidna), Bereu(Ber)... and century by century the significance and beauty of the sacral architecture on this land had quickly grown and become distinctive symbol of Christianity, among the unique live monuments of that architecture are St.Sophia of Constantinople(Istanbul) and - St.Sophia of Lychnid(Ohrid) and many others each one holding some unique specific attributes as famous - Fresco paintings or famous - Iconostases or famous - Icons which here in Macedonia are too many that we are lacking of funds and people for constant maintenance and conservation. Because our land was crossroad for every war cruisers and conquerors there cannot be reached precise number of builded sacral temples through the centuries, but there is some middle age statistic preserved by the Turks who were invaders here for 5 centuries until 1914, where is stated for ex. that Bitola(Monastir(Heraclea L.)) in one time had 100 Churches, Skopje(Uskub(Scupi)) had 50 Churches and Ohrid(Ohri(Lichnid(Dassaretis))) - in one time has had 365 Churches and Monasteries - one for each day in the year...

MACEDONIA is land of natural and cultural abundance, place where one can meet the true harmony of embody of world cultures, where are united east and west, prehistoric and new age, ancient and modern, Christianity and Islam, Orthodoxy and Catholicism, sweet and bitter, fine and rustic, high and down, warm and cold, intact peaceful nature and strangely determinate noisy urbanism...  all this is due to the central position in the world as geographically so as culturally and geopolitically, here are joined European, Asian and African tectonic plates, here are positioned worlds crossroads as culturally so as politically, place where You can find plenty cultural diversity - recognised officially, place where were started or was witness of all world wars and world conquerors, -  


To be precise in Macedonia there are plenty sites of undiscovered or for centuries untouched nature among other - , also there are 4485 archaeological sites detected, spanning from eneolith till middle ages from which only 2% are fully explored and conserved (one archeological site on every 5 km2) (source archaeological map 1996 MANU - not updated) spectacular localities such as neolithic sites rich of - Magna Mater figurines and - figures or for ex. - oldest male figure ever found in the world Adam of Macedonia(one of the world's ten most important archaeological finds) , Ceramic Round Seal 6.000 BC, stonehenge like - Megalithic Observatory Kokino , ritual tombs and Macedonian mummy’s, also plenty ancient localities with spas and amphitheaters or 130 early Christian conserved Basilicas - with most beautiful mosaics masterpieces of early Christian art , and all of those sites are rich with stunning artefacts such as neolithic fibulas, ancient coaches, 4th century wood carvings or - only discovered early Christian Terracotta Icons from Vinica etc. Also paleontology in Macedonia has been revived lately, unveiling stunning facts - “Located outside the village of Stamer, near Delcovo, the fossils bear witness that antelopes, prehistoric rhinoceroses, saber-toothed tigers, and mastodons once lived on Europe's soil, as well as the giraffe.”

.                  - Neolithic Seals from Macedonia -   

MUSEUMS IN MACEDONIA ? is there any need cause whole country is one big museum full of hidden stories and artifacts, full of rituals and events, full of simplicity and complicity... (if one likes to explore deeply trough the cultural and natural stratums he could ask for professional guidance from travel agencies which in most cases have licensed tour guiders but - also can ask for profesional assistence from some association or contact some - ngo as MACAR )  then again there can be found (in every town in Macedonia) various museums of closed type which are running full time, with options for outdoor presentations by museum curator usually organized for large groups...

  • - Numismatic Museum - National Bank of Macedonia[COLOR="#000000 - [quote - numismatic collection of 16400 coins[/COLOR - - - numismatic museum panorama 1  - - numismatic museum panorama 2 [/quote] 
  • - - Skopje Museums    
  • - National Museum Bitola
  • - National Museum Ohrid  
  • - - Museums of Macedonia
  • - - Open Tours Around

In addition, there are events all year around

  • - Ongoing Events Overview - (every june since 1975)

Also there are many Sport events all year round such as Macedonian Open Tennis Tournament, Ohrid Swimming Marathon, Sharplanina Ski Cup, Mavrovo Snowboard Cup, Skopje International Marathon, Skopje Swim Meet, Tour de Macedoine, Macedonian Paragliding Cup, Macedonian Climbing Cup, and normally every year we are hosts of some World or Europian sport event but also there are Country Championships in every sport trough the year... [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 30-Aug-2008 at 20:21

Originally posted by UrbanFreak

WOW beTon, great pictures. The one from Ohrid and the mountains are master pieces.

Thumbs%20Up This one goes to ones that shot those pics, is funny how amater photography promotes our country, but still there is plenty pro photography which is kept in bunkers of MTV(mac tv) and also in MOC(Ministry of Culture) and also there are few advertising agencies which held big libraries of domestic views...

Posted By: beTon
Date Posted: 06-Feb-2009 at 23:32 - Culture of MACEDONIA -

CULTURE NAME: Macedonian

ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Makedonski, Slavo-Macedonian


Identification. The ancient Macedonians were considered non-Greek but are claimed as co-nationals by the modern Greeks. Modern Macedonians are Slavs descended from the peoples who arrived in the Balkans in the sixth and seventh centuries. There are six ethnic groups: Miyak, Brsyak, Southern, Struma-Mesta, Macedo-Shop, and Upper Vardar.

Location and Geography. Macedonia is a land-locked nation located in southeastern Europe. The current border runs along mountain chains that separate the republic from Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, and Kosovo and Serbia. Macedonia is slightly larger than the state of Vermont with a total area of 9,781 square miles (25,333 square kilometers). The country consists mostly of mountains separated by flat river valleys. The capital, Skopje, is the largest city.

Demography. In 1994, the population was 1,945,932. The population in that year was 67 percent Macedonian, 22 percent Albanian, and 4 percent Turkish, with smaller numbers of Roms (Gypsies), Vlahs (Aromanians), Serbs, Muslims, and others. The number of Macedonians in neighboring states is difficult to determine.

Linguistic Affiliation. Macedonian is a South Slavic language in the Indo-European family whose closest relatives are Bulgarian and Serbian. There is a major east-west dialectal division and about twenty subdivisions. Macedonian evolved in contact with non-Slavic languages such as Greek, Albanian, Aromanian, and Turkish. During the Ottoman period, multilingualism was the norm, but today young Macedonian speakers are more likely to know English than the other national languages. Multilingualism is common in urban areas but is less common in rural areas.

Symbolism. The unsuccessful Saint Elijah's Day (Ilinden) uprising of 1903 is the organizing metaphor of statehood. The Macedonian Peoples Republic (with Macedonian as the official language) was established in 1944. The sarcophagus of Gotse Delchev in a church in Skopje is near the site of a ceremonial commemoration that includes fireworks, picnics, and folk dancing. The national anthem refers to the sun of freedom, the struggle for rights, and the heroes of Ilinden. The first flag used after independence, featuring a yellow sixteen-pointed symbol in the center of a red field, was based on a symbol found at the presumed burial site of Philip of Macedon in Greek Macedonia in 1977. The use of this symbol infuriated the Greeks, and in 1995 the Macedonian parliament adopted a flag with a yellow circle with eight rays projecting to the edge of a red field. Other metaphors of community include "Mother Macedonia," "heart of the Balkans," and "oasis of peace."


Emergence of the Nation. Byzantine documents indicate that the Slavs of Macedonia were a distinct group in the early medieval period, and Slavic dialects from Macedonia are identifiable from early Slavic documents. The modern national movement emerged in the nineteenth century. Although many Macedonians self-identified as Greeks, Bulgarians, or Serbs, a distinct sense of national identity developed from a sense of linguistic difference from Bulgarian and Serbian. Owing to Greek, Serbian, and Bulgarian territorial claims, Macedonian claims to nationhood were ignored until the end of World War II, when a Macedonian republic was established within the Yugoslav federation. That republic adopted an independent constitution on 17 November 1991.

National Identity. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the primary source of identity was religion, but the focus shifted to language before the end of the century. As the modern Bulgarian and Serbian literary languages took shape, Macedonians attempted to create a literary language based on their speech, but Macedonian did not receive official recognition until 1944. It is claimed that a Macedonian national identity arose during World War II to keep Yugoslavian Macedonia separate from Bulgaria, but there is documentation that the development of a national identity was indigenous in the nineteenth century.

Ethnic Relations. Ethnic Macedonians live in contiguous parts of Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania, and Muslim speakers of Slavic dialects classifiable as Macedonian who consider themselves to have a separate ethnicity (Goran) live in Kosovo and Albania. Albania recognizes as Macedonian only the Christians living in its southeast, omitting the Macedonian-speaking Muslim and Christian population of the eastern highlands and the Gorans. In 1999, Bulgaria recognized the independent existence of the Macedonian literary language, but in return Macedonia has renounced support for the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Greece claims to have no national minorities and thus does not recognize the existence of its Macedonian minority. In Greek EU-funded minority language projects, Macedonian has never been included. Within Macedonia, religion is as important an organizing principle as language: Most Macedonians, Serbs, and Aromanians (Vlahs) are Christian, and most Albanians, Turks, and Rom are Muslim. The national culture is identified with the Macedonian Orthodox Church, and Macedonian-speaking Muslims are divided among those who self-identify as Macedonians on the basis of language and those who self-identify as Muslims.


The traditional culture is rural, but today more than 60 percent of the population is urban, with a quarter of the national residents living in metropolitan Skopje. Traditional architectural influences are Mediterranean, Byzantine, and Ottoman. Modern high-rise apartment blocks have a balcony, which often is used for storage and clothes drying. A traditional Muslim household has separate rooms for male and female guests, whereas a Christian house has a single room. In older urban neighborhoods, individual single-story rooms open into a central courtyard. Wealthier traditional urban houses have one or more upper stories projecting over the street. Urban areas are characterized by a historical center with an open bazaar. Skopje was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake in 1963. The old main train station, torn in half with its clock stopped at the moment of the quake, was reinforced and left standing as a monument to the disaster. Many public monuments commemorate those fallen in World War II or Ilinden. Since 1991, many villages have restored or built new churches or mosques.


Food in Daily Life. Breakfast is eaten around nine a.m. by workers in offices, but earlier by factory workers, and in the field in the country. Dinner is the main meal and is eaten at around two p.m. Supper is eaten later after the afternoon siesta. Meals are prepared immediately before consumption, although they may include leftovers. Hot food often is allowed to cool to room temperature. Breakfast can consist of bread and cheese, sometimes with eggs. Other meals can begin with meze (appetizers) served with rakia (fruit brandy). Bean casserole (tavche-gravche) is the national dish, and bread is considered the most basic food. In restaurants, pizza is especially popular. Hotel restaurants are popular venues for banquets, and there are many private restaurants. There are no food taboos other than those associated with religion, but folk beliefs about food abound.

Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. Among Christians, a bird is eaten for Christmas, and lamb for Easter. Among Muslims, a lamb is slaughtered for Kurban Bayram. At Christmas Eve dinner it is traditional to serve a cake with a coin in it. Sweet desserts are associated with religious holidays, New Year's Day, births, weddings, and funerals and commemorations. Blaga rakia (hot sugared fruit brandy) is served by the parents of the groom the morning after the wedding night if the bride is found to have been a virgin.

Basic Economy. The traditional economy was agricultural and pastoral. The nation is now industrialized and has been integrated in international trade.

Land Tenure and Property. Traditionally, land was held in common by the extended family, which was patrilocal and was defined patrilineally. After the division of property, wells and threshing floors often continued to be used collectively. Each village has a boundary that is the basic level of property division above that of the family. During the communist period, private property rights were restricted.

Commercial Activities. Cash crops include sugar beets, sunflowers, cotton, rice, tobacco, grains, fruits and vegetables, opium poppies, wine, livestock, dairy products, fish, and hardwoods. There is a tourist industry and a traditional crafts industry.

Major Industries. Steel, cement, mining, textiles, pharmaceuticals, petroleum products, and furniture making are the largest industries.

Trade. Exports include food products, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. Serbia was the major trading partner before the imposition of international sanctions. Other important major trading partners include the former Yugoslav republics, other Balkan states, and the European Union.

Division of Labor. Labor is primarily based on agriculture, mining, and light industry. There were about one million persons in the labor force in 1998. In 1996, 38.8 percent of the labor force could not find employment. The minimum age of employment is fifteen years.


Classes and Castes. Differences in the distribution of wealth have increased since 1991, with Roms at the bottom. Other social differences result from differences between urban and rural populations. Serbs and Aromanians are well integrated into the economy, while Albanians are underrepresented in the state sector.

Symbols of Social Stratification. Ethnicity is more important than class. Dress and behavior are likely to follow ethnic lines, although national costumes and articles of clothing have become less common as a result of increasing urbanization and modernization.


Government. Macedonia is a parliamentary democracy. Macedonia's unicameral assembly of one-hundred twenty seats is called the Sobranje. The executive branch consists of the President (elected by popular vote) and the Council of Ministers (elected by the majority vote of all the deputies in the Sobranje).

Leadership and Political Officials. Political parties tend to follow ethnic lines and draw their leaders from educated elites. The main exceptions are parties led by former communists, which tend to be multiethnic. Personal connections are an important aspect of political life.

Social Problems and Control. The revision of the legal system after the communist period is not complete. Police brutality can take on ethnic overtones. Albanians are significantly underrepresented in the upper ranks of the security structure. The lack of independence of the judiciary from the political system is a perceived problem. Informal social control involves the family, gossip, saving face, and the threat of vengeance. Violent crime is rare.

Military Activity. The army is small and has outdated equipment, although it is in the process of modernizing, especially since 1999. Macedonia's security has been guaranteed by international troops since January 1993. The most important military activity is protecting the country's borders.


The state provides social welfare to needy families and grants pensions to retirees.


Macedonia has numerous foreign and domestic nongovernmental organizations. The boundaries between local organizations, cultural associations, and political parties is fluid.


Division of Labor by Gender. Men and women work outside the home, but women are responsible for most domestic labor. In academia, men dominate in the sciences and engineering, whereas women are more visible in the humanities.

The Relative Status of Women and Men. In principle, the genders are equal. In practice, men have higher status, and women are likely to manage the household. Women occupy some positions of power but their representation is not in proportion to their numbers.


Marriage. Traditionally, marriages were arranged by the parents, but today young people are likely to choose their own partners. Pregnancy often leads to marriage among urban youth, but in the traditional culture the bride is expected to be a virgin. Traditional marriages usually do not cross religious lines. Polygyny occasionally occurs among Muslims. Marriage is the norm, and adults who have never been married are rare. Divorce and remarriage are regulated by civil law.

Domestic Unit. The traditional unit is the patrilocal extended family consisting of a married couple, their unmarried daughters, and their sons with their own spouses and children. This is becoming increasingly less common in urban areas. Children tend to live with their parents until they are married.

Inheritance. Traditionally, inheritance goes through the male line except for what women take with them as a dowry. Today children inherit equally or by assignment.

Kin Groups. Traditionally, above the level of the family or extended family there was the exogamous clan. In rural areas, a clan often constituted a hamlet within a village. The church, however, allows intraclan marriage after three generations.


Infant Care. Infants are swaddled and carried, and sleep in cradles. They do not have separate play spaces. In urban areas, sleeping and playing arrangements depend on the space available.

Child Rearing and Education. Children are looked after by their mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, or older siblings. Children play freely at an early age. Boys are expected to be more active than girls. In urban areas there are also nursery schools and kindergartens. Eight-year elementary education is compulsory.

Higher Education. Society places a high value on higher education, but ethnic minorities are under-represented. Approximately 87 percent of those holding university degrees are ethnic Macedonians.


In the traditional culture, the young show deference to the old. It is normal for male friends to shake hands and for women to kiss when meeting and saying good-bye. A person entering a room where others are seated will shake hands with each person. Physical contact among friends of the same gender is considered normal. Although staring at strangers was once common, it became relatively rare in the 1990s. It once was the norm to remove one's shoes at the entrance of a home, but this practice is receding among urban Christians.


Religious Beliefs. The major religions are Orthodox Christianity (66 percent) and Islam (30 percent), with small groups of Roman Catholics, Protestants, and atheists. Most Jews were deported and killed by the Nazis, but a few still live in Macedonia. Belief in the evil eye is widespread, and religious practices in rural areas often reflect folk beliefs.

Rituals and Holy Places. Rituals take place at the church or mosque, at the cemetery, in the village, and at home. The most important holidays are Christmas and Easter for Christians and Ramadan and Kurban Bayram for Muslims. Among the Rom, Saint George's Day on 6 May is the major holiday. The Aromanians celebrate 20 May as the Day of the Vlahs, to commemorate the Ottoman recognition of a separate Aromanian church (and therefore millet "nationality") in 1905. Among the customs still practiced are the lighting of bonfires and the singing of special songs on Christmas Eve. Traditionally on the Feast of the Epiphany, a cross is thrown into a major body of water to bless it for the new year.

Death and the Afterlife. Relatives visit the grave on the third, ninth, and fortieth days after the burial; after six months; and after the first year to mourn, give out food, light candles and incense, and pour libations of water or wine. An unmarried young person is buried dressed for a wedding. Among folk beliefs are various practices to prevent a corpse from becoming a vampire.


Medicine is modern, but there are also the traditional folk healers, normally old women, who deal with mysterious illnesses such as warts and maladies caused by the evil eye.


Official holidays include the New Year on 1 and 2 January, Orthodox Christmas on 7 January, Easter Monday, the International Day of Labor on 1 and 2 May, Saint Elijah's Day on 2 August, Macedonian Independence Day on 8 September, and the Day of the Uprising of the Macedonian People on 11 October to commemorate World War II.


Support for the Arts. The arts are supported by the state through the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, institutions of higher learning, and public theaters. Despite its small size, Macedonia boasts thirteen active professional theater groups that average over sixteen hundred total performances per year, a philharmonic orchestra (established in 1944), six chamber ensembles, and a host of annual folk music festivals.

Literature. Modern Macedonian literature made its appearance during the late 1800s with the poetry of the brothers Dimitar and Konstantin Miladinov, whose works are still recited by students. The growing literary collection grounded in the current, or codified, standards of the Macedonian language, on the other hand, marks its beginning with the 1939 publication of Kosta Racin's programmatic collection of poems entitled Beli Mugri (White Dawns). While most of the distinguished nineteenth and early twentieth century literary figures were poets, since the end of World War II there has been an increase in the number of prose writers and playwrights.

Graphic Arts. Villagers in Macedonia are known for their weaving of colorful blankets and carpets. Gold and silversmiths are plentiful in the bazaars of larger cities, and stomnari, or urn-makers, still produce glazed terra cotta utensils such as urns, pitchers, cups, and bowls.

Performance Arts. Since gaining independence, Macedonia has produced a number of promising film directors whose pictures have acquired international recognition and praise. The film Before the Rain, for example, was nominated in 1994 by the American Film Academy for the Best Foreign Language Film Award. It had already won the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival.


The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, founded in 1967 at Skopje, has sections of biological and medical sciences and of mathematical and technical sciences. The country also has an Association of the Sciences and Arts, founded in 1960 at Bitola, as well as specialized learned societies concerned with physics, pharmacy, geology, medicine, mathematics and computers, veterinary surgery, engineering, forestry, and agriculture. Macedonia has research institutes dealing with geology, natural history, cotton, animal breeding, tobacco, animal husbandry, and water development.

The University of Skopje (founded in 1949) has faculties of civil engineering, agriculture, veterinary medicine, forestry, medicine, pharmacy, mechanical engineering, electrotechnical engineering, technology and metallurgy, natural and mathematical sciences, stomatology, and geology and mining. Between 1987 and 1997 science and engineering students accounted for 47 percent of university enrollment. During that same period, Macedonia had 1,335 scientists and engineers and 546 technicians per million people engaged in research and development. The Natural History Museum of Macedonia (founded 1926) is located in Skopje.

There are many informations lacking in this precise article but this can be found trough already posted links in previous posts. I will just suggest correct info on few wrong statements here, first one is about the part on alternative names, yes slavo-macedonian is alternative name but used by greeks, and also there is new update on the holidays which can be found here - also new year and may day are now celebrated for one day.

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 08-Sep-2011 at 13:41 - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] - [ - 1 ] - - - [ - 1 ] -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2011 at 21:33

Phrase Book - -

Import regulations by Macedonia customs - -

Macedonia Technical Information for Travelers

Macedonia Voltage: 220 V
Macedonia Electrical Frequency: 50 Hz
Macedonia Plug: C or F
Macedonia DVD Region: 2
Macedonia Blu-ray Region: B
Macedonia GSM Frequency: GSM 900 -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 13-Sep-2011 at 22:32 - Cultural Tours , - Eco and Rural Tours , - Spiritual Vacations , - Wildlife Viewing and Safari Vacations , - Hiking and Trekking Tours , - Wine Roads , - Cycling Tours , - Flying Tours (Skydiving, Balloon Rides, Hang Gliding, Para Gliding, Glider Rides)...

for local sites seeing, the prices for tourist guiding are not expensive at all and can be argued through bargaining, or even better arranged in front with some of the - licensed tour guides [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that are obligatory for groups beyond 10 persons, other cross country arrangements that include transport and accommodation are +-100euro as standard per person, although there are always exceptions for groups or obvious hitchhikers I would strongly suggest always go with licensed guides or,,Travel+Associations+___+Services - tour operators coz you'll be insured as physically so as culturally, it is not obligatory though, and in many cases local people can become excellent guides that will offer more that sightseer info, still dont look for them on the first street corner, maybe on - net-community or some place like - local hostels , where others can guarantee for the spend time!

dont be mislead by prices of foreign tour operators, as are listed on intentionally imputed links in this post, as spiritual vacations and wildlife tours, coz ours and their expenses are two different worlds, first of all they work from distance but also have in mind that - our standard is far from european , so local tour prices are pretty acceptable, if not cheap-dirt in comparison with rest of europe! -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 28-Sep-2011 at 21:08

Off Road Toursза-нас/правилник-за-учество/ -за-нас/правилник-за-учество/ ( at end of page) - -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 20-Apr-2012 at 18:33

[tube]BpPFUJl-IW0[/tube]   [tube]PiHU0pK_fw0[/tube]

Situated at an altitude of 1330 meters (about 4000 ft) above the sea level, Krushevo is the highest town not only in the Republic of Macedonia, but also in the Balkans. Krushevo is laid on Bushava Mountain, about 30 km away from Prilep. It is a well-known winter ski center and a climatic health resort. Its old architecture, many hotels, and all conditions necessary for pleasant winter holidays, make Krushevo an ideal place for relaxation. Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krushevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument ILINDEN also known as MAKEDONIUM on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries. -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 21-Apr-2012 at 16:17

The region of Mariovo is located in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia, in the mountains of Nidze and Selecka. The climate is mountainous and the nature is especially attractive in spring with thousands of colourful and fragrant mountain flowers, medicinal herbs and teas which give this place special beauty and attraction. Besides the amount of archaeological sites and cultural-historical heritage from all periods, the region offers excellent possibilities for the development of cattle breeding, beekeeping, village tourism and hunter tourism, wood industry, and the production of healthy food. - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

[tube]l-DJe4Dt-tg[/tube] [tube]STAlcTYJtvM[/tube]

from ethnology of Mariovo Best known is the local female costume, which is among the richest Macedonian colorful folk costumes. It is interesting that Mariovska Nosija (wedding dress) weighs 48 kg... - [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 22-Apr-2012 at 00:11

[tube]UvgSEiRUP60[/tube] [tube]DnlXzTdAO3g[/tube]

Traditional costumes today are rare, and could be seen mostly at traditional holidays and weddings, and normally in the ethnographic museums with largest collections in - National Museum of Macedonia ] and local museums fromčani%29 - village Podmocani in Prespa region and - village Rezanovce in Kumanovo region, also costumes can be found at folklore ensembles across country, tho lately there is some reemerging for wholesale [ - 1 ]

Macedonian Folk Costumes [ - 1 ] Macedonian Folk Embroidery - - 1 ] + [ - 1 ]

Traditional Macedonian Costumes -

The traditional folk costumes embrace traits of the various cultures represented in this part of the Balkan. They convey the skill and inventiveness of native designers - Macedonian women, who manufactured themselves their outfits of homespun thread (usually wool, linen, cotton, hemp), using traditional tools. Until the early decades of the 20th century, when folk costumes reached their peak and were still widely worn and adorned, there were over 70 different kinds of richly decorated costumes on the territory of Macedonia. Every region had its distinctive attire, which differed from the clothing of the adjacent region in its stylistic, aesthetic and functional features. The reason for the appearance of so many different costumes, particularly for women, is the geographic isolation of the ethic areas, as well as frequent migrations and ethnic diversity of the population.

The features that make traditional costumes magnificent are the embroidery (in rich geometric and geometricized floral patterns), appliqués, woven ornaments, adornment with fringes, fine metal thread - srma, and braids, as well as jewelry, - made of metal , beads and fruits of the nature.Two main types of costumes western Macedonian and eastern Macedonian. The western Macedonian type includes the Upper Vardar Valley, the Debar-Miyak and - Brsyak etnographic areas .Traditional costumes in these parts of Macedonia are characterized by the numerous pieces of clothing, made mostly of white klashna, as well as the various headdresses and - rich prevailing red colors . The versatile application of numerous old embroidery techniques (in woolen, silk or metal thread), the embellishment with braids, filigree ornaments and numerous pieces with beads and precious jewelry, made mostly of metal, give an extraordinary structure and visual effect.

The eastern Macedonia type includes: the Middle Vardar Valley, and the Shop ethographic area.The costumes from these regions are generally lighter and rather plain, without massive jewelry, exquisite decoration and lively colors. Red is the prevalent color, and other decoration includes variegated cords, braids, bands and srma.

Later  at the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century there is new fashion in towns, more like fancy  town costumes which are covered in Bitola Museum exibition. They are divided into male and female attires. According to the influences prevalent at the time they were worn, they are grouped into two  types, first " - Ala Turka " where oriental influence was dominant, and the  second type "Ala Franga" with its dominant European elements. A special place is given to the items that are actual continuations of ancient-Balkan influences. The fund of these museum items counts 120. -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 23-Apr-2012 at 13:12

Jewellery has a particular place in the Macedonian folk arts as an integral part of the national costumes together with embroidery, representing its most decorative features. Made of various materials (gold, silver, copper, pearls) and done with the help of different techniques (casting, filigree work, granulation, engraving) the jewellery is rich in forms, very decorative and in harmony with their national costumes. Macedonian jewellery can be found in the well known centres of fillgree craft; - Bitola , Ohrid, Struga, Skopje, from where valuable hand-made products are dispersed all over Macedonia. Some samples of this jewelery are real masterpieces of filigree craft with - old preserved forms and elements . Especially outstanding, with rich ornamention is the jewellery found on formal women's gowns from Skopska Crna Gora, Skopska Blatija, Struska and the Ohrid, Marko and Prilep valleys, giving particular artistic effect to their national costumes. Besides metal jewellery one can find different ornaments, knitted in pearls in the eastern part of Macedonia. Pearl jewellery is special hand-work with peculiarly rich and stylistic motifs. Different metal objects for everyday use, made by blacksmiths are artistically formed and richly decorated with various dishes of copper and brass, with rich ornament hand engravings done by coppersmiths are found in almost all towns in Macedonia, (especially in Prilep, Ohrid, Krusevo and Skopje) - ...

handcrafts of Filigree and - Sedef (pearl shell)[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] can be found at old-bazaars in Bitola, Krusevo, Ohrid, Prilep, Struga, Tetovo and mostly in,_Skopje - Skopska Carsija in the kio - sks
on - Goldsmith street [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] or through handcraft associations as - or can be purchased online -
The Old Bazaar is most famous for its well-known Goldsmith Street. Shops line both sides, offering fine gold and silver for sale. You can find all sorts of jewelry, including earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and the - world famous butterfly brooch . Many of the designs are completely unique and intricately worked into unusual shapes and styles. One of the very special things to discover here is the - ancient art of silver filigree , which has been preserved and perfected in Macedonia over the course of many centuries. Shops are filled with filigree jewelry, especially brooches, and personal articles such as  %20 - purses and - boxes . Macedonian filigree is prized the world over... -

In  Christianity, the metamorphosis a butterfly undergoes is symbolic of the spiritual evolution all Christians go through. In ancient mythology, the butterfly stands for wisdom and everlasting knowledge. The butterfly as a part of the jewelry dates back to the end of the 19 th century. It has been made according to the traditional Macedonian brooch and represents the most exquisite filigree work of the member of Ohrid Handicraftsmen School from the end of the 19 th and the beginning of the 20 th century. It has been made in a hard technique of filigree work, spinning round several thin handmade silver stripes into one remarkable whole. This kind of manufacture could be afforded only by the masters, wealthy tradesmen and other rich people from that period.

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2012 at 15:12

Macedonian Traditional Instruments

Macedonian folk instruments can be broadly classified into two main groups: traditional and oriental instruments. - Gayda , - kaval, supelka, duduk , - zurla , - dvoyanka , - kemene , different kinds of - tambura , - tapan and - def  are generally considered traditional instruments. 
With slight variations, garneta (clarinet), violin, oud, laout, canon and tarabuka and/or daire are typically part of the oriental instrumental ensembles called - Chalgii .


The traditional instruments are used in various combinations
- - Gayda (bagpipe) is inherent to the Macedonian musical culture, particularly villages -[ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ][ - 1 ][ - 1 ][ - 1 ]
- - Tambura is also considered a traditional instrument, although it was brought to Macedonia in the XIV and XV century by the Turks -[ - 2 ] - Kaval is typical macedonian - flute instrument with unique sound, the - Kaval and Supelka have traditionally been regarded as shepherds instruments. -[ - 3 ][ - 3 ][ - 3 ]
Above three instruments often are played together
 with some percussion instrument (tapance/daire/tarabuka)  
- - Zurla / - TAPan are typically heard at weddings and other social occasions on which people entertain by performing folk dances -[ - 4 ][ - 4 ][ - 4 ] - Macedonian traditional music has ubber-clasicall Size -[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]


Another interesting genre in the Macedonian musical culture is Chalgiya. In Macedonia, calgiya present an ensemble which employs instruments of persian-arabian origin tho as such earlier largely influenced by its byzantine neighbors, anyway in middle ages it became some sort universal balkan pop-music, variation of the traditional music spread through oriental ensembles that flourished mostly in the larger towns.  
today Calgiya is a typical old-town music i.e. "starogradska muzika", already having long tradition in towns, notably Veles, Ohrid, Bitola and Salonika...
As style chalgiya carries strong oriental influence, as reflected in the playing style, however in the course of time, the calgiya music in Macedonia developed its specific tonal dialect and expression -[ - 5 ][ - 5 ][ - 5 ][ - 5 ][ - 5 ], which later got further modifications eg. in Egean Macedonia where is combined with brass orchestras -[ - 5 ], or today as crossover with traditional instruments -[ - 5 ]  
Chalgiya ensembles were and are welcomed at weddings, religious celebration rituals (Christmas, Epiphany, Easter etc), holidays and fairs etc.


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 07-May-2012 at 22:03

In this place musical tradition has long roots, as long as human civilization which is confirmed by discovery of neolithic globular flute in village Mramor [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]


Macedonian music is often described as being a product of its unique geographical position, “a crossroads between East and West”. Although slightly cliched, this description is nevertheless quite appropriate. Situated towards the Eastern edge of Europe it was also under Turkish domination for 500 years until the beginning of this century and that influence is strongly felt in Macedonia’s rich and varied musical traditions.

The closest other National style would be the music from the bordering country of Bulgaria, particularly that from the Pirin region. Music of course does not obey politically imposed boundaries, and so the music of Eastern Macedonia and Western Bulgaria is alike, because is one and same ethnographic region. A distinctive aspect of the macedonian music is the of time signatures and internal groupings such as 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, 5/8, 12/8, 13/8, 18/8, etc. Particularly 7/8 is very commonly used.

Macedonian music is a modal drone-based music, however in XX century with the introduction of instruments such as accordion and guitar, and the influence of Western music the same melodies have been given a more harmonic backdrop. This Western harmonic approach has been an accepted practice for sometime.

The use of more traditional Macedonian instruments such as gaida (Macedonian bagpipe), kaval (end-blown flute), tapan (double-headed bass drum) and tambura (long-necked lute) is becoming rarer, however it is still possible to find among the older men in the community a small number who can play the gaida. This is not to say that there is no interest in the traditional instruments which are now mainly found in the villages, but they have gradually been replaced by modern instruments. The music is intrinsically linked with dance as there has always been a strong folk dance tradition, and much of the music accompanies the folk dances. This tradition of community participative dancing is still strong and very much alive. There is also a rich vocal tradition... -

This musical tradition has grown through ages cultivating and sophisticating its musical expression until has reached own culmination in the middle ages i.e. own classicism, and this days was best represented to the world by the virtuous Pece Atanasovski [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] The bagpiper Pece Atanasovski was winner at the World Festival in Sicily in 1968, in a competition of 1,800 bag-pipers from around the world. Atanasovski has also won first prizes in 16 other international festivals (Llangollen, Dijon, Nancy, Oslo, Leyden, Bracciano), and has lectured on original Macedonian folklore at over 90 universities around the world. One of his own masterpieces composed of macedonian musical motifs is Janino Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]


Macedonian Traditional Music is famous by its cheerful sounds and complex rhythms followed by improvised melody(called ezgija) and - syncopated beats [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] for what we are known as true and native jazzers, improvising long before jazz was born as we know it today, and although - musical improvisation around is not so uncommon, in the past in our yard became standard of everyday life existence because as people we had to be very adaptive to our geo-crossroad position but in same time standing firmly on our roots...   notable present-day representative of macedonian music between jazzers was Tale Ognenovski [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 08-May-2012 at 00:41

nowadays among best performers of our musical echoes are Orchestra Pece Atanasovski [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], Stefce Stojkovski Orchestra [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ], Kaldrma [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] and many other...

but also there are etno-classic crossover interpreters like Dragan Dautovski [ - 1 ], Anastasia [ - 1 ], Synthesis [ - 1 ], Baklava [ - 1 ], Monistra [ - 1 ], Ljubojna [ - 1 ], Petar Rendzov [ - 1 ]

all in all dont miss to listen our folklore! best place to be heard and seen is every year in may or june at Dolneni Festival - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] and if not live on festivals, squares, concerts or in gardens, parks or mountains, then ask for any recording that your host may have and enjoy while visiting the country! but have in mind that our traditional music later has became affected by XX c. instruments which are heavly changing the original sound, so look up rather for traditional instrument orchestras instead of electric or eclectic like most of the numbered on following link [ - 1 ] although if songs are played by pros still sounds quite good [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] but not as pure as traditional interpretations [ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-May-2012 at 19:11

Oro - Traditional Dance - [ - 1 ]

Could it be that there was a single original dance from which all of them evolved?...
I am sure that one of the original dances, after feet stomping or walking, was the simple: 'step, step, step, do something, step, do something' Macedonian "Pravo Oro."...
As different villages adopted some of the steps, they added their own styling and steps to finally incorporate them into more complex and varied patterns. -

Macedonian dances are exotic by flow and exceptional by steps supported with rhythms of Macedonian music [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]
except on weddings and public meetings, dances today are mostly performed as cultural shows which are slowly but surly moving the traditional dance oro to museum artifact instead of every day act, but in times of aggressive glottalization one can be glad that still there is way to learn and experience Macedonian Ora's which are "cultivated" by many dance ensembles in the country among whom - Tanec is - oldest , most - prominent and - rewarded [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]

famous men dances - Cucuk Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] - Kopacko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
Maskoto Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] south macedonian dance counterpart to Teskoto from north - Rusalisko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] - Oro Cifte Camce [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] - Oro Krstach [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]
Osogovsko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 [ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]            - Teskoto Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]


famous mingled dances
Pirin Flower [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] - ( - 3 )( - 4 )
Potrcano Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][3]Sitna Lisa [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
Zaramo [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ][ - 6 ][ - 7 ]


famous woman dances - Krsteno Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] Baptized Dance
Kucano Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] Wedding Dance also known as Pusteno Oro or Bairace or Zensko Berance [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
Mariovska Tresenica [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][5] Tremble Dance inspired by customs that women performed on Clean Monday before the Great Lent 
Nevestinsko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] Bridal Dance known as Zensko Chamche womans counterpart to Teskoto - Paidusko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]                            
Potrculka [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
Svekrvino Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] - Zensko Oro Krivoto [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

surely exaggerate in past decades folk ensembles repertoire has been rearranged with new choreographies that are also very impressive but in my opinion they are altering traditional dance in way as modern instruments do that to folklore music, sadly 80% of all choreographic stagings in Macedonia originate from Tanec, such are
Komitsko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][3] basic steps from Shtip region
Kalajdziskko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] basic steps from Veles dances
Gyurgiovdensko Oro [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] Easter Dances
Poselje [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] basic steps from Tetovo region

The Best Dancer I Have Met

Once, when I was quite a young and wandering man, still in the stage of the Seeker, when walking in the mountains, I crossed over a green ridge and came upon a huge, rolling and round valley. In the valley bottom there were some thousands of people, all dressed nobly, and dancing in concentric circles. This was the first time I had witnessed Sacred Circle Dance. The people and their sacred movement was so beautiful, my heart leapt alive to witness it and I said to myself: I have finally discovered it. This is what I must aspire to. This is the way to worship God.
Then I noticed circles groups of people on the rolling hills around the deep mountain valley. These people were also dancing, but they were also singing. And singing so beautifully! Ah! I said to my self, No ... this - this is the way I must aspire to become. This is truly the best way to worship God.

But then I heard sweet chorales and melodies and there, higher up, on the mountainsides, I saw circles of beings singing, swaying and playing such sacred music upon their instruments that it inspired the people below to dance the Sacred Dances. Ah, I said to my self, how wonderful it is that I have found this for this is the way I must aspire to be. This is truly the best way to worship God.

Ah, but then my heart stirred, for upon the mountain tops I saw the most wondrous of beings. I was sure they were angels. And the rivers of music and blessings which flowed from them as they glorified Lord was the source and inspiration of all that went on the hillsides and in the valley below. Ah, I said to my self, I am lost, for this, which I can never hope to become as in my lifetime, must truly be the way to worship God and to serve the clans of all beings.

But then my eyes roamed into the heavens and there, floating above the mountains and the valley, there in a sweetness and purity so bright it seemed to nearly blinded my heart and eyes, there were beings of power and light whose essence was pure music, pure dance, pure service of all beings and pure devotion to the Lord. My soul was filled with hopelessness and hope all at the same moment for I knew that, even though I could never equal the ability of these archangels to serve the clans of life and to glorify God, still this was what I must aspire to become like to fulfill my highest purpose on earth.

Then I heard a sound just below me. A whimper, in fact, is what I heard. And a sniffle. I looked down and there beside me on the dirt crouched a small girl. I believe she was about four years old. She had snot on her the cuff of her sleeve from wiping her nose. She was fairly smudged with dirt and grime. Her clothes were old. ill-fitting and tattered. And she was lame. She could not dance at all. Upon her face were soft tears which came from her heart as she witnessed the beauty of the souls dancing below.

I knew then and have remembered ever after that here was the being I must aspire to be like, for there was no higher way to worship than this. There could never be a truer or more authentic dance... -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-May-2012 at 20:12

many dances has own complementary song e.g. with Maskoto Oro goes along the song Filka Moma [ - 1 ], - Kostursko Oro with Dodek je Moma [ - 1 ], - Arap Oro goes along Zajko Kokorajko [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 etc., this paralel is flexible because for one dance there can be different songs depending on region of origin, or ussualy - with most of the songs is danced Lesnoto/Pravoto Oro (EasyOne/Direct or StraightOne) as simple everyday dance...

playing, dancing and singing are three forces in the process of creating folklore masterpiece, but their tuning-fork sources are also as important as they are, such are culture, geography and cussine, mostly responsible for longevity of our tradition! all of these through history were bonding macedonian ethnic code in way that today cannot be dismantle nor by wars, separations or politics, as long as there is will for living the tradition instead of putting it in museums, at least music should stay pure and unforgotten if everything else evaporate, and even no one it'll be capable to play and dance at least singing will remain live and same - coz as features of the soul word is endless and voice is purest emanation of eternity       

famous macedonian songs are partly listed on following links [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] and next video is mix of 5 songs from 3 main geographical regions in Macedonia       


among folklore singers in Macedonia respectfull status have female voices like - Vaska Ilieva , - Anka Gieva , - Vanja Lazarova , - Mirvet Belovska , - Violeta Tomovska , - Kostadinka Palazova , - Petranka Kostadinova and nonetheless famous male warblers such - Nikola Badev , - Aleksandar Sarievski , - Kiril Mancevski , - Mirko Mitrevski , - Zoran Georgiev , - Trpe Cerepovski , - Naum Petrevski etc. all of them performing traditional songs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] but also new adaptations or even own compositions such as famous songs of Jonce Hristovski - - Makedonsko Devojce , - Zasvirete mi Calgii i - Ako Umram il Zaginam
and among new performers outstands interpretations of - Elena Hristova , - Todor Proevski , - Vera Milosevska , - Saso Gigov , - Dobrila Graseska , - Bobi Andonov , - Aleksandra Mangarovska etc.

culture is idea of cosmopolitism best expressed by music as universal languge, here people were singing all the time, in good or bad times singing was substitute for laughing and crying, singing was and still is best way to praise God and life and to stay in touch with creativity, here singing was and still is way of cheerfull comunication instead of talking... as cosequence in this country songs are with plenty of different moods, in same time fairly simple but enlightening wise, even today e.g. traditional limbo song Naseto Selo [ - 1 ][ - 2 which in few verses talks about boredom, carelessness and forgetfulness   

important to notice is that as with - Orthodox Chrurch Singing songs are very alike or similar in neighboring contries because originate from same ethnological substrate overlaping around Macedonia as center of that cultural substratum, except that here in the core music was perfected in specific way or better to say practiced in rather different circumstances! it is well known that was challenging to stay calm in times like otoman feudalism or balkan romantism(second one still lasts) and here that was achieved only by chanalising all fears and tears through songs, singing was like easy burden carrier but also cultural strugal for freedom, similar as in modern times was reggae in Jamaica, just that in Macedonia every house had have own Power Singer instead of gramophone

also among cultural richness of our country is ethnic musical diversity and can be easly noticed by Roma people and their dance - Chochek and singers such - Esma Redzepova [ - 1 ] or - Muarem Serbezovski and brass performers like - Ferus Mustafov [ - 1 ], - Agusevi , - Cerkezi or - Kocani Orchestra but also chalgija performers as - Marem Aliev

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 18-May-2012 at 20:12

all folk songs from this place definitely owing gratitude to - Slavic Saints Cyril and Methodius for compiling the Glagolitic alphabet that with further development by their disciples it became the Cyrillic alphabet, they start to write on mother tongue of own native people that lived in Macedonia and spreading the Word of God through the world to tribes that had same or similar roots either by filiation, culture or beliefs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] by them we are named Slaveni (meaning famous from proto-indo-european word kléues meaning fame/glory) and Sloveni (those who have/know the Word) [ - 1 ], we praise their efforts on - church and national feast every 24th of may, giving them a credit for their sacrifice to literate and inchurch people in Macedonia and around the orthodox world...


in last post is given appreciation to traditional songs of unnamed genius, for that merit goes to folk-collectors & mythographers and their efforts for collecting and preserving the folk heritage as it was - Marko Cepenkov [ - 1 ] whose stories beside in written - today are passed also in visual form - except folk tellers we have many famous and acknowledged writers and poets from middle ages [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] e.g.Свети_Климент_Охридски - Saint Clement [ - 1 ] and - Saint Naum [ - 1 ] from Ohrid, and many other up until today...

over the centuries many writers had used dialects that today are forgotten although our language still has plenty of patois [ - 1 ] that in present republic of Macedonia had been and still are used in the songs and literature... this "undialectization" has started notably after Cyrillic alphabet was standardized in 1944 [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] but similar process surly had have been done even in the beginning when Slavic Apostles had took south macedonian dialect from Salonica as base for codification of the language and start passing it to north [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 19-May-2012 at 11:21

from romantic period, most famous poems in Macedonia are Serdarot [ - 1 ] epic poem from - Grigor Prlicev and T'ga Za Yug [ - 1 ] quoted in the first post as nostalgic poem from - Konstantin Miladinov who were inspiration for many poets after their time - most of them modernists like - Matea Matevski which poem is presented below, joined after by the song,_zajdi,_jasno_sonce - Zajdi Zajdi as rearranged traditional poem, just to point out how deep "can go" local melorecitation...   


Crimson. Crimson. Crimson.

Like a song carried off
into the blue sea
of mountains
the sunset

From the grass to the shepherd's pipe
from the flock to the cloud
all luxuriant

From chest to song
from step to fountain
everything is strangely

A flock enamoured of the shepherd's pipe
a bell lost in a song
an eye crazed over a - peony .

Crimson. Crimson. Crimson. -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 19-May-2012 at 16:51

The - Cultural Heritage department keeps the central archive of cultural heritage related material, which is open to the public as well. Information on cultural monuments, incl. photographs, drawings, plans, microfilms or textual documentation, etc., are at ones' disposal.

The - National Museum of Macedonia owns the - largest specialized library in the country, with more than 10,000 volumes from the field of art history, archaeology, history, conservation, restoration, architecture, urbanism, etc., which can be freely consulted.

Due to the insufficiently developed museum management and marketing, information on the museum collections and exhibitions can be obtained through the Macedonian Tourist Association and its affiliates throughout the country. This fact stands for the presentation and public access to most of the cultural heritage, which makes the promotion of cultural tourism difficult and thus - insufficient. In that way, National institutions organize different public events each year, among which is the - European Heritage days , for better promotion of the cultural heritage and raising public awareness on its significance and role in modern life. -


- -

- -

- -

On May 21st 2012 in Skopje, Macedonia, the Secretary of the South East European Heritage Network, will take part in the Celebration event of the World Day of Cultural Diversity. The event is organized by the - UNESCO Venice Office (its Representative Office in Macedonia) and the UN Joint Programme to Enhance Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Collaboration. -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 20-May-2012 at 23:21

I am glad that there is common page like SEEH above, coz only culture can dismantle the borders in south east europe specially mental ones like pampered childish possessivity of history or culture, only sharing can unveil true sound and colors of this region for start at least virtually and tomorrow maybe in united europe actually, proccess that is pushed by artists like Todor Proeski [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] who had succeed in unifying young people from ex-yu republics in today's western balkan countries after last balkan wars in 90's    
who identifies and who determines belonging to something? As often happens, we all look for artistic production which deals with these questions. And most often, we find a great number of its products. Then we represent them. And we say: „This is representation of identity, or this is proof of belonging to something.„ But is it always so? Is it that simple? All one can say about this is that, in effect, it only offers an „image” which is to be confirmed elsewhere, by some other subject or institution
what is important is not the matter of the presence of identity and belonging in art/artistic practices and works, but the matter of who determines and verifies those and how
what art or what kind of art is presented in Europe as coming from the Balkans (or south-eastern Europe or western Balkans). And is this the only art being created in the Balkans? Are those the only themes of Balkan artists? Finally, who determines the theme of identity (which always boils down to the sense of national, nationalist identity) and who determines belonging in accordance with what
„peninsular breakfast” as term is neither continental nor insular, it is neither French nor English, it is not only Macedonian (Balkan), Its use as a metaphor refers to every situation in which the subject is dependent on the other for determination and confirmation. -
sadly in the balkans is practiced ethnocentric instead of civic nationalism, because of as young independent state we are still dinied or refuted by our neighbors, because of we are struggling to justify our existence, because of generally all balkan nations are even spiritually divided although most of the peninsula is from same christian denomination, everybody has own - national church instead of one united orthodox church as open orthodox communion... that superimposition will colapse when all balkan nations will get rid of own - etnofiletism , which afterwards will lead to acclaiming right to Republic of Macedonia to call itself as its people want it, privilege that should and has everybody that live on this peninsula! this strange aspect of our life is best presented in the documentary - A Name Is A Name which speaks about paradox like the name dispute between two(tomorrow maybe three) neighbors that its not enough we have adjective as Republic for someones - exaggerated score politics ... this just points out why still exists terms like balkanization i.e. if it's difficult to easily unite those with same or similar background, what to say then for those with differeces!? despite all unlike mostly preferred ethnocentrism on the balkans, Macedonia is true multicultural and strongly tolerant place, nevertheless low GDP or high uneiployment (factor mellow mood mentality) that at least can be optimistically seen as insurance for - most creative rurality and maintaining long time after - culturaly safe envinronment


even though new democracy Macedonia is pioneer in constructive legalism i.e. officially in our constitution there are no minoryties only nations, not one or two everybody are recognized as nation, refreshing move in mostly egocentric europe that is considered as future model for multiculturalism in eu, also e.g. Skopje is only city in europe where christians and muslims still live together side by side accepting own differences like oriental music assemble that eats burek in the morning and baklava in the evening, normally - turlitava and - shopska for lunch... so our nationalism ends with loving our own(and common) rather than imposing it to others, but politics and media twisted this to pride instead of love while struggling to won some ephemeral elections thus ruining for ages builted multi-ethnic coexistence    
nationalism was more pronounced amid politicians than the masses, masses don't want conflict, even while imposed and controled conflict went on decade ago, there was no crisis point, this is a sign that multi-ethnic sentiments are already inbuilt in Macedonia, which has always been multiethnic.
Branislav Sarkanjac, a professor in philosophy, wrote this book Komsi Kapicik, it's a Turkish term and it means a small neighboring door, in earlier times each house in Macedonia was separated from the other with a wall that had a door in it - kapijik.

in Macedonia, these doors were often between two religions, too, so it Komsi kapicik became traditional Macedonian logic of co-existence. And it would last another 2000 years if politicians don't set it afire

today we are trying to maintein open these passages mostly through culture, and best way for that is as allways with art e.g. movies like - Before The Rain from Milco Mancevski as '90s portret of balkan tragedies - awarded with the Golden Lion for the powerful cinematic experience filled with gorgeous views and poignant tales, or the War Is Over from Mitko Panov - first Macedonian state-funded film that was shot in Albanian language , or songs like - Raise Up Your Hand from Kiril Dzajkovski or bands like - Bla Bla Bla that breaks stereotypes and - understand multiculturalism as way of life instead just as 'exclaimed intention' as such usually observed by our naturalized analysts [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]  


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 24-May-2012 at 13:14


Enlightening Simple portrait from - jAnna - - -
Strategies to bring EU close to the Macedonia - -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 24-May-2012 at 23:00

because at the same time - elusive ,,america_at_war_in_macedonia.html - covert and - obvious crossroad , one can easily find way in or way out of Macedonia, only irony is that today routes are slowed down by nowadays borders and strife funding of - pan-european corridors VIII which is still local and X that is completed but needs improvements in railway part, hopefully to rise train travel time til - 2020 to 180km/h

except modern roads, we are also part of ancient paths like roman Via Egnatia - that was older retraced route [ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]   


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 26-May-2012 at 04:26

[tube]8DAkPbKF9jU[/tube] - [ - 1 ]
The first railway on the Balkans was the railway between Salonica and Skopje, built in the 19th century. [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]
The railway network of Macedonia comprises 925 kilometers of tracks, of which 315 km are electrified. [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]
More than 2.6 million passengers use the services of Macedonian railways each year, and over 5 million tons of goods are transported by their means.
Macedonia's limited rail network means that it's not a country for 24/7 train travel, but - the Bitola to Skopje line allows the possibility of a break from road travel, with the bonus of some attractive scenery along the way, passing through - Pelagonia Plain. Leaving the tobacco fields of Prilep behind, the line heads past the fortress of Markovi Kuli into the mountains of central Macedonia. From the Babuna Valley you may catch a glimpse of the boulder slope of Solunska Glava, the highest peak in the heart of the republic. The main Prilep-Veles road follows a different route far to the east, and the villages along this part of the rail-line feel quite isolated. At Veles the mountains are left behind and the track follows the Vardar River to Skopje.
There are four trains daily between Skopje and Bitola ( - 3.5 hours ), but depending on the time of year only two or three during daylight hours. -

beside - Bitola-Skopje also scenic tour is - Skopje-Kicevo in the past til Ohrid (maybe in future til and - around Ohrid ), hopefully with - Steam Train on it! in 2015 is scheduled for completion the route from Skopye to Sofiya, one more to be added to the railway scenery in the country... and for now with unique expirience reserved still for eastern europe - you can open windows !

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 26-May-2012 at 23:00

Sleep-dream inception Skopje 1964 - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

.                                                    - meteo , Fortress, - mob , Church, - central bank

Day-dream culmination Skopje 2014 - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 - /u - ]  constructions started in 2010, scheduled to be completed in 2014 as unconscious facelift-gift for the 50th anniversary of UN engaged city reconstruction after disastrous Skopje earthquake in '63, actually this is impetuous urban regeneration that attempts to put - too cheerful layer to the - failed brutalization from the past, among other it can be seen as - link between all urban layers(old/new/clean/kitsch) that exist in the town...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 27-May-2012 at 23:00

There are some 10,000 kilometers of roads, half of them asphalted, from which 1000 km are main routes. A modern highway 176 km in length, extends from Macedonia's northern to its southern border [ - 1 ] The road system carries over 35 million passengers and about 7 million tons of goods.
The - route from Prespa to Ohrid via Mountain Galichica in southwest Macedonia was recommended by the world’s leading business magazine Forbes as one of the top 20 scenic drives in Europe. The route is along narrow, windy roads, that take you past apple orchards and a bird sanctuary round Lake Prespa [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], and then up into the Galichica Mountain, and through the high Livada Pass. A short walk up a nearby hill here offers views of both lakes, Prespa and Ohrid, simultaneously. -

for precise navigation use - AdriaRoute or - mobile GPS for general

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 30-May-2012 at 20:12

Transport - - one can choose common options like taxi, bus or train-tram, for now with most reasonable prices in europe, or try some scenic approach [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that in the capital is most appropriate with the JSP city-bus fleet of - retro double-deckers [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] also there is always option for renting some oldtimer for city-cruising especially in small towns or - villages (just ask for zastava 750/yugo/101, fiat 126/124/1300, reno 4, citroen dyane, trabant, buba or moskvich) even cheaper option than the standard rent-a-car, but without insurance though this is outstanding way of sensing the spirit of the place e.g. in Skopje where time didnt stop with '62 flood or - '63 earthquake , but stopped in the transitional '90s as it has stood in the next clip from 1993


It’s generally a good idea to find taxi either by phoning a well known company (or having your host or hotel do so), or locating a cab in a visible taxi rank. Avoid lone cabs, and especially avoid taxi drivers soliciting tourists at bus or train stations. [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] -

Traffic regulations in Macedonia

- right-hand traffic.

- Speed ​​limits
in the local area: 50-60 km/h
regional routes for motorcycle and car: 80/100 km/h
highway: 120 km/h for motorcycles and cars, all the other vehicles on all roads 80 km/h (except for trucks with trailers or lorries over 7.5 tonnes and buses that transport children: 70 km/h)
tourist Tip: Keep strictly to the speed limits! Especially in the summer months can be expected with continuous radar control.

- Parental Control
Children under 12 must be transported in the back seat.

- Light during the day
Year-round mandatory for all motor vehicles.
tourist Tip: If you want to be on the safe side, prefer low beam lights during the day, as daytime running lights are sometimes tolerated.

- Requirement to carry
In addition to be carried association package, warning triangle and safety vest, also must have a Replacement Lamp Kit(except for Xenon or LED lights). Furthermore, bring a second warning triangle for trailer, also tow rope was required til year ago. On the subject of safety vest : Each person entering the road or the verge of setting up the breakdown triangle, must wear a safety vest.

- Alcohol limit
0.5 parts per thousand (0.0 per thousand for professional drivers)

- Mobile phone while driving
Allowed only by using a speakerphone.

- Winter Equipment
In the period from 15 November to 15 March, all vehicles must have:
* Radial tires on all 4 wheels and winter tires on the drive wheels
* Winter tires must have a minimum tread depth of 4 mm
* When driving with summer tires in this period, snow chains must be carried in the vehicle and pulled at the request of the police.
* Bus and truck drivers must carry a snow shovel.

- Use of studded tires is prohibited.

- Penalties for traffic offences - -

[tube]NmxF6KaAsXc[/tube] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Gas Stations in Skopje - -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 31-May-2012 at 11:21


Macedonian Cuisine - what to say except, Nazdravye (to your health) - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ], just watch out - overeating is common although macedonian cuisine is not too heavy in its raw traditional form, it could be said that is - rajasic , still have in mind that today meals are prepared as too spicy, fatty and roux, on top all of this extra loaded by the Macedonian Sun, normally that leads to soulful satiation on everybody's satisfaction!
Macedonia has a long and praised tradition of culinary delights. Over the centuries, many civilizations have enjoyed the produce of its fertile soil.
Having avoided negative influences of urbanization, Macedonia remains the agricultural heartland of the Balkans, filled with a wonderful variety of foodstuffs native to both Mediterranean and Central European climates.
In fact, few countries as small as Macedonia can offer such variety of products including everything from citrus fruits, grapes and hazelnuts to tobacco, rice and mountain teas.

- Appetizers a dairy producer Macedonia is well known for its cheeses: soft white cheese Sirenje [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] similar to Greek Feta; yellow cheese Kashkaval [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], similar to Italian Locatello Romano; also is known for its yoghurt and milk, coz every Macedonian village offers unique and tasty local varieties.

- Pastry ...try Banitsa aka Maznik a filo pastry, Gjomleze aka Mlechnik a milk soaked pies, - Zelnik a pastry very similar to banitsa but the difference is the filo and it's thicker, Pastrmayliya a sort of pizza topped with meat and eggs...

- Salads ...Ajvar the national sauce made from ground sweet red peppers, Makalo roasted peppers with garlic, Malidjano grounded eggplant with garlic and mayo, famous - Shopska Salata made of sliced tomato, cucumber and onion, topped with shredded soft white cheese, Taratur sour yogurt with cucumber, Tikvichki cold zuchinni, etc.

all three above are used as - Meze an aperitif snack, that lately in - our restaurants is offered as Daska wooden plate with salads (heavy d'oeuvres), usually goes few for table bottledivers and one more for the road... finally to stimulate appetite, in the beginning of the meal take Feferonki pickled peperoncini - a balkan chilly - full of capsaicin

- Soups ... - classic as elsewhere but typical are stew-like soups such Ribya Chorba(fish) and - Shkembe Chorba

- Main Meals ...try Macedonian dishes like Kukurek slung or chopped lamb tripe i.e. famous macedonian Lumb in million ways, polneti - Modri Patlidjani aka Aman Bayaldi a vegan filled eggplants similar to Polneti Piperki stuffed capsicum usually filled with rice or rice with meat, same principle is with Sarma just the filo is warped with leaves of grape, cabbage or chard, Selsko Meso chicken or pork chops with champignon mushrooms in a rich brown gravy, - Tavche Gravche baked beans, Turlitava meal counterpart of shopska salad that is macedonian vegetable stew mix of bamya+garlic+onion+potato+plums+squash+tomato, the same meal filled with layers of ground beef or pork is called Musaka, there is also various kinds of grill or roast meat among whom most famous is Sharska Pleskavica but if you ask me Kyofte is better although is ground meat pate (for vegans is made from zuchinni) and is more similar or can be compared to Kebap... also dont miss fish delicacy like - Cironki from Prespa, - Krap from Prespa or Tikves, or - Pastrmka from Ohrid, etc., most of this meals are easily prepared by any housewife here, but today this privilege has any cook elsewhere [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]   

- Desserts and Drinks ...ask for traditional deserts like sweet pastry Ravania, Gurabia or Pitulitsa, but also puddings like the antique Rechel made from grape, honey and pistachio or Sutliyash the oriental rice desert, also try the - macedonian apple pie that is represented as Pita or Tikvarnik which is filled with pumpkin pate, nevertheless raw macedonian fruits [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] is what you must taste... as rule in the begging or in the end, as greeting there is turkish coffee that when is sweetened with honey is becoming macedonian and always served with Lokum gel from starch and sugar, or sweetscakes like the world-famous Baklava, Tulumba or Alva last one flour-based cookie with sugar or honey... instead coffee often are served traditional juices from Bozel(elderberry), Borovnica(blueberry) or Vishna(cherry), that regularly goes with Sweet Fig [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] and Berry Jams [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] or Honey [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]... last but not least, to speed up digestion, in the end of the meal take one cup of,ft-drinks-ingredients-and-their-nutritional-value - carbonated soda like the famous macedonian soft drink Gazoza(pear flavor) or the famous mineral water Pelisterka...

although there are still street hawkers who sells juice, candy and icecream, its a pity that there are no more specialized kiosks for juices and soda known as Limunadzilnitsi that are still among my cache of childhood memories notably the one named Vardar that was near the same river in the capital... today fruit juices are sold together with the famous sweet beverage - Boza (fermented wheat) mostly in confectionery shops countrywide... instead coffe or juice more common as greeting drink in muslim communities as elsewhere is Turkish Tea and in some cases Salep a pudding-like beverage that is similar to Sutliyash, both bestrewed with cinnamon...

Macedonian cuisine combines mediterranean traditions, influenced largely by oriental tastes that prevailed during long centuries of ottoman rule. Some specialties, salads such Pindzur peppers cream salad or Pivtiya aka Pacha a cold cut brawn, a dishes like the grilled ground beef Kebap and the omnipresent pastry Burek a flaky sort of pie filled with ham, beef, cheese, spinach or mix of them, or Gevrek a circular boiled and baked croissant with sesame seeds... all of them characteristic of the Balkan cuisine in general!

Wines of MAcedonia - - [ - 1 ] [ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]
Wine has played a central role in Macedonia at least since ancient times, when the ruling emperors favored its grapes. Thanks to an abundance of sunshine, Mediterranean and continental breezes and rich rocky soil, wine grapes thrive in Macedonia. They are so ubiquitous that many families make their own stash. St. Trifun, the patron saint of wine and winemaking, is celebrated on Feb. 14, when growers start pruning their vines [ - 1 ] that in a way is beginning of wine festivals through the year among whom - oldest and - largest is the one in Kavadarci and specific but less mardigras is the one in Skopje - ... when toasting have in mind the tradition that you taste, archaeological evidence of wine production in Europe is 6500 years ago verified by broken shoots from Macedonia [ - 2 ], drawings of grapes and grapevine have been found carved in stone in the archaeological places Negotino and Kavadarci, this tradition continued through rule of ancient macedonians, slavs and later ottomans up untill today, MW were mostly exported in Europe, it is known that it has been exported in the 19th century to France, this is picturesque described in the famous Macedonian song - Biljana platno beleshe ...
our wine was also well-known in ex-yu, where two-thirds of the total wine production of Yugoslavia belonged to Macedonia, then 28,5ha in Macedonia were under grape vines and export profit was around 30 mil. euros a year [ - 3 ] while today we have 23ha of vineyards, with an annual production of 150 million liters and exports of 120 million liters of wine... Macedonia by wine export was twelfth worldwide in 2008, according to the International Association of winemakers (OEM), the bulk of exports, 70 percent is placed on the German market as draught wine, and the remaining quantities of wine are exported as bottled wine mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and small quantities in Poland [ - 4 ], but the best is kept home and is celebrate with songs like - Dafino vino crveno , - Nalei nalei nalei , - Vino mi se pie , - Aide vino piam , - i Aide pak vino piam , - Vino piam em rakia , - Turi maiko turi ...
as a general rule, stick to Macedonian wines which are mostly inexpensive but with good value, particularly the red wines from the southern wine-growing region of Tikves. And I heartily recommend - Skopsko , the local lager... [ - 5 ]
Some of the most popular indigenous Macedonian varieties include:
- - Vranec – by far the most popular red wine among Macedonians, popular brands: Tga za Yug from - Tikves , Imperator from - Bovin , Vilarov from - Stobi , Bucephall from - Fonko , and inexpensive famous Vitach, appropriate with meat, cheese, tomato salads etc.
- - Stanushina – indigious to Macedonia, producing uniquely Macedonian wines and are a “must try” for any visitor, popular brands: - Macedonian Girl from Tikvesh or Rose from - Popov , appropriate with green salads or lite sweets like puddings
- - Temyanika – one of the most popular white wines in Macedonia (with bozel), popular brands: Temjanika from - Kamnik , Muskat from - Skovin or - Imako , appropriate with fish, white meats, soft cheese and all deserts
also dont pass up the wines from balkan varieties, processed in the - local wineries , varieties such Kratosiya, - Prokupec , Skadarka, - Zilavka or Smederevka, the last one is mostly used for the macedonian liqueur Mastika a spirit flavored with aniseed and mint similar to Vodka... spirits here, commonly called Rakiya as zolta rakiya(colored) or bela rakiya(white), made from all grape varieties, are famous worldwide as best homemade ethanols, but also there are commercial names like the macedonian brandies, the awarded - Antika 5 , - Grkov vinyak or - Traikovsky brandy that is in the base of mountain Kozuf famous for the - Mine of Alshar ... Tip: alcohol can harm your health if you dont balance between our illuminated prices and your unlearned appetite [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]
... - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2012 at 20:12


already mentioned above, the mineral water - Pelisterka is as - Foltin from the same town of - Bitola , the south part of the republic, where is bottled in the base of - Baba mountain that after its highest peak is widely known as Pelister, from whom is named Pelisterka... today Macedonia has - 16 brands of bottled water, among whom Inaqua is saltiest and Ilina is sweetest mineral water, but still Pelisterka rulz... as mountain region Macedonia is rich of fresh water, that is more enticing when it is tasted right from its springs, waterfalls and rivers - [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 02-Jun-2012 at 22:14 -    these are The Remains of Skopski Aquaduct built in VI c. by Justinian I as water supply system for his hometown, that were in use til XVIII century... it is one of the three largest in western balkan [ - 1 ], 10km in length, from which today after the world wars and '63 earthquake, remained only 400m for wandering visitors to scratch some dust for home blessing what actually its not rarely coz our Aquaduct is left as some forgotten tourist bastard its not animated even for skopyans to jay the day on coffee table normally they have the duct to hope on thus legal~wild~archeo~openair~joint for all (without tickets too) so try pull some acoustic instrument with You (or maybe You'll find it there) and try the flow and the breeze on that 400m memory of our local late antiquity I'll say coz erected by Tsars Will its more precious than any other You'll touch in this valley of eternal memories In 1669 the traveler Dr. Brown has noted that the Aqueduct is a wonderful old object, which brings a great respect to Skopje, historians also quoted the famous chronic from the period of Justinian Procopius, who notes that it was build between 527-565 AD.

its worthy to be noted that sKo(no)pje was and still is blessed, with the one of the cleanest tap water in the country, that is drawn from the spring Rasche near - mountain SCG north of the town, where is located the spring Lav(lion) in village Gluvo, which fresh water was supplied to old Scupi via the Aqueduct... in this village hade been found the first local mummified body, that recklessly had been left to decay, but as cold comfort there are few other found across the mounStain [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] that means it was popular place even in early antiquity, and its not coincidence that Justinian choose exactly this place for water supply, although there are more closest springs like Koritishte near the - cave Vrelo in the - cAnyon Matka , nevertheless it should be taken into consideration that both places, SCG and Matka, were considered as Holy in the middle ages, settled with over 30 Monasteries in each One, because of what it were broadly known as - Small Mount Athos , though I am still in doubt if this epithet was for both, one of them or whole of Skopski Region, yep whole ... so be clever dont act stupid when stroll around it can ping back causality pong that maybe You are not prepared to dealt with eg. ex'domesticated but now'wild wandering dogs to catch You for a thumb or an head!, by default case if karma mirroring hit the bell, even more cause we've put a lock on our Metropolitan Dog Residence for all strayed local dogs so now whole City is theirs freedom house that yeah can bite without warning if things get inbetween the lines ...

so unlike today, in Antiquity supplying Mountain Water to dowNtowN was quite original, as in metaphysical so as in its physical approach, except maybe the bottling in glass that was and still is common not so unique thing!, still in modern Macedonia most of the tap water is from one of the cleanest mountain springs in EU, and generally drinking water in whole Macedonia is prime, in some areas equivalent to mineral water...
tap drinking water in Macedonia is safe for the average traveller. If you are one of those fussy types, who have never allowed their stomach to harden to foreign bacteria, then drink the ubiquitous bottled water, and avoid drinking from mountain streams and water fountains. Water fountains in towns are usually from the same source as tap water and therefore safe. [ - 1 ]
btw be super clever and Always Bless The Water if want to get most from it [ - 3 ][ - ][ - 3 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ]    

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 05-Jun-2012 at 23:00

best way to see Macedonia is by - Paraglider , - Hangglider or - Glider , normaly in tandem til one meet the winds and place!
Macedonia has - dozen flying sites that are regular hosts of balkan, european or - world cup's in paragliding ...
and although aerial sightseeing is available in all - spatial regions [ - 1 ], still best sites for this kind of exploration are regions of Pelagoniya[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and Polog[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], and for most skilled maybe it would be challenge flyover between skopye and ohrid, only once hovered with paraglider by the pilot from the glider-link above... however, whatever site or approach is chosen always consult someone - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]...

if not for flying, there is always room for - Speedriding in our - modest but unique ski resorts like - Kopanki on Mount Pelister, Galichitsa and Golak, - Smrdliva Voda on Mt. Kozuf, - Stanich on Mt. Bushava, - Mavrovo on Mt. Bistra, - Ponikva on Mt. Osogovo or - Popova Shapka on Mt. Shar, the last one with the famous downhill/super-g track - Tseripashina with 800m vertical drop and 3,16km course length, where have been held for 40 years the FIS - Sharplaninski Cup and where are located most profuse hiking routes in the country - [ - 1 ]...

the - Shar mountain is among highest in Macedonia and native place of the eponymous dog - Sharplaninets [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ][ - 6 ][ - 7 ] macedonian shepherd dog, today featured on - - 2011 post stamps , it was brought up in ancient times and it was Alexander's personal guard-dog known as Peritas, his favourite pet beside the horse Bucephal... also Shar mountain is considered as europe's most butterfly diversified place, incredibly populated with - 147 butterfly species , even though -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 06-Jun-2012 at 23:00

for the wingless tourists there is miraculuous comfort through bird watching accros the country! Macedonia is abundant with birds [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] and bird watching is becoming more popular tourist attraction, that is mostly organised by - BSPSM or - local operators mostly on Prespa and Tikvesh Lake where are located the largest strict natural reserves [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] or alternatively can be part of european and national projects for birds studying with - MES , although there is always good organized but expensive multi-country birdwatching [ - 1 ], and in the end if this looks too complicated, there is always casual way to enjoy in birds medley, particularly on the shores of lake Ohrid where can be seen white gulls, sometimes rose gulls, pelicans, cormorants, swans, gooses, ducks...

in this area fascination with birds and flying is old as time, birds are depicted on figurines from neolith till nowadays, e.g. the one found in village Porodin near Bitola 6.500BC [ - 1 ] or Icarus from Ohrid 200BC [ - 1 ], later in middle ages this practice is characteristic for church frescoes, icons and carvings, or through traditional songs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], lately on money and stamps [,_1996-_pozadina.jpg - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and maybe tomorrow as Winged Lion (not griffin) on our coa-emblem, because the Falcon along with the Lion are considered traditionally as macedonian symbols... this connection except with figurines, zography and songs, is also acclaimed by the Macedonian male names, from antiquity as Hierax and today as Sokol, that are native names for Falcon... also this could be compromise for Macedonian Albanians which symbol is eagle, thus symbolically finding common ground instead difference... in past centuries it was popular believe that the eagle as symbol is also our tradition recognized through byzantine two-headed eagle motifs, that can be mostly found on church emblems, but falsely accepted this is - - only the Cross was state symbol up until komnenos and palaiolog dynasties that accepted western heraldic practices. few centuries later after the byzant fall this symbol as royal stamp or allegiance to byzant tradion, was accepted by the orthodox church and further by balkan kings that had identified themselves as byzantine inheritors as it was e.g. Skenderbey, Karadjordjevich, Njegosh i.e. today Albania, Serbia, Crna Gora... nevertheless eagle is also native symbol and in - antiquity was used as well as it was case with the falcon, but still in hunting hawk was main bird as it is today

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 08-Jun-2012 at 12:13

it must be noted that as standardized codex, heraldry in the past was untypical for Macedonia, although there are many coats made abroad drowned from local symbolism [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

yet even today we are not running for western heraldry, that is evident by the latest national emblem, which is landscape composition [ - 1 ][години-со-социјалистички-амблем - 2 ] surrounded by domestic plants as macedonian poppy and tobacco plus cotton and wheat, cultivars by whom we were and still are famous for (before and after industrial revolution) [ - 3 ] the grape probably had bad year then so it was left-out, this makes our emblem still socialistic [ - 4 ] but today without the star, solely original along with other municipal coats [ - 5 ]

it is also rarest example of insignia in the world, that had been punked for few years in continuity, as fart sketch in the political cartoon show Ednooki (cyclops)[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] aired on few national tv's in the past years as spitting image gig, normally this was not accepted as offensive expression by the audience - first coz as nation we are cheerful mellow mooders - second the show is public airduct and third it is produced by an clever kontrabanda [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] early in SRMa this calming role of mass brain-boggled massage was pushed by magazine the omnipopular Osten (goad) today turned to its roots again a - world cartoon gallery and contest which for 40 years is held in Skopje [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and had probably influenced the strip-art community in the country [ - 4 ] which members e.g. are co-creators of ednooki [ - 5 ] altho more expresed as web than tv artists, maybe coz net saves more time while pays same, even more if we are bombed by turkish soap stars">

maybe all of this has affected the creativity of local authorities, who had uniquely sewed up the local boundaries that have been - introduced in 2004 e.g. skopje has - shape of butterfly and skopye region - shape of human heart , even abstractly the capital is spreading and pumping our existence, in both cases truly symbolical shapes of our cultural and economical state in the country...
maybe tomorrow as support to the skopye'14 revival, authorities will redraw some new silhouette e.g. the forgotten sharko Peritas who didnt get chance to climb beside Alex and Bukefal, that can be marked to - the city center map , or maybe his analogy should be left to - the state borders ...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 12-Jun-2012 at 11:00

country like ours, its best to be seen as place where literally - culture is shaping the landscape , even virtually as - thematic map , timeline or connectivity-line, on which will be presented some local life aspects i.e. hip-hop in Macedonia that speeds up our forgetfulness of our true cultural genes, still it would be lesser damage if this was established as freedom of speech instead freedom of lust, in what has turned rap music today, in our idiom - gumeni bomboni (jellybeans), something that early was rather - exception than a rule! its pity that there are no more labels like PNGT from whom in'90s has emerged bands like - Chista Okolina or - SAF followed later by - Mosaique


although good, in present age emerged gmo-labels like - Zort , - - DNS , - - Os h - av , - - - Gnasni Deca , - - folk shund and - - '63 earthquake ! after the independence and transitional introversion backed by work idea-less, but most of all - also in 2007 G usher rigorous fiscal policy thus improving loyal concurrence, so now city life emphasizes the idea of celebrations and festivals over - minningles hangout , although this revoked the dullness of street-drinking, local gatherings or rat-race habits, on which V-homeboys strike back with european laws as time-limited public sell of alcohol til 19h, and prohibited drinking in public places...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 13-Jun-2012 at 23:00

if ur not coming to balkans as cultural tourist, as is sugested in 5th post early, and came only for - o'ti'um , then ur missing the best opportunity for - contemplative tour of life! its shame that hosts, particularly tour operators, although have art excursions to arch.sites,sacral places,monuments etc., they dont give opportunity to the guest for direct cultural if not spiritual experience (national or religious feasts), this is left as improvised step in the programs, thats ok only for young people!? there are some offers like Galicka Svadba but those are too artificial events that almost looks as exponat than real wedding, still traditional if not else, but there are no offers for true fests, as is for example - Ilinden [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that is both cultural and spiritual feast, which lacks only better - flower-fireworks on the balconies...
this approach it would be even more questionable in future coz of constant economic and consumeristic rush, that influence our stumbling upon world globalization, long process by whom we were, and still are, taken as voluntary hostages [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], thats why our cultural fields -from day to day - more and more- are becoming freedomless savannas, quite simply explained in the song our - Afrika from sk-ska band - Superhiks or cheerfully stressed by sk- - o'regō band - Kanon in its song ait - izLezi , people get out of rat-race mediocre trap! definitely best portrayed by belgrade PiBiK in - O'kako that as greeting is singed for, in and on macedonia/n...
...although our society is not too technocratic, while chasing EA integrations it is becoming more and more like it, as extra formal and less actual commune, if could be said communa at all, coz we live so separate that maybe only city plumbing is left for accidental intercourse [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] or eventually through street shoe cleaners which finally got its own monument located on the - 1920 skopje korzo

isnt something missing in this picture? people, no one notices or cares that should have happy shiny shoes, so in a way we are also tourists in our own country, seeking for knowledge and experience that we watch how its passing by, although not able to truly see it, our attention in transition have been trained to focus on tele-vision gaining self respect from tv consumption, habits that position us - 2nd place in europe ! so with closed windows we have become forgetful for regeneration and sharing of our local traditions, and living in a box became our daily reality, instead the opposite a beyond the box true reality that is the invisible world behind this material world who gives substance and meaning to our life! shamely Most of us had forget to sing, play and dance macedonian motifs, that is even more terrible when we find our self talking with foreigners that have this ability, and start arguing that We all know the path but We have better things on mind like salsa or katange or maybe frappe of both! that’s why we need constant refresh, about how much to abandon from the material to gain in spiritual, if we want to keep live and fresh our local watermark, yet as most of humanity today we are also blinded coz inability to interchange this paradigm, thus not recognizing why, what and who is who in this age of possessive individualism!

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 15-Jun-2012 at 13:06
Skopje as whole balkan is Body Without Consequences [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] although most of the guests observe it as cause for consequences [ - 1 ][ - 2 ], actually how foreigners look at us is more media spin than the real picture, they expect eider eastern or western society, but what they meet is "go-with-the-flow" mentality, crossroad where all is mingled in one, east and west + north and south i.e. compatible with the - slavic meridian + - south-europen parallel ! simply this place cannot be molded in someones compas and instantly trowed to the passing hiker, its place with own compas that can be found mostly in the sunny songs, music, dances, food, stories, language, dialects, also along with orthodox church singing or its modern interpretations [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that are strangely catchy even for us who are born here... still for those who are lazy or lost there is always some community advice - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] or foreign video-card though


as long as I can remember, - every morning there was radio-active jingle that triggered every happy day in the city of skopye, city that was regularly refreshed only by city-praise songs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ][ - 6 ][ - 7 ][ - 8 ][ - 9 ][ - 10 ][ - 11 ] (last one remix of one of the - 40 traditional songs for skopje ), coz it was almost hardly done in some other way, definitly as result of the urban brutalization that stoled - old skopye mood after the quake, town that at the end of 19th c. had poppulation of 30k, then three times smoller than - old Bitola for example, although those two towns along with Salonica were largest cities back then in Macedonia while it was under otoman rule, the first and the last kept growing while Bitola was wiped out - by mistake in ww-II but mostly through three years of constant bombardment in ww-I coz it was gate to the forgotten - Macedonian front [ - 1 ][ - 2 ], it is curiosity that even today there is some amount of leftover munition that is regularly digged through some reconstructions or excavations, as it was finding of - 80kg forgotten dynamite in the skopye stone bridge or - 31 unexploded grenades in bitola's korzo, so have in mind that ur avanturist while walking in largest macedonian towns, but dont worry its not so dangerous situation as is e.g. minefield or bombshell leftovers form recent wars in ex-yu republics, happly then we were - oasis of peace that today became oasis of controled anarchy as on political so as on cultural fields, probably this is mainly coz we are becoming consumeristic egocentrics which fuel is shiny advertising!? this could be also said for this tread, if is observed as pamphlet and not as - someones storytelling ...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Jun-2012 at 23:00

above oasis article the one before last link, is little over-exagerated although in many aspects true, still its posted decade ago, when we were at the beginning of the end of posttitoistic transition that almost tear apart the country in all aspects, from economy through politics till culture ending with instructed conflict! it was time of hedonistic apathy that in '90s was mostly amortized by western carrots like new tv's, freedom of speech, opportunity for civil society, crossborder collaboration, chance for own business or idealism, times when we were happy if someone got brand new doc martens... and then came along cellulars, playstation and internet, that immediately introduced the feeling of global village where normally everybody got lost, specially the mirc generations that today become allround facebook addictives! yet I miss the pager period of my life, when you'l get a message on which werent obligated to respond not loosing own integrity!

back to the point, today Macedonia is far away from 90's regional instability, corruption or crime, this is also confirmed from foreign authorities [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], today Macedonia is - more safest and equipped than many european countries taken perceptually, even tho we dont have their standards, maybe coz disparity between the reach and the poor is not so dramatic as is elsewhere, so we rarely fall in despair having more empathy that envy among citizens! maybe we are not in temptation coz our billionaire are immigrants [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] and the rest of wealthy Macedonians are not more than local-size entrepreneurs [ - 3 ] or maybe we are encouraged by modest entrepreneurs that as artists bring confidence in our society in a more normal way than any local sultan's candy-store e.g. work of the animation studio - fx3x [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], that along with - mikrosam are potentially most perspective private companies, normally if they continue to invest further like - mikrosam in its hi-tech , but also if dont forget on their predecessors like - vardar-film or - euro-composit , as all of us remembers and learn from own tradition... maybe this sounds like cheap advertising, but still for us another big success of common people for now in small country, tomorrow maybe in larger like eu, this points out to our potential that needs more manufactured outsourcing and nlp management, in mean time we must stay focused just to ensure maximum support from our older brothers...


when it comes to tourism we are not place for elite one coz we are reachable place available to common people, as should be place where Christianity blossom, but mostly as hidden gem instead of popular bijoutery, truly authentic as is whole balkan! and its better to stay like this! on other hand active and mass tourism like its practiced on seashores, will make us to become minority in our own country of 2 mil. thus our tradition it could completely fade away, or in best case this can happen with our tranquility and wilderness, pumping up lots of garbage and decadence!
definitely - cultural direction in tourism can be achived only if we live for it i.e. in it, with consciousness for our own potential, just we need to speed up some approaches immediately e.g. our behavior to the guests which although among citizens is on distinctive level yet among salesman is lacking the needed politeness and hospitality, that lately is corrected by public guerrilla campaigns - [ - 1 ]

...independent and hard working people with ancient roots, that in - titoism became significantly lazy-clever as it was - itar peyo in the middle ages, people that today are - keen to become western vassal heroes similar as in midle ages was - krale marko to turks, are people that tomorrow may become again truly free and self-sufficient, sharing own beauty only to those that truly needed it, coz its sin to cast the pearls in front every wanderlust nomad, though dont take me seriously I'm only thinking aloud about my fears for - world that reach strange crossroad [ - 1 ]...  -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 20-Jun-2012 at 01:01

in between or after all when visiting Macedonia, its normally one to be boggled by historic fama, about who is who, why and where is actually located on the balkans, peninsula that should be called (logically as in whole ancient world) by the largest states that flourished there, such as Macedonian, Ilyrian or Byzantian! ( byzant is also foreign naming that actualy was eastern empire) or eventually if its looked as geographical term then as - Dinar Peninsula after the Dinar Alps that stretches from Postojna Gate in Slovenia through - Dinara, Moracha and - Shar -Tsar til mount - Pind in Macedonia, though dinar is also rather roman than local name, as is the term - Balkan which actually means - balcony , although many falsely believe that its turkish term meaning - blood and honey , although in ancient times the balkan mount was known as - a mount - between macedon and thrace that meant blood, where once lived the famous - - indigenous bronze age cultures from this peninsula, had reach its - - ethnocentric assumption from romantism, that even today is perceived as normal to everything from antiquity here to be asserted with greek or greeks, term that in macedonian means someones who snores(grchi), those who are not understandable, same as they in history pointed at us like those that were babbling thus for them -


one thing is fact, that here on this peninsula as always races and tribes mingle in same stew, but still they inherited and kept the main ingredients as it was the - heliolatric cult [ - 1 ] around whom similar tribes joined later in macedonian kingdom, or further e.g. Christianity as religion has united everybody in bizant... this base gives own specific taste to the region, and althought many world conquerors passed here, still those who stayed got - assimilated by the local cultures , and if we generalize Macedonian Culture is mix from all ages from neolith til today, while our south neighbors recognize it as slavic, that as such is not false at all, even more, epithet which is also true for them coz btw except here southern -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 22-Jun-2012 at 05:22

to understand Macedonia is same as if one is trying to resample - distant mosaic from long historic highway, on which everyone that was born here, passing by or simply wanted to be part of, has added own mark, direction and in many cases numbering e.g. nowadays population statistics like nativity origin by genes [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] which even tho scientifical still sounds like silent nazi aproach of counting uncovinient neighbours [ - 3 ][ - 4 ], also be aware from the meaningless of modern interpretations that refining of old traditions imposing it as definite e.g. my door is shiny and yours carved badly while theirs painted strangely and thats it, like the form above all is even more important than the essence(the wood its usefulness or the - vis-a-vi handicraft carving ideas)...       
maybe best way to get clear picture about the genezis mosaic, is one not to bother too much with autobiographical detailing, as it should with storytellers views! and when seeking info from someone, firstly learn what kind of ability and affinity has or have the local judge: an acrobat, an juggler or a clown, and maybe then he/she/it can get close to the pure spring of local wisdom, for me the Orthodox Christianity that again and finally should unite us here on this common balcony! more strangly even tho we have love based faith, - nevertheless all theories about etymology, Macedonia was known as geographic region by whom the local tribes that united their forces got its name, latter becoming first european empire... too large legacy to be carried only by one tribe today, thats why I can freely say that on this peninsula everyone are Macedonians and can freely call themselves as one, but not doing it so, and in same time forbidding to others to do so, is not action from the light and enlightened!, same if today europeans are forbidden tomorrow to call themselves as they are or like! culture is and always will be concept of tradition and not on boundaries!
and before some one franticly reacts, just remember I am storyteller, how relevant let everyone decide by himself, and in the end if someone get lost or confused, its better not to ask me for further directions on this historic highway, but rather skip mine and go after others on it! just stay positive if you want to be enlightened at the end, that actually is the beginning... once we stop looking back in time for accusation or confession, just then we might learn something from the past! and is strongly recommended, on our local paths, instead the brain to listen to the heart, that says - only ting that matters is freedom (but not so the historical or physical, as the cultural and spiritual, coz only way to transcendent is to love and only free people can freely love thus sharing and not be selfish) still although ridiculous in balkans even today can be found countries dreaming that they are authentically-closed, tho all europe is full of prejudice [ - - 2 ][ -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 25-Jun-2012 at 07:40

stories, history and archeology, all of them if observed as - cultural antropology instead physical, can offer enjoyment exempt from the historical sparkling, especially while visiting but even more if living here!
in opposite lite there is the - physical approach of anthropology, that for this peninsula suggest racial dominance or interchange between the white and black race after the ice age i.e. between pelasgians and achaeans [ - 1 ] theory mostly backed by martin bernal in his work black athena [ - 2 ][ - 3 ], from this approach is also derived the Panslavic theory, lately also subdue to revisions [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]


Slovens, despite the theory for slovo and slava as ethnonym, official science recognized them as sclavini that is general term more as toponym than ethnonym coz it was used by the bizantines in away as earlier achaeans used the term barbarians [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] definitely Slovens lived and live here, nevertheless the cultural or physical approach of the science; that by the first one they finally settled here in 6th century, mingling with and assimilated by the natives; by the second approach they were natives here; and in between is the theory that they Slavians(famous one) in 1-2c.BC flee from here after roman cleansing to north and east (romans struck from south) and came back in 4c.AD after fall of rome and rising again of the east empire in face of byzant, thus in this case they - easily accepted Christianity as similar believe system like their heliolatric past...
...though more adequate info for the previous post, at this point is interesting to be noted that when Constantine acknowledged Christianity as state religion, he devoted seventh day for God and in honour of his ancestors from naisus called it dies solis i.e. Sunday [ - - 2 ][ - arrogately even today both Samoil and formed by him OA are disputed by modern bulgarian historics as macedonian, something like brits to say that washington is theirs, ridiculous but hey we dont bother as they are [ - - 2 ][ - in my opinion first page of our struggle for identity, even more important than earlier puzzles i.e. more important than the ancient pride coz its root of our slavic Church and our slavic Cristianization, bulgars got trnovo, srbs pech, and we ohrid as spiritual center, tho all of them still waiting on greeks to recognize us so they can too(as in public so as in church politics) - even greater paradox than previous, that maybe - which like many other artifacts in time of balkan wars sailed out from here, maybe justly coz others were trying to destroy it [ - in their age of ethnic catharsis [ - - 5 ] or our struggle to survive - and post-industrial - finally its difficult to draw clear line of the cultural affiliation between the tribes, still bulgarians were more distant to us than serbs back then, coz they were established by - - abolishment of OA in 1767 officially didnt had chance to identify itself, nor as Christians of Ohrid Archdiocese coz it was banned, and from then on were considered or counted as member of neighboring churches, nor they were able to identify as Macedonians coz back then in ottoman era censuses were based on religious affiliation and not on ethnicity coz the -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 30-Jun-2012 at 21:44


later in balkan romanticism even tho every neighbor introduced itself as rescuer of macedonia and macedonians from ottoman empire, they just swept the turks, that can be seen from theirs estimations for population in then still turkish macedonia [ - 1 ] in which everybody counted the natives as own population, although their appetites were largely supported, acknowledged and directed from elsewhere, thus I never accuse my greedy brothers-by-faith as main culprit for the ethnic cleansing in and dividing of Macedonia [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]... such easily possible after our premature - ILInden uprising in 1903 that was intentionally and recklessly pushed by pro-bulgarian fractions among the macedonian - Voivodi from the famous - internal macedonian revolutionary organisation - - VMRO who leaded the footsoldiers Komiti ( - komita is macedonian guerrilla soldier named by the middle age title for duke - komitopul, or maybe derived from the local name for wine pomace -комина - komina ), all of this altogether with earlier - Macedonian Insurrections weakened our strength, so later in the balkan wars we became even easily manipulated with promises that never saw the day til we didnt get chance for new unification in wwII, that was supported truly by the - - cpg also gave open support but eventually withheld it, and in the end of wwII coz we were backed mostly by parties from former kingdom of shs we have decide to join the yugoslav federation, although this affiliation to and from our half-brothers from north, might got different course today if in that same federation had entered socialist bulgaria [ - 1 ][ - one of those macedonians probably as repentance for his notorious past while he was in forefront of vmro, help to be determined the wwII course when through the brits in instanbul hinted the soviets for the barbarossa operation timing, of then their nazi allies [ - - 2 ] who on the other hand symbolically started that same war with marseille assassination in 1934 [ - - 2 ] organized by his pro-bulgarian vmro, that although once before him was - - 1 ][ - from the last link on p.191 - eventully more like contracted mob org, that as trigger is even responsible for the serbo-croatian envy in wwII, that even today evoke emotions, tho incomparable to our own sufferings and casualties that those mobsters had or helped to be done here between its own brothers, actually he and those like him, as already noted above, were pro-bulgarian oriented, seeing autonomous macedonia in auspices of bulgaria, a not so conspirative act as it was naive belief that then the bulgarian kingdome is their true supporter, coz many macedonians were part of the bulgarian government and parliament, as it was premier andrey lyapchev, ironicly if they were suporters why his predecessor alex stamboliski made - Macedonians are not pure bulgarians, but something between bulgarians and serbians [ - , actually if one observe closely our neighborhood will notice that macedonia is link between serbia and bugaria although different as e.g. asserts - victor friedman , who is underlined even by greek historics, that Macedonian as balkan language contains many dialects transitional between serbian and bulgarian [ - really rare exceptions from our south neighbors in our modern history stretched between the freedom for own identity, own church and own prosperity [ - - 2 ][ - - 4 ][ - (soth-slav) federation, as one of the six south slavic republics(with rom&bul should be 8) til its dismantle in 1991 when we became fully independent but kept the - republican polity , and although distinctly marked as - Republic of Macedonia still from then on an eyesore for the neighboring balkanism [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] hilarious situation that suggests how deep goes human possessivity although we all share same world, life and hopes, plus in our local balcony same faith, culture and economy, definitely someone wants to hold us back never to unite again, as we were in antiquity or later in middle ages, second time it lasted for 1000 years in face of eastern empire known as byzant, common ground that today is also consumed rather as dividing instead common point, I hope not for long coz as Christians we are obligated on true love that always forgives and forget all wrong no matter what, and as neighbors we got only each other if we want to survive the upcoming world economic challenges, still first of all everyone need to overcome own fatamorgans or maybe own blind emotions if not their xenophobic barricades...

quick tip: if you want to spent your time around as wandering tourist, know that you'l need more focused time, lot of talks and traveling, just to get glimpse of our history and euro-limbo way of life that can be observed straight [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] or neglectfully relaxed [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] so beside the casual and cultural, there is always extra opportunity for histo-political tourism, but more like improvised research than organized event, that luckily only lacks the - danger element , as is also case with the ex- - war torism , a hidden option like it is stated in the second part of post - #39 , that is even more improvised than the casual tourism here!, and better to stay like this coz the hosts might get too emphatic over it thus atracting bad attention due to the old wounds of balkanism, that will heal only if all of us find common ground, at least with the earthly belongings e.g. if not from epoch of miocen [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] in the ice age, then in its end from the paleolithic time [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] although it would be fastest way to surpass the differences through our common spiritual ground Christianity, but angaged above local-patriotism i.e. ethnophiletism, or above the law of diffirences, if till then europe is still the same as we know it today...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 04-Jul-2012 at 12:14

want more dont loose your self and for sure fasten your seatbelts, if ur interested in modern macedonian history, coz its a bumpy road without - spare bulb kit on it, oddly which can be still found if ur here mostly in confectioneries like - shekerezada(peculiar one) or apche(a sugar pill) so u can soothe any bitter incisiveness along the ride... in the beginning must say that all roughness in the end is smoothed easy when one understands that must obey to the spiritual principles that brings quick and steady harmony e.g. in our modest history there is very significant orthodox feast a Day of Forgiveness (Prochka) the first Sunday of Eastern Lent that is necessary condition for all Christians to become or stay Christians! it is a golden mean between our sorrow and our happiness, coz of what as individuals but more as collective we not tend to be vigilantes thus truly forgive, even tho many dont forget the atrocities that were against us, which is only ok to be remembered how can prevent them not happening again, beside this it would be ideal if media would stop recycling those painful memories as bestsellers, still as institutions must admit that today we'r little bit more forgetful awkwardly repeating or aloving one and a same mistakes to roll around, as is the case with the regular ambushes of our presidents, that are probably just kibernetic guilt that could be easily overcome if is uncovered and located as such - - a war of the worlds conspiracy ...
also unlike in most of the world, we celebrate our defeats as most precious freedom ideals, not like struggle for pride and victory, but as sacrifice for freedom, from 1014 over 1903-1913 til 2001, always keeping the awareness that even in hardest times we are victorious coz at least we are trying not to give up i.e. - that the sacrifice is one of the most respected virtues in Orthodox Christianity... even today we are subdue to this virtue as nation, when maybe - culturally we fought our battle of all battles, where as believers we should defensively withstand all the pressure for selfdinail or surrender so we can become otan/eu member i.e. idealism vs materialism, pressure that officially last 21y. since our independence as republic, when our neighbors decided that although they didnt have anything agaist us for the last 50 years while we were member of sfry, sudently they convince themselves that we are threat, so immediately jumped out managing own macedonian identity from toponims, airports, etnicum, brands, etnonyms [ - 1 ] special war in which that if in the begging of the past century assimilation was their main method, in the end of that same century this speciality is pushed with substitution, which for us is ordeal similar to don kihote and the windmills, especially coz our political representatives have consensus that euro-atlantic integrations are irreplaceable and only roote for our future (tho enforced option with multiethnic fuse) where normally we will stay in the waitingroom couchette until we get hungry enough to become compatible for official selfdinial!? in a way I'm thankful to the greece coz they are stopping us to become members of globalized(eu) or imperialistic(otan) clubs, where even tho we are not members we participate within them like some supported grant for our stability as we were surrounded from all sides by talibans, nevertheless this situation could be seen as stance like sisuphos paradox that will end once we understand that this rock we carrying on is not just burden which could be sold, but sapphire that should be kept as sacred stone which could be only shared! still our neighbors become so greedy, that only politics they have left on this matter is - - , oof its not their fold and I dont blame them, only thing that bothers me is - do this identity battle - should continue politically and hold us as virtual hostages endlessly, or should be fought mainly in the historic books and against propaganda machinery falsification that faction around for at least 2 centuries, trying to assimilate everything that they feel as own, if you ask them they will say as always, yeah even in the paleolith!
all of this altogether with all our past, push our strength to carry on even tho we are pressured til our limits, speaking politically, but we are used to it and almost addicted to it, and if stays like this only let it be with less hatred and more understanding, as all of us knows what means to be imprisoned, broke or abandon, a situations that is surly sliping out from our yard, hope it would from the others too if they had learn their lesson    

this pressure is also spread within our dear Macedonia, from spies, quislings, renegades, even borg-o-ids a modern type of mercenaries, at least not so active as they've been in the past like when as irony - few years after ASNOM in the new socalist republic of Macedonia our first president Metodia Andonov Chento was imprisoned by his comrades (and died as consequence) coz its unsuitable views for right of macedonians: on self determination, self management, independence and right to continue the struggle for United Macedonia, or probably mostly coz its motives for free economy under eastern or western protection [ - 1 ] conspirativly observed as result of our pride and stubborn views on yalta agreement, as nation we became prisoners of our freedom ideals, and as insurance that Macedonia would stay obeyed then to the central in belgrade, titoists hold back our economy at low rates, coz hungry people dont have plenty time for uniting or agitation, dictatorship that used all possible methods of political correctness and purification of our society, not that we were only who suffered under the communist regime, still only one that after own independence were again targeted through its president but now in 1995 when was organized assassination attempt on the first president of the democratic republic of Macedonia, car-bomb attack suspected that is act of patriot punishment motivated by - betraying of the constitutional name and flag (the attack was in the eve of greeko-macedonian interim accord when socialists agree to change the flag that was accepted few years early - , cant imagine which was more terrifying for him, the expired chance for new fed. or that the oil parade will stop... so gligorov pushed by eu, issued immediate stop to the un-embargo-violations that til then had helped serbia to survive the '90s oil crisis [ - ][ - ][ - ] thus he became target as for domestic so as for neighboring groups, ideal timing for assault so it would be hard to determine who is behind it, and even today the case is,,3733197,00.html - unsolved yet closed , as is also case with his successor our second democratic president Boris Traikovski who - died in a plane crush in 2004 while visiting bosnia, the case is closed and officialy is pilot error accident, still all circumstances - points to murder , especially the one that night before his departure he left the marking in the Bible on the - 35th Psalm ... also many local groups from the conflict in 2001 dont lacked motive, when as chief of command he was most responsible for the defense of the country, thus helping quick resolve of the conflict through the - ohrid agreement (many dont had that in mind) agreement that put end on our artificially ethnically-divided past in the country already explained in post - #24 , then maybe, there were also foreign motives coz Boris also as Kiro was mason! maybe not free, yep they were trying to build few presidential residences -( - )- joking! actually they were awarded with - , kiro in '97 [ - ] while boris posthumously in 2004 on the commemorative session in the macedonian parliament, tho he already got one in 2000 from the order of kcmg [ - ] so it could be freely speculated that they were both attacked eider coz betrayal of orthodoxy or disobedience to free masonry, tho its offside speculation coz kiro is attacked earlier and boris was protestant, whatever is true its fact that our country leaders consciously or unconsciously are becoming sworn western allies, as is also case with our last president George Ivanov that holds also maltese cross [ - ], only our - Branko Crvenkovski, - , managed to stay without public masonic mark, maybe coz he was awarded by our local-size entrepreneurs from post - for its positive role in the post-socialistic privatization of the public capital!
all of this suggest that moldern macedonian leaders juggling quite easy, when it comes to most frightful job in the world! to be president is same as to be national warble if not parrot, that choose between life behind doors or adventure in forest, tho our last few were concrete-jungle riders with regular big smile...


despite our arduous freedom, in this land assassination were normal occurrence as long til early antics e.g. death of phillip II of makedon, still more frequent than normal in the dawn of romanticism when - macedonian terrorists e.g. planned assassination on the - turkish sultan or executed the king of greece in salonica-1913 and latter in marseille-1934 the king of serbia, however not so important from this distance tho then pretty big issues... from similar aspect but revolutionary, today most remarkable thing in our modern parliamentary democracy, that could be found among few in the world and none in europe, is real existence of revolutionaries in the public assembly from all major ethnicums, some of them although as historic affiliation still officially expressed as - IMRO-dpmne , and some of them unofficial but acctual, today reformed as - dui , one popular belief is that all of this is due to the destiny here to be - ar-magedon i.e. the land of makedon, tho I hope this is just misinterpreted theory of the bible revelation...
and if its any comfort still our modern history didnt bring to us such sufferings as those that got our ancestors in the past, maybe only larger burden is that as free macedonians we are in front of our false dilemma: should we stay own on our own, for what many generations gave their lives, or we should deny-nagate-forgot our selves, so we can rush in the promise land in face of the european union, already stated above a choice between idealism and materialism, that could be also used as compass to understand what kind of country we are or why we'r not so progressive i.e. more enjoying collecting songs than instruments...
quick tip: stay away from meaningless argues upon balkan politics and its endless history of violence, just look for quick references to avoid wasting unnecessary time, like local https:/// - timeline of '90s or - timeline of 00's that could serve as snik-pik in the mirror-peak that shaped our way of life... so our short independent history is also full of intrigues that added latino feel to our glowing atmosphere, where intuition spreads through air, that is regularly refined as trach(rummor) by-product which after is spread through radio mileva - a gossip girl that can quickly become spy if start messing with politics when is becoming kodosh - a pejorative for rats from our socialistic past when spying was obligatory to alsmost half of the country population that helped - to maintain firm behavior in the republic, happily today their successors act mostly electronically so the atmosphere is more clear than ever, still our big brothers cares for all of us 24/7 as are their -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 04-Jul-2012 at 22:32


as main reason for our turbulent past, as a rule always is dumped our economy, that is extra argument but in the real life politics is not the only screw! many believe that if we had better standard that we could have less corruption or better life, yes, but also more opportunity for decadence and violence, coz when with this salaries we are recognized by the world as happiest hedonists what to say if we were like greece for example, we could indulge ourselves til apathy, sadly which now shakes them, but it could easily buzz us also if we continue to stimulate our economy with constant consumeristic approach, method that is promoted in the last 10 years as one without substitute, quickly doubling our external debt for a half, tho we are still in the range of BB+ aka junk and fortunately climbing just up...
our economy is small but stable, that was immune even to the world and latter to the european recession, we menage to overcome all obstacles without any danger or big difficulties, hope it would go on like this, only we lack turbo-busting of - small and middle companies , their cooperation and standardization, which is in effect but out of balance...
by quality of life we are not among the best - yet above the average , but sure among free ones coz banks were pretty suspicious in the past and after last world economy slump even more doubtful, - in future maybe even further , so they didnt issued freely or constantly their credit lines, thus keeping us of the consumeristic hook, stimulating real spendings but in same time busting the grey economy and bad statistics, that again might be overrun if not by loans then only with - communes ...

Macedonia with its resources and laws is ranked very high, few years in a row holds the title 3rd best reformer in the world i.e. third most improved economy in the world, this year moved 12 places from the 34th to the 22nd place [ - 1 ] and going further at the moment on the,-fyr/ - 21th place in the world bank doing-business-rank... also it holds - 44th place on the economic freedom index [ - 1 ]... even tho Unemployment is a serious issue here, probably coz we had risen our level of expectation from balkan to euro salaries (today we are in,_2008-2011.png&filetimestamp=20120424085138 - level with bulgaria ) i.e. young people expect european carfare but with balkan prices... still its bearable life even for the poor coz our balkan prices of goods, food and bills are ten times smaller than those in europe, excusably coz tolerated infringing and parallel market goods, believe me its not comparable neither to many balkan countries e.g. with - our current minimum wage of 250 euros per person one family could live steady life, mainly in larger cities where incomes are regular which couldnt be said for - our rural areas , tho I think there are also regular in one or another way, coz we are mostly patriarchal society living in close ties with our relatives from usually big families that tends to hold each other, tho lately this is becoming more questionable due to the pronounced materialism and compact family approach as main guideway, a contemporary lifestyle apart the rural areas especially in large town like skopje where its citizens leave little space for homogenous survival, that eventually should be compensate by - ngo activism ... Officially unemployment remains high at 29.1%, but is definitely overstated based on the existence of an extensive gray market, estimated to be between 20% and 45% of GDP, that is not captured by official statistics [ - 1 ] unemployment early even higher but in the last few years with rapid decline [ - 2 ] and although - yet we'r still calm as public opinion when those splutter numbers are in question coz all knows that this is too deceptive, but investors are simply astonished when they found article like this, chewing only the negative effect and not the opportunity for open european place that have low investment costs, from taxes over salaries til prices! to be honest if those working abroad seasonally or permanently dont send checks back home, the statistics would be more than true... for this situation main culprit is 1993 method of - management bay-out privatization, when public capital was privatized through oligarchs than real managers, truly backed by our secret service clans and their arms a confused local politicians, which unlike the politicians in other countries from socialistic transition who strive to be noticed for not stealing, our without a single exception aim to steal without being noticed, so the cycle was complete and the circle round tho it was mandatory our managers to be postulants of the regime and mostly with low quality of knowledge, honour to few, which adaptability to the new economic game was debacle for our country, but sure cheap opportunity for them by devaluing the companies to easily bought them off, in same time pumping out that capital instead reinvesting it home, normally most of it transferred through of-shore banks so their families later would be safe from court readmission... blow that loose our belt for around 15 to 20billions if not more! still there are other factors e.g. before the independence, our companies produced for market of 22 million people in former Yugoslavia, and immediately after that the market slumped to the local 2mil. coz our managers didn't find sustainable ways to open new markets, also there was the greek embargo, neighboring yu-embargo, then the constant regional instability as bumper for greenfielders etc. maybe while we were in the southslav union, if titoist's had been more generous than greedy, or more civil than militaristic, or more local than - maybe if, as result today after 50 years we could have strong economy backed by complete infrastructure and vital urbanization, that would have withstand any external or internal economic tsunami which had struck down here since our independence, still this is not excuse for our transitional incapability
transition, a too hard economic crossover for us, when many banks became pyramids and many companies empty barrels, when the system was hole for criminals and corruption was like saying good morning, people hm they were just statistic in our academic crosswords! finally slowly but surly we are getting out from it, keeping only the grey market habits for now as not so distant practices that eventually will become just old fluffy memories, but only if without doubts people understand that being registered and paying taxes is for common good, process which now is fastening with - decentralization means...

despite the numbers and year to year expenses that rise faster than the salaries, we can survive only if we revive our productiveness or if we attract extra green investments, that except with reforms, are chased globally with campaigns like - or are helped by others as own marketing benefit - Guide to Doing Business and Investing in Macedonia which at least got extra photos in their booklets! aggressive in attracting foreign direct investments, we are quickly emerging from the regional mud with prommising - push-pull strategies which wasnt case til recently when we were mainly selling-out our golden chickens as investment cake, a hopeless move that was carried-on by every government in-the-past!
from this stance when compared today with old eu-member like greece, it could be said that we are more capitalistic than they are, ironicly we have left in state possession only the roads, dams, powerplants, water, land, air and people + maybe few looser companies that cant be sold, everything else is in private hands, tho coz of their crisis greece is open for - quick sell of their state assets! to our surprise this is also opportunity for macedonia that we've been waiting for a while coz russia and china announced we're definitely coming in... its only question is this just false hope or true goal, in that case they will invest largely in whole balkan - its on sellout - thus helping euro to become stable and even stronger than before, and coz strong euro means weak dollar then weak steering-wheel for usa, as consequence usa need constant instability in this region in one or another way, so it could keep europe in hand i.e. could keep own market share, this is solely their old observation that "the real threat to european security (read-global autonomy) is likely to come not from the confrontation in central europe - as in the past - but from the political instability in south-eastern europe" [ - ] also frоm this aspect could be observe the american - tо greece, to falsify their debt and deficit data reports but when needed it would be used i.e. when the dollar was half euro and china was seeking quick way - ultimately weakening further the us-economy, suddenly someone pull the mask that unveiled the greek cross-currency-swaps which little by little forced greece to come to the point when in the MORning of 01.05.2010 simply announced: good NIght euro, tho most of the union is still trying to wake up from that nightmare that followed constantly throwing saving belts to its inception*** [ - 1 ] this may sound like delight - on , but isnt, firstly I dont use pejoratives like Fake GDP or - GDP, second if greece went bankrupt we are the first neighbors that will feel that, and third foremost the main point is - will usa concede burst of russian and chinise capital here... and maybe if not definitely, this is all just another predetermined move on the globalization chess board, in which as economies we are just reminiscent pеons trying to attract some cooperation and attention, in our case for now mostly through cake commercials     


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 06-Jul-2012 at 23:00

if after all u decide that from traveler become investor or u know some one that can benefit here, dont worry, just introduce u're self as manager, at least u'l get free tour around!
u know every single macedonian is born missionary salesman, so when trying to bye something big but cheap-dirt, know that ur on the right place, coz everything is on sale how we can sustain own unsustainability, not joking after we sold all public assets til 2000, afterwards we started to sell whats left already numbered above, luckily til now there were not many interested costumers...
sadly our selfesteem is on prehistoric level when matchstick would be revolution, yet in similar way we got it even today e.g. in alshar [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] but waiting others to ignite it and use it, yeah we will make them sandwiches and give them break massages while they exploit the mineral, yep i also think is over-exaggerated that even alex exploited it for the - ancient macedonian shields and latter he made L depots from it in the himalayas...


ah is there any eh ih oh - football game to be sold its boring to wait on annual state sale-off, latest unbelievable was -90% off, they were giving up the state flag!
   - to start with I disagree that roads should be sold! if they can they(the authorities and their academic advisors) would sell even ancient road, in a way its like selling own life decisions! and is truly understandable that the government wants in this way to refurbish or complete the large and mostly needed infrastructure, but what kind of independence is that, where in your yard someone else is holding and benefiting from your trees, even he planted them!? our reckless and forced need for modern infrastructure by any price is really self-depreciation specially coz in no time in eu those routes would be covered by the union...
   - other spill is our open sell-out of land, tho we had not reached bulgarians yet where brits are buying whole villages, but if there is any interest ours will be sold for sure, so we can overfill the country with all the nations from the world, at least we have room for them in our preambule - pardon its not ours its on our inc. country club, where e.g. mining industry is becoming one big concern - anyone can ask for exploration permit and after easily get concession for exploitation, this is like selling some family member on licitation so the house can cover its extremely ludacris style, oh this year we need new tv, hm lets sold one of the kids!? as grannys are in shortage!
   - then there is the water just name it u could open bottling plant even on the mountain top! or maybe u want own river, no problem for us is just like another sister that is replaceable, at lest u will respect its purity and beuaty...
   - air ok that is free of charge if u have some surplus pollutants coz ur investor, even its ok if u want to polut the dense populated areas, we have quite working example in the usye factory 5km from the center of the capital, tho if u have desire its manageable to install ur chimney without eu-stndardized filters at lest untill u paid back ur investment!
   - people oh they are disposable in tons, u know they can work for subvalue wages coz u know we train them from small to ask only for warm bread, dont give them restful dream coz might become as in socialism day nappers thus u'l get strong syndication, just peel them out till there is only idea, normally that will bring u extra free profit, and dont forget u got 0% taxes on it!
   - poweplants and dams, dont ask for them - - reserved seat for the chinese mustangs ...
   ...and if in the future, by any chance, u dont like it - money back guarantee, always ready to return or dispose anything where and when is needed!


only hopefull scenario for our country, despite the imported green fields, definitely is joining some union, and if thats not eu then maybe - economic eauro-asia in which scenario more and more analysts are seeing us, early it was popular street solace if eu dont need us lets sell ourselves to usa and become their 51 state, a too frantic hope that yet in some way is true for kosovo which is supported mainly and largely by nato where they have installed their european - 30km north of skopje, today not so taboo as is area 51, tho bondsteel is among few largest usa bases that they have abroad and largest in europe close to 7 regional airports around that were-are-will serving it, still for now with its regional otan headquarters not more than just another luxurious mil. resting camp that eventually will be strategic watchdog coz near are passing by two energetic roots their - and their rivals the - worst case scenario we could become switch-er-land that from elections to elections will make or brake unions as is needed, simply putted "chavkata odkol nakol kolot vgaz", its local anegdote about the acrobatic skills of hesitating crow, that in a similar way were practiced here since the early balkan wars by our legitimate or illegitimate political representatives!
there are another new concepts like economic union between tur, gre, mkd, alb, ser, cg etc. yep extra local market still little to unrealistic, tho surrealism is normal occurrence in our life e.g. in our country as party symbolism - socialists are colored blue and - capitalists red , then their political concepts are for socialist more right and capitalist behave as leftist i.e. free for all healthcare, free spa weekend for retiree, computer for every child etc. not that anyone bothers but its confusing for foreigners that expects the usual european patern, distinction that points out that we live in different europe where its not obvious who is who, maybe justified paradox coz we dont belong naturally to the western system where rome and its successor england werent too favorable to their eastern counterparts in the face of macedonia and latter byzant, thus from the start building different - eudaimonian concepts, and beside the manners also this could be simply acknowledged through present etymological contrasts e.g. IL here means light there illness, sin here means blue or son there transgression, slava here is glory there drudge, dar here is gift there dark, and oppositely e.g. their love here lov means hunting etc. maybe this is result also coz we have more heavenly i.e. patriarchal way of life than in the west where its more earthly i.e. technocratic, tho if is looked simply like more spiritual than materialistic it could be trap coz the the first developed monetary system in europe in antiquity was practiced here as in ancient macedonia so as in byzant, thus some parallel that we were as always more favorable to spiritual paths is exaggerated, at least - something completely different as mentality that is very hardly subdue to - rate-race scenarios i.e. mellow mooders that dont care too much about money e.g. regular question from foreign guests is - how can you manage every day after work to get out partying or cheering at neighbors gathering!?, simple!, - living day by day , more spending less saving, always searching for little happiness mostly through hobnob friendship, maybe its due to the mediterranean climate that from all south-europeans made modern hedonists recently recognized - e.g. maybe only in the world with images of Most Holy Marry and Archangel Gabriel + the Phoenix Pavo, but also - poppy flowers, isis, cerberus and maenad, it could be eloquently said that those are unsuitable choices for banknotes, if anybody cares for the feelings of the faithful which are condemned to trade with holy or unholy images! yep go with flow mentality...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 13-Jul-2012 at 06:13

our destiny is like our interpretation of cosmos! tight word with ancient etymology as - in order translation, yet in Macedonia in our vernacular dialect with literally meaning - a slanting bridge - kos most, interpretation that also could be taken for fact about our existence i.e. in ancient times we climbed to the top but eventually we had to get off, normally its ridiculous to sit always up there, coz its not only our bridge but also its boring if ur always on top, especially in the earthly and ephemeral things as governing, taxation, customs etc. best thing from that period that emerged from here is the compulsion for sharing knowleChdge that was central idea if not ideal of alexander coz of why he didnt implanted intimidating mechanism of governance in the macedonian empire, thus - he was remembered as cosmopolit that always gave three days of consideration to his people, army, conquered, disobedient or ruled, when he had different stance about their actions i.e. never enforcing fear as prime measure, tho as result his dream didnt existed too long as one, non-expat conspiracy, simply it was too cosmopolithic concept back then, when ironicly was dismantled by those that should be also example of it - his - diadochi who were also in forefront of the - wedding of susa when symbolically was united europe with asia... approach which was not at all case with latter imperialists from europe e.g. with romans who practiced pretty rigid rule on top with pronounced slavery, thus they didnt had need for knowledge that could lead to freedom or progression of subjected people - actually main reason why is burned the famous alexandrian library... back to the bridge concept, latter in byzant we got again chance for climbing but now on even higher bridge that isnt and cant be build by human authority but only from God itself for is the bridge of Christianity where all of humanity is welcomed to pass over, but the thing is that this bridge is connection to the real Heaven instead of the earthly one that alex had in mind, tho in his life he learned that he is not match to The Father when accepted that his statue cant be placed in the Temple of Jerusalem, as states one of the legends [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] action that symbolically was crossover gap between the paganism and Monotheism in a way that even mightiest among ancient people had accepted Yahweh who finally gave us the Māšîaḥ - Yeshua as our rescuing bridge to Him and in remembrance to His Son our orthodox church is using the given name - Hristos that in our slovic form is also used as Risto - Ристо the Lamb that with its Sacrifice again Restored connection between His people and His Father, name that in its spoken form lost the CH - X prefix that had been used in the early Christianity as - Chi-Ro - ХР - Christogram ... then somewhere by the way as the given name Hristo become Risto today Risto become modified as trendy western influence known like Krist-o-ian, now used here also as elsewhere, obvious globalization has own privileges that dont bother me at all - as is bothered from it my silent mechanism of traditional processors, when e.g. the most characteristic macedonian name as sacred traditional value, although is not left behind but litle by little its loosing its roots! recently I found it was not just flighty trend, still the essence behind it is what matters! however this bridges can be climbed even more literally, if are searched through the symbolism of the middle-age orthodox-church architecture which is composed of niches and calcanes that represent the spiritual ladders forming One unity at the top of the church as building in the Cross as symbol of Christ as Earthly Emanation of e.g. the - Church in Nagorichane dedicated to Saint George, as such unveiling architectural pattern that was used largely til nowadays, except is questionable how often people are aware of it, that there is meaning even in the external architecture of the Orthodox Churches which usually is perceived only as artistic expression coz of we are very proud in front of our wandering guests, if they bother at all to explain something, simply why architecture when we can talk about - turbo-folk from which our - local derivatives are mostly played today on weddings and - familiar patron saint celebrations instead prayers or at least traditional music...   

to continue eartly, except astronomically today cosmos can be found as popular brand all over our place e.g. til lately as - Cosmofon that was one of the prime mobile operators in the country that was bought by - One who also operates the first dvb-t in the republic, then there is the forgoten old and famous - kebap-grill Kosmos part of the skopye bazaar, but also we had occurrences like untried - Cosmos-Complex demolished coz half meter error etc. not that we are unique somehow but for sake of the urban history these could be numbered, also they suggest that from time to time we still have some slanting bridge which had or have own local purpose! normally when someone cant or want climb the transcendental bridge, then he is trying to transcendent through what is left around, even tho cant reach through it more than the first corner behind its base i.e. after the cosmo-kepab there is only cosmo-toilet and after cosmo-complex there is only cosmo-ruins!
another way today (happily still not commercial), for foreigners that cant transcendent by neither of the mentioned ways, is another opportunity through the - paleolitic cosmic rock art that is spread all around and is part of the - balkan palleo-linquistics , and for those that will get lost again try climbing to one of the oldest recognosced observatories in the world the famous - Kokino near Nagorichane tho beware where could lead you it could be bridge to the lost cultures - before and after the great flood that are mostly witness to our decadent past when man lost its true ideals, which literary and symbolically were restored by God through the man with pure heart - known today as Noa from which son Yafet is supposed that flourished the european branch of people > from whom son - Javan i.e. its - Jovan lineage and his son - Dodanim ancient macedonians are found, crossing through Roddos to balkan peninsula > this is also acknowledged by few facts e.g. even today ROD-is,en,um,ost etymologically in modern macedonian means a birth,born,lineage-family,happiness... or this ties between also could be confirmed by the strong heliolatric cult that was main in makedon and rodon e.g. where latter was erected the colossus of rodos to the patron titan h-ELi-os as remembrance of their - ptolemy sotirology , and finally the hebrews located that the sons of javan - a dodanim's - passed through rodhos to makedon after that how they mingled with the native cultures is unclear as is not so clear the latter crossover between the people from sclavinian and macedonian lands...
quick tip: if you dont mind my digressions are extra intentional, except that they are not motivated from some nationalistic mood, but totaly from the art of freestyle juggling with stories and memories, that I tend to mix them up in one mahinal stew, probably beneficial!

finally if u'r in search for more realistic bridge I'll suggest fly-through among - Elen Skok on river Garska in west or - Elenik on river Gradeshka in soth or - Bogomolec on river Babuna in north and in east part of the country the - 5 old bridges on Kratovska river...

and if they are not enough then there is always the harsh climb option that offer organised tours to macedonian alpinistic sites [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] where regularly are held competitions in rock climbing - - lead , - speed and - bouldering [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], and in winter wonder - ice-climb ...


important, in summer coz of hot weather and mostly limestone sediments e.g. in matka climbing sites, rocks are porous thus a main factors for most of the accidents that happened there, tho its ok if the proper gear is properly used - if at all is used, that as solo overconfidence is trap even for most skillful climbers!


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Jul-2012 at 17:38

dispite the risks, if u choose the climbing option it will take you to places where only sun and birds + some alpinist had landed in the past 100 milleniums, where it could be reached the endemic nature of rocks and threes, boulders and flowers, stones and herbs, that are true witnesses of our life and history... climbing on them is privilege to those who knows why they do it, and if their solely purpose is hanging around only wasting time in creative way, then they're missing fundamentally huge & iscon energy that is passing by while they're focused mostly on the sporting moment - with final purpose - lets spread our arms on the top - which is also more than ok, if there is respect for the place, and in a way at least is reward to its existence > someone from time to time to hang around with...

u guess as normal around here there can be unveiled few additional historic layers that usually are perceived as more common for the cities as sights, still for this rocky hills is even more than recognizable the presence of historic marks, another silent layer of this mysterious rocks along their shiny natural enigmas, ancient history that can be meet in the canyon undersides and on mountain tops e.g. once in ancient times along whole territory in Macedonia, tribes, armies and even monks, except for observing they were using these high spots for signaling communication, by beaming light with mirrors or torches, easily spreading happy news, danger alerts or other emergencies from one to another part of the country [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] again not that this is not case elsewhere, as normally are whole inventions and basically all communication, all of them gifts of the Almighty Father to its creations as gift that is delivered by the Holy Spirit through Who we can examine Heaven Heights, unveil and explain secrets, but also Who is giving us material cognition normally when is on our benefit! only thing that stand on this path or bridge is either - e.g. it was also the - who ascribe his successes beside to his dedication (since child sleeping only for 3-4h a day) also to gained knowledge from above i.e. attributed his invetional focus to spirituality, for which he would say that is essentially the main goal for the human as being, I'l add to grow and become again one with His Creator and if Nikola lived today surly he'l add - everything else is just wasted power on forgetful lusts > as are e.g. the projections (true or not) for the myths like the hollow earth theories [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] or the atlantian street talks as demystified masonic arcana [ - 3 ] which even as accidental premises if accepted for granted can done big harm, making earthly fierytales of us, instead an - enlightened spiritual beings ready to transcendent to the greater realms, where dwelt from one to another more and more lightest older brothers of ours that perceive the human soul as more precious thing than this transitional world, which sadly from materialistic stance is understand as finite which is why unfortunately tourism is observed as heavenly award that must be milked without care for the donor e.g. the purity and holiness of some place i.e. drinking, smoking, partying, just name it, if can be sold or buyed nowadays people dont mind if they'l pollute it anyhow, fresh but sad echoes of rate race conspiracy that is trowed in the modern world as hedonism without boundaries distributed by the - - furthermore in the new millennia modern traveling nomads are just another - the traps of the local pride-(politics,music,art.) or local lush-(ruins,monuments,arch.) tho if stay more than enough eventually all fall on local lusts-(sweets,foods,drinks) coz for every earthly-born light-being is most difficult to overcome the forces of the body than those of the soul and its doors(d'eyes), thats why in every spiritual growing first step is strengthening of the soul > by subduing the body to serve her < through fasting and praying, as consequence cleaned so it could be ready for undisturbed talk to its Creator > talk that ideally is collective praying when we as ONE in united ceremonies glorify Him and Seeking His Love...

if a tourist behold his need for spectacles and firstly focus on the meaning of his visit - how and why it was drawn or even drag-in here by its freewill,fate,karma whatever u prefer, maybe then it could become part of the living culture that as act is ultimate thing that one can achieve as visitor-guest, not just - another passing by foreigner who is mostly lost with smile on its face... this is mainly addressed to those that stick to the concrete-jungle phenomenons, and for those that wants to - infiltrate among ruralities be aware u might become - local as well !

to conclude, here bridging-climbing-naturalizing i.e. bridge-climb-nature means to be closer to the Sun, Winds and Sky so one can recharge its directions-batteries-horisonts... and if these are done or fulfill as in land that is unique place and not just confound location, it could trigger sci-vortexes or art-portals like the scientific premise that here is the center of Rodinia [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] or the fantastical premise that here is the center fi Middle Earth [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ], all in all a peninsular glow that has primordial beauty > reachable only if all countries and people that exist here are seen without borders, once united in the eastern empire and today trying to unite own differences through european union, union where regions culturally and economically are merging as one thus unveiling their old and true glory, union that is trying to restore the past by connecting the peaces of our peninsular puzzle without hurting any feelings, and in same time dismantling them as mental boundaries, smart agenda that lacks power-push from within! this eu-cross-border region-bridging is in a way as climber's prediction of route so he can safely and quickly climb to the top, in this case transforming balkaninas in europeans, tho if predictions are wrong then the group strength-resources-weather-surrounding, mission as whole, can shift from joy to torment, so its always essential to have - someone domestic when going in our wilderness where experience, knowledge or survival skills are not always enough if u use mainly ur horizontal strength! not only its smart to find local guide as tour operator, but is even better if u stumble on storyteller that is grooved with pockets full of - local flowers and secrets <> who for sure will be more than just another guide with chit-chat booklets under his arm! look for these heroes no further than any village where instead coca cola u'l find only gazoza or even better only mashteinca its dairy drink something between yogourt and kiselo mleko (called ayran in turkish, or valt in albanian) that normally always goes with some pastry regularly filled with cheese or kaymak as energy booster... and if u cant get around STer then listen to the leaf tinkle and bird twitter they'l tell ya all u need to know...


Posted By: Petar
Date Posted: 16-Jul-2012 at 19:32
Max, daj stisni go to a "Enter" i "Tab" nekolku pati.
Formatiraj go malce napisanovo podobro... Oci ke mi isteras, samo da go procitam...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Jul-2012 at 16:07

myths, legends, rituals, earlier were largely prevalent here, first due to tradition as heritage, then due to tradition as shield against all invaders, even today Church has problem to clean or at least purify them so as such to incorporate  them in its celebrations, mostly trying to be mediator through them till people reach own spiritual maturity when the form is no more relevant than the essence and meaning of faith, not that they didnt know what,why,who are they up to making compromises which today are observed by the unfaithful as reason for their contempt, tho those forget that Christianity is based on Free Love and not on forced or imposed love thus making friends of their enemies in this case by smoothing the differences, its not pagan fault of these people that simply stuck to those oldskool traditions mostly coz their superstitious illiteracy that till wwII was on high level, tho today we are among - extra literate third but still most of them havent clue why this or that is practiced as ritual even today! yet genuinity of those old people in those times was bursting through the traditional art instead science, today not so versatile and mostly inverse process studied as science by - our ethnologists for now engaged through local projects like rastko [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] or plet [ - 3 ][ %20 - 4 ] scientists that normally always cruise the country in collectible expeditions [ - 5 ] one would think that they are best storytellers that can be found here, but in my opinion those who collect stories are not so rich as those that refine and live with them...
In Macedonia, an egg can mean the difference between life and death. According to local lore, if you share a birthday or even a birth month with a dying relative, your days are likewise numbered. The only way to cheat fate is to share the yolk of an egg with this relative while standing on opposite sides of a stream. Similarly, a dying man might save himself if he finds someone to share a sugared egg with him on the threshold of a house. -

while we are at the topic of ritual eggs, as old symbol of purity and transcendence, it is useful to be noted that here they are used as tradition  > also in the begging as in the end of the Great Lent , first for - Prochka in the beginning and then for Pasha in the end of the fast i.e. the easter eggs that  got Christian symbolism, with their red color symbolizing the Sacrifice and with their breaking the Resurrection...

at Prochka the family performs the ritual "amkanje" of an egg, known to all Macedonians. The Gorna Reka population calls it "da hamkate mi", and it was done in this way: in the evening, when everyone gathered for dinner, a long wool thread was tied to the ceiling and an egg at its end. All members of the family tried to catch it only using their mouth, not their hands. The one that succeeded in doing this would be healthy the whole year round. At last everyone had a piece of the egg... -

from that time there is anti-evil reminiscence that today is mostly noticeable through local carnivals e.g. the one in vevchani - - oldest in the country and that in strumitsa largest in the country, but both of them had become fancy parades [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] loosing their true meaning to cast away the evil if not worst they welcomed it as decadent spectacles similar to - those around the world ! maybe as more authentic could be declared the carnival in prilep where are more represented the old masks of the evil-spirit-chasers known as Surati, Babari, Mechkari, Vasilichari, Dzamalari, Rusalii, Eshkari [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ] that early were playing their cleansing-dances in and around village houses, dance that in south was known as - Rusalisko Oro  today only jumble dance that has more emphasis on the scary-suits and trychel-bells chasing only photo shots! all of these gatherings early were held from vasilitsa to vodici as pre-epiphany celebrations e.g. that in vevchani, but latter they like those in prilep and strumitsa become usual for prochka, probably as last chance for mindless fiesta as pre-easter fast start  coz after the Great Lent are starting in a row lot of Christian Holydays that lasts till the next new year carnevals when people again tend to loose their personalities and unveil their masks, or maybe this joggle of timing is due to celebration of - spring equinox that modern pagans dont have any other opportunity to celebrate it <> nowadays to earn something from it! maybe modern exception of this rule is the baskerfest held in skopje as 10 day celebration before the summer-solstice that become large open air circus organized by local jugglers and puppeteers forced by - one-way-org that although have surati among them lacks mechkari that can purify their cause!


just to add earlier superstitions were common cross-believe system, rituals that were common among those with not so sincere faith in Christ and teachings of Christianity, for them it was also constrained mechanism coz in the past many were holding tight to their ancestors tradition as ethnical covenant, from this aspect especially it was problem for the church clergy to extinguish the old rusty habits among the people that in a way made them distinctifull on this land through the centuries, so what couldnt be remove the church unofficially incorporated it in the feasts giving it Christian meaning, mainly so it could hold the community undivided or parallelenig secretly their own rituals, even today there are wide spread customs like the - badnikar flames or - vasilichar flames then the presence of - Chritsmas straw or - Christmas oak branches that are part of the folklore on feasts in - Christmastide ,
but lately most of our Episcops officially as in the past - are not so favorable of these rituals , rituals which as such except decorative ornamentation at least force friendly gatherings in the communities, giving them unique mark as glowing sights speccially in the urban areas, that today in this massive form could not be found elsewhere in europe except in the balkans [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] eventually as serious practice probably would be forgotten when the global warming will reach its peak, thus depriving the pagan need to stimulate the winter sun or announcing the winter solstice, that early was practice in whole pagan europe [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] tho coz of our orthodox calendar I am glad that we always miss this overlap, burning logs instead on 21st dec. on 6th jan. and in such case we are only announcing symbolically the shepherds cave-flame that was warming the small Jesus at His birth...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 23-Jul-2012 at 10:12

definitely this strange conjunctures of old and modern cults from politics to culture are result of our strong individualism i.e. the strong ego is maybe our worst enemy, not materialism nor lusts but pride, apparently our progress as always was hostage of this mental entree as curse known here like "da mu ptsoysa na komshiyata kozata" - "let neighbors goat croak" tho its not used as envy filter but excuse for own life failures with reflex approach such - if I cant be the one then no one will be, yet in the end at least there is the family to help you out survive all the intrigues, thats why most of our middle size companies are family based businesses instead this to be only regular for the small ones, to be ridiculous also the politics or medicine for example are full of nepotism, making clans  even in our modern history, and as paradox emergence from "our socialism  -when we were all equal", not that we are unique for but here this had become strange tradition, the socialist had its chance before the transition and democrats after that forming strong bases for further play, all of them looking like street gangs that from time to time reserve some fugitive plane, without exception from all parties there are wanted defendant mostly hiding in neighboring countries that give them official refuge [ - 1
yet here people live relaxed also with happy local haiku-sayings like "da si gi yadesh ushite" meaning "eat your ears" i.e. u never listen or do as u should, syllogistic fallacy as flying nancy shoulder check... coz this pronounced individualism we are smartest, bravest, strongest etc. but is also reason why we are weak listeners that  when tanked with enough energy  become extra loud and proud than wisely quiet on ego-diet, refusing authorities even if its obvious that is not the right move e.g. still today most of the macedonians drive without belts, or working afterhours against the law, or even dumping garbage where they can, although the fines are regular and high! maybe coz til recently corts were too slow so one had opportunity to skive the penalties for long time! this is now probably solved with the judicial reforms pushed by eu, tho theory is one and practice other moment! so if you see someone is buying sandwiches for traffic cops know that here we have custom to forgive - but not as bribe, thus if the law-enforcement officer had good day the issues could be resolved in more humanly way, there was even sexy police patrol campaign to calm the drivers further while practicing own cowboy habits, although skopje as large and pro-european city is more and more becoming exception from this rule!

nevertheless our rush for eu flawless paradigms, our mentality was as always choice for personal freedom tho fearless but idleness e.g. even demosten recognized in antiquity that there (in macedonia) it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave [ - 1 ] suggesting that we want more than award or bread, back then probably honor above all!? this distant regional code even today can be found here as - waiting for the sun to shine upon my life - til then i'l just sail around, thats why sport betting at the moment is one of our best practiced national sports where 37% of the citizens place bets at the bookmakers specialized in sport events 61% of the male population and 8% of the females [ - 2 ] its metaphysical process that will end when we will find better professors for our at the moment wasted potentials [ - 3 ] I wonder what would happened if Mother Theresa stayed in Skopye maybe would become alpinist coz now no one wants mercy, except in form maybe as some project grant from eu so it could be made boast of later! in the town of bitola this mentality is known as - kabadaya - living broke but looking confident and talking fancy, but then not as inferiority complex instead rather as high self-esteem! have in mind this is peninsular defect maintained in most of the fields here, tho there are rare flowers that spread their seeds all around the world like it were - alex'd'rider or - nikola'd'tesla even - tito'd'bravar

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 25-Jul-2012 at 02:50

our tourism is not exception from this ind.rule above, extra described in our - oldskool slang e.g. there are many local stokers like Tvrdo-glav(hard-head)bullheaded i.e. Svoe-glav(own-head)stubborn or Brzo-nog(quick-leg)swift-footed followed by - Sporo-vozen (slow-driven)lame - simply we enjoy the life as in steady water, but also there are characters that will do anything to please you some from interest other from hospitality like Dai-gaz(give-ass)prodigal or Kazi-gaz(talk-ass)ingenuous - simply there is too much happiness in us that could not be hold selfishly, all of this synonyms could be also applied to our tourist strategies and politics, we dont know what, when or how to sell it - simply we dont want it or throw it around like sheikhs, eh at least we know that we have it e.g. most of the - standardization in our tourism is still on socialistic level when objects were categorized with letters, and although we accepted the stars yet we dont understand it quite well, hm maybe its not our fault that lot of visitors come from well organized countries and thus makes me sad when we are observed as circus attraction instead museum exponate, but also its not their fault that we refuse good practices in this field even tho we have skills and capacity, and in the end maybe better coz in other case we could become again what we became once when we were under otoman rule, then at direct fawning and in this case on indirect fawning i.e. smiling and acting as clowns for money - there is excellent local new-age song that we could use it as our anti-consumeristic mirror once our tourism become cnc machine [ - 1 ] at least i find comfort in the fact that we are not in forefront of the balkan tourist flute thus largely we could keep our purity, tho from time to time we're are exploited for magazine covers, hope for good if this attracts only people with respect for - this land ...

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 05-Aug-2012 at 19:50


important notion for our tourism is our rural approach in conservation of the cultural heritage, hence we had also towns with ruined facades or devastated surrounding, but its not so ugly as is mostly original scene that is part of our memory like shameful blessing that resembles - Traditional Macedonian Architecture [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ][ - 6 ][ - 7 ][ - 8 ] architecture that was inspiration even for modernists like Le Corbusier [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] architecture that fly, float or blossom, depending of the environment, surrounding or stone-masons idealism, anyhow its pure and true fractal architecture that is blending in, singing out and smiling in and out through the macedonian hills, forests and mountains, mostly they were strong as castle a highlander houses for highlander people that when crossed to the towns became simple but strong architectural fireworks... [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] it is tradition that evolved and glowed through the millenniums and had its culmination in the sacral architecture known today as bizantine coz its mark for whole region [ - 1 ]


so eco-tourism or rural-tourism is most prevalent option here but rarely with 100% authenticity, normally coz there are no more towns without electricity or villages without paved road, or old houses without some concrete patch, tho lately there are artificial exceptions i.e. authorities think that building new authentic villages [ - 1 ] as museum exponats is enough to compensate their recklessness for preserving the real ones, sadly we are still among those with most endangered cultural sites in the world [ - 1 ] tho those numbered on wmf are among the significant! mainly all of this is still common due to system errors than to some collective fault, coz there is will and money but every monument of cultural significance must be first fully explored then conserved and after that revived with additional elements and contents, observed like this then even the system is not guilty that is supported by small and slow administration and normally birocratic laws or mechanisms that dive in plenty localities from every epoch - many of them just recorded as such [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Aug-2012 at 01:10

Macedonian natur-al, popul-ar and kultur-al spices are NPK additive to any field of people, busting their immunity so they can overthrow negative vibes and live after free and joyful life! if clever, free enough so it could later become air climbers, as in a way is every Christian, so stay M-tuned if you are not one and want to see how is to be one! something that almost is exstra-strange to 21st c. rampantly globalized consumerist individualism [ - 1 ]

tho there are also artificial additives e.g. for youth as unwritten rule, first there is landing in some town and getting its salads as new-age-cocktail of art-sport-music [ - 1 ] then going around for some fancy tropicalism [ - 2 ] and as desert sticking to some balkanism [ - 3 ] and although similar fertilizers can be found across whole peninsula, here they are more potent coz they are not on the regular menu, so its best one to watch out of homeboy lab experiments that are mostly found on electronic-scene masquerades! my advice stick to the organic NPK and strongly avoid inorganic patches! always search for reggae vibes coz here u'l come across mediterranean clime and blue mountain ridges that are best consumed and recycled as tourist attractions when are mixed with tropical sounds!


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 26-Aug-2012 at 13:21

when it comes to our capital
these vibes are dependent on instant people with instant life and habits,  so here they are getting quite electric charge, but coz our loose standards more stuffed with dubwise frequencies that add extra filling on top of our  local - impossible city premise!


[tube]c0GVKw3HTrQ[/tube]    [tube]_-IAYpCZ0_I[/tube]

imposible or not Skopje has posible ways for fast sightseeing, only it must be layered simply by periods, as is done through these videos 1.1900-1970 then 2.1970-2010 and 3.2010-2020, yet the first video has three urban periods in that timeframe and all of these layers are preceded by the middleAge-antiquity-neolith layer and will be definitely complement by couple futuristic in near future [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 28-Aug-2012 at 22:54

all of these vibes are ok, but they cant demystify the matrix, rather only acknowledge it and support it, and only vibes that can dismantle or open its veils are traditional one, particularly the Orthodox Christian Singing [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that is direction for all that seeks spiritual refuge if not salvation, tho after they follow each other... but this vibe needs experienced guide so it could become tour of ur life...
"The fathers of the Church guide us in discerning the answer to this question. They tell us to look into our soul, and if the soul is agitated it is because we are doing our own will and not God's; if, however, in spite of the troubles, we find peace in our situation, then we are walking the path which the Lord has ordained for us." -


this chanting is truly effective only if it is sincere act as by interpreters so as by the listeners [ - 1 ] but also if it is accepted as service that is not evolving like fashion style or modern cooking recipes [ - 2 ] tho better that than nothing!
orthodox church singing or its modern interpretations [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] that are strangely catchy even for us who are born here... [ - 1 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 05-Sep-2012 at 12:31

ОХРИД - Slavic Jerusalem - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

OHRID - City of UNESCO - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]
OM- Ohrid Macedonia

Michael Palin
Series: New Europe
Chapter: Day Twenty-seven: Ohrid
Country/sea: Macedonia
Place: Ohrid

The plodding Balkan highway, the E852, that enters Macedonia from the Albanian frontier, was once the illustrious Via Egnatia, a hugely important trade route, carrying goods from Italy to Constantinople. It was laid down by the Romans to join their empire with another they'd just conquered, the empire of Alexander the Great. Or as he's remembered here in his homeland, Alexander III of Macedon.

Today there's nothing left of the Via Egnatia or the trade that once must have flowed along it. The E852 connects the poorest country in Europe with the poorest country of the former Yugoslavia. Yet there is something about this first view of Macedonia that has power and presence, that makes you feel that whatever has befallen the country is a temporary aberration. This is a corner of Europe where history is made, not merely suffered.

It's all to do with the charismatic presence of Lake Ohrid. Overlooked in the west by the steep frowning mountains of Albania and by broad forested slopes to the east, it demands respect. Measuring almost 20 miles long and 10 wide, it plunges to a depth just short of 1,000 feet.

There has been a lake here for at least three million years, making it one of the oldest in the world, comparable with Titicaca and Baikal. It's perhaps no surprise that there are believed to be 350 religious establishments around its shores.


Slight feeling of déjà-vu this morning when I discover that our hotel is located on Quay Marshal Tito. The great man clearly had a thing about lakes for he had a palatial summer home here, to match the one at Bled in Slovenia, Ohrid and Bled virtually marking the eastern and western limits of his Yugoslavia.

... -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 23-Sep-2012 at 10:01


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 02-Oct-2012 at 01:10 - - - - - -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 06-Oct-2012 at 10:05

Travel Rule #1: Talk To Strangers - -

~ but dont get addicted to it, coz - viral habits like exploring lose your precious (rat-race) time ~
+ also always check who has legit and who conpassionate smile [ - 1 ]

In a bar in Ohrid we met Mensul a cab driver from Ohrid. He showed us around and gave us a three hour free trip in his taxi ~ -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 07-Oct-2012 at 16:00

The - Pesna Cave , near the village Zdunje (50km from Skopie) - as described in New York Times , is identical as the imagined caves in the trilogy Lord of the Rings - - [ - 1 ] it is Paleolithic cave also known as Golema Pesht which 50k years ago was settled by Neanderthals [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] -

The Oath of the Old Pot:   In all the places where they conquered new lands, the Ottoman Turks had difficulties in convincing the people of different languages and faith to live together in peace and harmony. Eventually, a dervish from Anatolia taught them to seek out the spot where an enormous and very old earthenware pot was buried. He also  told  them, “In that old Pot the snake, frog and mouse live together and there is also a beehive. The old pot is at the bottom of a deep dried out well. If you build a city on that place people of all religions and languages will live there together as long as there is at least one piece of the old pot.  Following on those instructions, they eventually came to the well they have searched for, and found the actual pot right there! They made a city bazaar on the same spot, and in time the city grew up around the bazaar. The city was called “Us Kup”, which in Turkish it means “The Old Pot”. And even to today, in turkish, Skopje is called USKUP. -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 09-Oct-2012 at 11:00

one more time for the road, pre-feed the foot on your sail, and travel to eat in Macedonia, to taste what shaped the universal spirit of macedonians like justin'd'law, costa'd'free or alex'd'great  

"although everything you need to know about our Cuisine is already noted in post - #31 with few intentional leftovers [ - 1 ], let say its better if and when others blow their whistle  so, bon voyage et bon appetit in the macedonian realm - [ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ] - [ - 1 ]


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 10-Oct-2012 at 17:48


if you want local food adventure, dont drink and drive, just eat makovacha and let it ride, only regular question as always was is it - still safe to eat it? eating poppy seed food its not same as eating opium (which here literally means drunk mind) but its subconscious connection to the famous calming plant, which here is called Afion or Mak and as such is considered most potent along the varieties from india and turkey, but today cultivated in small amounts [ - 1 ] thats why poppy is one of our national symbols embedded in our last coat and last 500den/10eur bill (like nowhere else), but more like forgotten reminiscence -  

although this black medic was cultivated here since antiquity yet in middle ages ottomans introduced its white forms and bust the production, making from macedonian opium brand, definitely due to our people,clime and soil

1960 Attempts to transfer the Macedonian poppy to other districts of Yugoslavia and to other countries have not been successful. Plants grown from the best Macedonian seed have yielded opium of a weaker quality than they did in Macedonia.
MAcedonian opium has the highest morphine content in the world.
The most characteristic property which distinguishes macedonian opium from other opiums is its typical ultra-violet absorption spectrum.
In its history, Macedonia has often been the scene of armed conflicts during which the value of money fell overnight. Opium, on the other hand, has always been a stable "currency", the real value of which remains constant. Macedonian villagers therefore got into the habit of keeping opium as a "gold reserve" which is sold only in case of need. Thus it became a tradition among the villagers to keep opium for ten or more years as a dowry for their daughters.

This old custom of keeping opium instead of money was resumed during the Second World War and the occupation period. Opium became again the only stable currency. No serious control measures were undertaken and the opium was kept in the houses of many of the producers. After the liberation of the country measures were again taken on the basis of the Act of December 1938 for selling all the opium produced through one enterprise. These measures, which were further strengthened by the Act on Narcotic Drugs of 23 January 1950, have been most positive from the point of view of suppression of illicit traffic, but have decreased the interest of producers in cultivating opium. As a result of these measures, opium has ceased to be the household "gold reserve".
It is difficult to explain the fact that in a country where the cultivation of the opium poppy is a centuries-old tradition there is no drug addiction among the direct producers. This may be explained by the fact that the poor Macedonian peasant has always been in the habit of sending the best and costliest products of his land to the market and keeping only the worst and the cheapest for himself. On the other hand, although the level of living of the Macedonian peasant has always been low by European standards, it has never been so low as to force him to seek an escape from his complete misery in drug addiction, as is often the case in certain Asian countries. -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 11-Oct-2012 at 15:01

Today 11.10 is considered to be the symbolic beginning of the Macedonian Resistance in world war II that happened in the towns of Kumanovo and Prilep (upper Pelagonia) i.e. our partisans started eating the winter pickled peppers, tho the true is that they had already eaten some even earlier on 8 of september 1941 in Bogomila near Skopje [ - 1 ] and symbolicly they repeat the same action again 50 years later in - 1991 when we declare independence from those that we earlier seek to join them in collective socialistic stew that was lacking only bulgarian pistachio and romanian raspberries so it could cook little bit more longer! 

however Prilep is considered to be town of ww-liberators that gave ideologists like MircheAcev, MetodijaShatorov- - Sharlo and our first postwar president MetodijaAndonov- - Chento but they were more on Ayvar than on Turshija (pickled peppers,carrots,cauli) coz Ayvar is fabulous condiment to any idea  only they didnt succeed to unite Macedonia as they want - #45  but at least we are connected to the other parts today by the peppers that are typical emblem for Macedonians, coz pepper is to Macedonia what corn is to Kansas [ - 1 ] still who knows who invented the famous Ayvar but actually its turkish name that means salty caviar ( - hay-var ) tho its etymology suggest on deeper meaning as divine dwell in ( - God is - present in) and yes Ajvar is our local inland caviar! today is mostly made from socalled aivarka that actually is industrial variety brought in '60s from east, that became popular coz its large fruit and less effort for preparation... 

although today our Ayvarka pepper is grown in Strumichko Pole, peppers were as always pelagonian alicia, among whom Kavardjik is the most strongest, cultivated also in Skopsko Pole, but the best local pepper is Selska macedonian variety of - Capsicum microcarpum today mainly used for salads and meals and normally for our pepper spice Bukovec that as balkan brand is sold by the name Aleva (in azeric - fire), actually selska is balkan counterpart to chilli especially when dried, and maybe best variety is known as Vezena piperka - vezulka [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ] dried is best served as cooked + breaded, also roasted for makalo etc. its name Vezeni (vez - embroidery) came from its embroidered pattern, always strung on long rope necklaces that are architectural ornament across whole Macedonia (video above), and in Prilep regularly companied by stringed tobacco leafs for which is believed are among those with most poisonous nicotine in the world [ - 1 ] usually first class of tobacco leafs from Prilep goes directly for the best pipe tobacco blends and brands [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] but also in old good times a blend of Oriental and Virginia was sold here as MT from Kumanovo and Jugoslavia from Prilep, the first one abbreviation for Makedonski Tutun (macedonian tobacco) and really hardcore one, best macedonian gold for - tabakera

as plant tobacco cover large part of our agriculture, it is estimated that 200k people live from it in the country i.e. 1/10 from the families in RM today are involved in and around tobacco cultivation, it is one of the most important industrial crops for Republic of Macedonia, possessing around 60% of the areas planted with industrial crops, and an average share of around 35-40% in total agricultural export [ - 1 ] on other hand in the last few years we have euro-active anti-smoking campaigns that aim to clean at least the public spaces from smoking [ - 2 ] restriction that came down to many as nazi act [ - 3 ] nevertheless half population in the country is smoking, enjoying when damping in all junk leftovers of tobacco i.e. one cannot sell the cow and soup the milk, or can then at least its unearthly looking plant among our mountain peaks [ - [COLOR="#0066cc - 4[/COLOR -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 14-Oct-2012 at 16:00 - [ - 1 ]

before our modern-day heroes from Prilep there were many mythical figures that lived in Paionia i.e. Pelagonia [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] that was part of Emathia i.e. Macedonia [ - 3 ][ - 4 ] but back then they probably use gmo peppers and tobacco, coz it was time of - aegean pantheon interference among the locals, time when magna mather was world-renowned chef [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] it was like someone found the right combination and people shared this neolithic gmo knowledge, but it was not! however magna matter's rule finally stopped when neolithic Delphi back then a shrine of mother goddess was displaced when Apollon killed the guardian dragon - python, and established his oracle on the site [ - 1 ] after what started to shine the Macedonian Sun...  one of the ancient oracular sites dedicated to Apollon is on mount Babuna in upper pelagonia, now near is the - Treskavets Monastery that is 3-5h walk northeast from Prilep and in between are the boulders from post - #48 , here Apollo also slayed the dragon but now in middle ages as legend of the video says, in fact whole Pelagonia is mystical including its highest peak Pelister near Bitola and as valley almost to Pela the birth place of Alexander, valley where his father Philip trained his new infantry the famous ancient Phalanx [ - 1 ] altogether place where once lived the neolithic - Pelasgians ... also there is another mythical place on Selechka mountain ( - part of Mariovo ) in Pelagonia near village Bonche where recently is uncovered rare king tumulus from 4BC that is still touristicly unexploited which gives to the place additional charm for adventurers [če - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] yes whole Mariovo plain is hidden gem of the Pelagonia valley that in middle ages was occupied by - Itar Peyo - 1 and - Dete Tatuliche , place where spins - unnoticed but potent vortexes, today used usually by the voulchers from post #49, place that is urbanless (but sadly there are plans for - power dams and nuke ) and i'll be glad if it stays as it is, a rural or primitive museum, as such best portrayed in the movie - Dust a ethno-western - drama waffle inspired by an american volunteer in IMRO during the Macedonian Struggle for independence from ottoman rule [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 15-Oct-2012 at 20:41

other thing about Pelagonia is that there people live longer than anywhere else in our country, as in towns so as in the villages from this region, average 75,8 y., example seven years longer than those around skopje [ - 1 ] so definitely if one looks where to settle his traveling bags or camping gear, in same time having ood conscience that dont abate hosts life-powers, then Pelagonia is the right place, but have in mind that if u dont disrupt their health for shore u annoy their peace, when it comes to the villages, where money cant buy u happiness, at least in rural parts where time stopped long ago, example the village Oblakovo (cloudy, around clouds, Place in the Clouds) etc. 

in other hand when walking in skopje among those ageless people, and looking them from pelagonian perspective, then u can truly understand their strive for some globalized rush, place where driving bike is like driving luxurious time spender, or even worse a health hazard that is obligated only for those that cant afford to have three or more cars, that is already rule coz our mother-lawn skopko pole is garage for 200-250k vehicles tho officially 140k are registered [ - 1 ] at least this can be used as bribe for some michelin stars or puzzle out why we are still not listed as city at least with one -  


Whether a king, whether a peasant, if gained peace at home, he is a man of the world's most blissful joy! - Skopje Sounds 1997

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Oct-2012 at 14:13®ion=eastern_european - as ex e-haemon peasant i'll just add
our bowl will always look beautiful for those that - Come In Peace - Stay In Peace - Leave In Peace

14 days in Macedonia with Condé Nast Traveller

“If Macedonia’s mountainous terrain could be flattened, the country would be larger than Russia,” proclaimed my vintner-guide, as we tasted a variety of vintages from his family-run winery. Hyperbole? Perhaps. Baseless? Not at all. Macedonia—or as natives pronounce it, Makedonia—makes up for its small size with topographic generosity. Deep valleys and plains complement soaring peaks. Rushing rivers criss-cross the region, interrupted only by the many placid lakes that dot the mountainous country. And if anything were to trump Macedonia’s physical beauty, it is the warmth of its people. Although unaccustomed to foreign visitors, Macedonians are nevertheless openly curious and welcoming as opposed to reserved and suspicious. In fact, many are actually enamoured by India—Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, the country’s capital, and most housewives prefer watching Bandini, an Indian soap subtitled in Cyrillic, to local TV shows. Condé Nast Traveller maps out a 14-day itinerary, clockwise from east that includes the must-sees of Macedonia.

Day 1 Strumica Strumica is the country’s gateway city from south-western Bulgaria. A small city, Strumica is famous for its larger-than-life carnival, a five-day street party held every year before Lent. If debauchery and drinking isn’t your cup of tea, opt to visit during any of the other 360 days of the year, when you can explore nearby waterfalls and ancient Ottoman mosques.

Day 3 Tikves Wine Region Macedonia makes you thirsty… for wine. Vintners in the Tikveš wine region have had eons to perfect the art—winemaking here dates back to the 4th century—and are quickly implementing better practices to improve their wines’ quality from the communist era. It is easy to vineyard-hop; just hire a car for the day. Notable wineries include Tikveš, Bovin and Grkov.

Day 6 Bitola You’ll notice Bitola’s charm as soon as you enter downtown. Numerous cafés, restaurants and bars flank the main pedestrian street and are populated by young, trendy professionals and students. If you ever feel guilty of whiling away the afternoon over a Skopsko Pivo, Macedonia’s leading beer, you can watch a local football match at the stadium near Bitola Park or roam Stara Čaršija, the old Ottoman quarter.

Day 8 Ohrid Ohrid is indisputably the gem of Macedonia, and perhaps even the entire Balkan region. This small town boasts an eclectic and substantial offering of natural grandeur, a pumping nightlife, deep history and expansive religious significances. According to legend, this city by the lake once had 365 chapels, one for every day of the year. Perched on a cliff close to Lake Ohrid’s shore, the Church of Sveti Jovan at Kaneo is at its most tranquil and photogenic at sunset. Although Ohrid itself can keep you lingering for days, we suggest you drive south along the lake’s shore to Sveti Naum, a monastery that’s home to intricate frescoes and numerous peacocks.

Day 11 Skopje Skopje is the cultural, administrative and economic capital of Macedonia. The Vardar River crudely divides the city; to the south, one will find a booming café culture, designer shops and most of the city’s nightclubs. To the north, lies the predominantly Albanian enclave of Čaršija and the looming Kale Fortress. This socioeconomic disparity is an excellent microcosm of today’s complex situation in the Balkans.

Hersh Kumbhani - 14.03.2011 - -


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 16-Oct-2012 at 23:00

somebody said - I'm lost !? dont worry its ok until u dont stumble across some system error like history repeating scene e.g. pagan celebrations, and if you ever get to that point, dont hesitate to contact ur insurance Thumbs%20Up coz ur operating system could reprogram itself but now without ur familiar matrix assistance i.e. ur familiar spirits! so stay away from gatherings at paleolithic caves, neolithic hillocks and antique or medieval ruins! also be cautious if attend at - disk'o gatherings, today transformed in trans festivities, that are regularly mess of frequencies and chemistry! anyway always have in mind:

Emergency numbers in Macedonia - for all dial 112 - - [ - 1 ]

for countrys phonebook or white pages, dial 1188 or search on cyrillic in [ - 1 ]

for Roadside assistance and info dial 196 - -

use AMSM - Road Assistance app


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Oct-2012 at 18:21

[tube]R_jRjPl9iRQ[/tube] - - [ - 1 ]’s-guide-to-macedonia/ -’s-guide-to-macedonia/

...Macedonia is another place in Europe that really surprised me once I arrived there. The people in Macedonia are friendlier than any of the people I have met anywhere else in the world. The food is wonderful. The history is fascinating. And the cycling is superb. Macedonia is a difficult country to get to, but if you can make it there, it is certainly worth the trip... -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Oct-2012 at 20:12 -
Moody Macedonia

A thick fog has mistaken me for Saint John, New Brunswick, and rolled into my noggin. But through the jet-lagged haze, I suspect I'm not in Eastern Canada, but Eastern Europe.The first clue is I'm sitting with a man named Zoran Nikolovski. The second is the bowl from which he slurps does not contain Cheerios. "For breakfast, we eat strong soup full of meats," he declares.Yep, definitely Eastern Europe.Nikolovski, an employee of the Macedonian Ministry of Economy, describes himself as a "motorcycle rocker man." Given his long black ponytail and macho swagger that seems accurate.

Ensconced by seven mountains and three rivers, the capital city's setting is surprisingly picturesque. I can't say the same for Skopje itself, which consists mainly of ugly, utilitarian flats that were thrown up after a disastrous earthquake in 1963. There is at least one exception: a brand new museum that pays homage to one of Skopje's hometown celebs, Mother Teresa.  "We are proud because she is the only Nobel Prize winner from Macedonia," explains Marina Spirova. Young Macedonians flock to the main pedestrian drag to kick back at outdoor bars with Nescafés (cold coffee drinks) or Skopskos (the national beer). The mood is lively and joyful, barely discernible from any other patio scene around the world. But I quickly gather that Skopje has a split personality. Over the Vardar River sits the Old Bazaar – a predominantly Muslim community and Skopje's most exotic neighbourhood. Nikolovski whisks me through in about 10 minutes, but later I sneak back alone. It is dusty and teeming with kebab shops, jewellers, tailors and roasted nut vendors. In Kapan An, a 15th-century Ottoman trading inn, I am the only customer at Sofra, an Albanian restaurant. This seems odd, as the service is friendly and the food tasty. "Macedonian people are scared to come here, to this side of the city," says shoemaker Aziz Murate, touching upon some of the racial tensions that plague Skopje. By daylight, the area seems safe, even for a lone Canadian girl. But with dusk comes leering and catcalls. And when I notice that a creep in a track suit is following me, it's me that gets the urge to dash. That stalker can't touch me up at St. Pantelemon, a 12th-century monastery that hovers above Skopje on Vodno Mountain. It's lunch at the traditional on-site restaurant where they roast lamb and wild pig on an open fire in the winter. The fumes smack me like Mike Tyson's fist, but I force down some grape Rakia, an aperitif, before tucking into a salad of tomatoes, cucumber and shredded sheep's cheese. Banitsa – a Macedonian interpretation of spanakopita – is next. I am instructed to intermittently eat a spoonful of plain yogurt alongside the flavourful pastry. Other dishes you might encounter include "village meat" (beef, pork and chicken in a tomato and cheese sauce) and "tavche gravche" (a baked bean dish). And carbs, lots of carbs. "We are not eating food without bread," says Nikolovski. Potholes so deep they likely reach China hog the road to Struga, a city south of Skopje. When my eyes are stable enough to focus, I admire the snow-capped mountains, sparkling lakes and quaint, red-roofed villages that drift by. Who knew Macedonia's relief was so dramatic, even without the potholes? The average altitude is 830 metres. With only 2 million inhabitants scattered across 25,713 square kilometres, the country consists mainly of unbridled nature. Skopje (population 600,000) is the largest Macedonian community. The second is not even in Europe. It's Toronto – home to some 200,000 Macedonians. If Nikolovski is a "motorcycle rocker man," my next guide, Dzengis Patel, is a "pedestrian '80s mystic."  Clad in head-to-toe denim, he ascribes magical powers to water and rocks. His daily breakfast: "Two cigarettes and a cup of coffee." We meet in Struga, where the claim to fame is an annual poetry festival in which bards spout verses from a bridge over the Black Drim (pronounced "Dream") River. Said river is chock full of eels in September and October. "When I was a kid we tied a fork on a stick and caught them, then ate them. It's an aphrodisiac, especially the blood of the eel," says Patel. Patel points up at a rusty-coloured rock face, where you can just make out some faded frescoes. "Let us have an Indiana Jones experience." We are six kilometres from Struga, on the Albanian border. "This has been a sanctuary for 5,000 years," says Patel. "First by the pagans, then the Christians." We ascend 300 metres. Below us gleams silvery Lake Ohrid. It's so big (358 square kilometres) and so deep (228.7 metres) that it's called a "fresh water sea."At the top, Patel flips on a light switch and we step into St. Archangel Mikhail, a church within a cave that was inhabited by monks until the 17th century. Its rough, curved walls and ceilings are covered in medieval religious paintings. The word "awesome" springs to mind. According to Patel, there are 54 similar caves around Lake Ohrid. There are also full-blown monasteries, like St. Naum. In addition to a hotel and spa complex, it houses the tomb of St. Naum himself. Legend has it that if you put your ear to the grave, you can hear his heart beating. I only hear the shrieks of the resident peacocks who strut outside. A pearl made from fish scales is Ohrid's less holy claim to fame. Somebody (probably a bad cook) figured out that, when overheated, the scales of the endemic Plasica fish congeal into a pretty white stone. Ohrid is not lacking in sparkle, as the Serbian, Bulgarian, Greeks and Albanian tourists who flock there every year can attest. The streets are peppered with craftspeople – a man makes religious prints on a Gutenberg press here, another carves elaborate floral motifs out of walnut there. Accommodation in Ohrid, like everywhere in Macedonia, is extremely affordable: $60 Canadian will score you a lakefront villa. Patel says hello to every second person we pass as we stroll along the waterfront in Ohrid. "We take care of each other. Friendship means a lot here," he says. Except when it comes to lions. They, along with bears, wild dogs and other aggressive animals were given a rather hostile welcome at the 3rd century BC ancient amphitheatre that sits intact in Ohrid. Ancient markings – the season tickets of yore – are still visible on some of the 2,700 stone seats. I could almost believe that I was in Athens, or Rome. Then we visit the place called Plaoshnik, or "high ground, " where the largest excavation in Macedonia's history is happening on the site of a 9th-century university. A lanky man in short green shorts and a woman's sweater picks his way through the rubble and approaches me. He sips a Red Bull. "Hello, my name is Slavo, and I am a philosopher." Nope, I am still in Eastern Europe.Rebecca Stevenson
- 14.10.2009 - - -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Oct-2012 at 22:23 - #34


Cat-skiing Macedonia: Snowboarding the Balkans: Part 2 - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

[tube]sR-GGPouIt4[/tube]     [tube]LMZpT1fK2QU[/tube]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 17-Oct-2012 at 23:00 -

[tube]HVYijNkvtXo[/tube] - -  


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 18-Oct-2012 at 11:21


First snow in Šar Mountains, Macedonia

The first snow fell in Šar Mountains, the Macedonian media reported.
 The snow covered the peaks as high as 2,000 meters on Friday, but it did not last for a long time and melted, despite the cold weather. The snow, which fell just before the official end of the summer, and the cold snap took shepherds by surprise. In the Šar Mountains at this time of the year around 20,000 sheep graze and spend the winter in the warmer regions of Macedonia.
22 September 2012 - FOCUS News Agency - -

yep Shara is our best mountain for winter sports, only still cant figure out why even today - its highest peak is still having titos name [ - 1 ] tho there was even proposal for his monument on the skopje square that today is crowned with alex on bukefal, nevertheless the peak and the mountain named after him, since ever was known as Shar i.e. Tzar (Šar_Mountains#Etymology - Шар,Sar,Šar ) and this epithet can be easily understood if you find yourself there eating - TruffleHoney - tip: with it always drink–-the-highest-of-high-mountain-teas/ - SnowTea while wondering what means the name Shar, definitely you will feel like Tzar from East [ - 1 ] having own sherpas but here rather modernized...

and again but in context of Shar-wa (sherpa) maybe this name came there from some ancient macedonian tribes that settled as alexanders soldiers around the 'tzar of the mountains' [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] when beside their customs they carry with them the name Shar, or maybe eventually they brought it here while coming back from their ancient expeditions... Yes anyway Shar mountain (that connects northern Prokletie [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] and southern mount Korab [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]) is very similar to Hindukush as in terrain elevation, so as in the religious mix, tho through the last 50 years muslim word dominated above the orthodox one, but what matters is that there in the mountain can be heard the word of God, normally for those that can and want to listen, it cant be explain differently why there is so much species of butterflies than anywhere in europe [ - 1 ] I must point out that whole arm of dinaric alps, that as mountain range stretches here from Shar through Korab till Pelister could be called Macedonian Himalaya... believe me the feeling is so unique if you see the scenery with that eyes, even more true when meeting some local buddhists wondering around i.e. those that seeks to drink tea instead coffee while trekking with smile from their buds!

and here comes the real thing, if your being is for a while on right altitude with right words and teas, then you could easily transcendent to the local shangrila i.e. shambala [ - 1 ] but be aware if there is no one to hold your backpack then you'll probably end flying from some mountain rock, tho even in that case there is always option if you had time to master some paraglider kiting technique e.g. the videos above  also be aware not to buy tea herbs from towns, always seek for village stocks, or even better a monastery tea that was gathered and dried with prayer, tho it is always blessing if one is thankful to Lord for every drink and meal that he has through his own prayer!


Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 18-Oct-2012 at 17:10


for Korab what to say except mighty plateau that rise beside our western lighthouse the monastery Bigorski - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

[tube]-RTTmeISIyA[/tube] - -

Mount Pelister is one of the most beautiful mountains on the Balkan Peninsula. There is a legend that The Gods asked Perun (the Slavic god of thunder) why he settled at Mount Korab when there is a much more beautiful mountain to the south. Perun became angry and decided to marry Pelister with Baba Mountain (baba means grandma). So, now Pelister is part of Baba Mountain... - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ] -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 20-Oct-2012 at 17:10

as region Macedonia is from end to end guarded by thunder mountains Yes finely four of them > from northwest with Shar+Korab, from northeast Pirin i.e. Perun, from southwest with Pind+Ol'imp i.e. Light'Cord/navel and from southeast Aton i.e. Sun > mountains that evoke and collect lightnings, except Aton where they are smoothened by the prayers that are plentifully chanted on this Holy Mountain, and as I had heard Pirin is mightiest lightning-rod of all this balconies, thus probably having more piles of silver arteries... 

these lightning-guards watch upon the three largest macedonian sunny valleys known as pelagonisko pole, skopsko+ovche pole and solunsko pole... in between this ring is passing by the largest macedonian river Vardar that arise from poloG valley beneath the shar mountain, river once known as Aksios that means worthy/deserving [ἄξιος#Etymology - 1 ] tho there are other forgoing conclusions as black river [ - 2 ] anyway, in this guardian mission they have help by their sun-holders the inner massifs of Macedonia like Baba, Bistra, Jakupica, Osogovo and Mariovo in that way maybe extinguishing the reminiscent energy of the - Eocen volcano in Lesnovo... 
I can freely say that our small macedonian geography is unique piece in the - earths puzzle that actually links all the cultures and history that flourished here, and today this jewel is regularly polished with giga-planting tree actions that are example and inspiration globally [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] which at least is helping the local consciousness for care of our collective lungs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]


when standing up there, one can easily see that all macedonian mountains were mythically interwoven through all ages from neolith through antiquity, then middle ages and in all world wars and romances, and those that have speleological affinities can witness even deeper through these patterns, searching the mountain layers in its caves [ - 1 ] for the rest of you with loosen approach this mythical-Geo-interlace can be reach through the local stories and songs, like the one saying that from the peak Solunska Glava on Yakupica, on clear day it could be seen the egean see, as from Shar the adriatic, eventually some greenpeace boat on them 

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 21-Oct-2012 at 17:10

its strange how the three inner massifs Baba, Yakupitsa and Mariovo even in modern times share striking similarities i.e. despite their geographic connections, all of them hugging and hanging around the pelagonian valley, they are also similar by geologic composition > their origin is from Tertiary, noticeably from their mineral layers [ - 1 ] tho this is rather my conclusion than official one, which states that the pelagonian mountains are from Precambrian age [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] hm maybe then was added some true essence from the Sun, mentioned in the post - #5 earlier, so later when human souls fell on this planet they could absorb some liberating knowledge from it, that had been passed on further, yep its stil circulating as such [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and dont mind any insomniac buzz!    

indeed its there, but this feldspar knowledge today is pushed out by ego-life-habits e.g. my mountain, mine peak, my age etc. yet even today if we put some contemplative impulse from the Eternity of Light i.e. the Heavens Realm this could easy wipe any evil adversary as is the ego (nationalism,supremacy,materialism etc.) and i testify that seeing with this eyes we are all macedonians, europeans or earthians [ - 1 ] instead e.g. serbians-greeks-bulgarians coz as is case with these last three, usually people use rather ethnographic than geographic eponyms, tho today macedonian became also ethnographic one coz no one of the neighbors want to identify as such, altho all of them once were part of it, and it could be said the same for yugoslavia as modern eponym but without such glory that had have the ancient macedonia so it could last forever, e.g. thats why i think it would be better to be used the term Mokra than Yakupitsa for the mountain massif near Skopye, but most of the people behave as lajtif from the feudal proverb "where all turks goes, - there , also goes little ljatif", tho even for me its tempting to call these mountains after the founder of israelites [ - 1 ] even tho Yakup is the islamic version of the name Yakob, nevertheless it is evolving matter that if continue to be ego-driven it could eventually end named after Barack, if his bondsteel team erect there winter-nato-resort  anyhow here u can even now visit some famous barracks in the natural reserve Yasen, where world presidents and celebrities are eating fish while chasing wild goats and other game breded in this ego-hunting place [ - 1 ] also here was one of the famous ex-yu underground hideouts [ - 2 ], but is strange why the command object in zeljava base is holding the same name [ - 3 ], only our Jasen is small command bunker in comparison to the main ex-yu atomic-shelters [ - 4 ] stil it is mysterious ex-yu facility [ - 5 ], tho even today i'm not sure that the real one is opened
for the public, even tho officially the authorities say it is, yet is hard to believe in that when have in mind that this mountain massif is our largest cave-stronghole [ - 1 ] -


the name Mokra (wet, soggy), probably came coz it is full of springs, but definitely coz its soaked in the largest fresh water basin in Macedonia that is right underneath the mountain, and on top of that now there is accumulation formed from once the fastest river in the country, the river Treska that had carved the famous treska gorge, which ends in Matka where is preparing for rendezvous with Vardar, actually with those two new accumulation kozjak and matka our advanced governments dis-advance the nature and microclime in this region that is known as Poreche or Porechie meaning upstream, settling down its powers as they had done also with our largest canyon on river Erigon in Mariovo...

Mount Jakupitsa is dominated by volcanic and meta-morphic bedrock with Mesozoic evaporites of limestone folded over basal rocks [ - 1 ] Yakupitsa is one of the biggest limestone massifs in Europe, it is presumed that in this area the state greatest cave system and the widest water basin is located, where huge amount of pure drinking water is accumulated within -

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 22-Oct-2012 at 17:10

sorry for this moralizing break, but I and all of U must condemn hunters-for-fun and hunting reserves as occurrence, that again and again promotes sustainability of paleolithic hunter habits - to kill for pleasure, tho i wonder if most of them will enjoy if should hunt with bare hands for fun, so much for their bravery!

this way of life is promoted even horribly within Yasen hunting area on mount Karajitsa, which is reserved only for elite hunting agencies! yasen hunting area is 250km2, from 1000km2 hunting grounds in possession of the state [ - 1 ] but in whole country there are all together 246 locations with 2mil-ha hunting area [ - 2 ] i.e. on 4/5 of the countrys territory is allowed seasonal hunting!

Macedonia is a small mountain country between Greece and Serbia, with the best population on Balkan Chamois in Europe in national parks and a large Muflon sheep, Fallow Deer and Wild Boar populations in very large fenced areas. Macedonia is also the only country where Cretensis Ibex, known as Kri – Kri Ibex can be hunted legally. Lodging is provided in hunting houses with excellent food within the hunting grounds. The hunt is easy and with 100% success. -

what a hypocrisy, in one hand they forbid dog fights, in other bread all kind of fair game for pleasure of killing, its not even matter of profit opportunity or extra tourist option, it is legal bloody passion that has bloody consequences! STOP THE HUNTING TOURISM AND ANIMAL SACRIFICE FOR FUN! hunters go hunt down ur ego, and after find some empathy and become again free and true humans! remember people don't make their living out of being cruel, and cant expect harmonic society if this is tolerated!

if u ever join this group, u are becoming worse of the worst humans on this planet! stil as all of us, even I have many friends that are hunters, yet most of mine with fisherman smile on their face, coz are what they are for survival > many lacking ability or funds to become sustainable farmers, so i accept them as real hunters with real reason, not some monger trend-setters on guided hunt! even tho I dont know what lead to less suffering hunting or farm slaughtering, only know that both are lesser evil than hunting for fun! 

as first step to hunting-free country, it is wise to ban all firearm-hunting, and allow only traditional hunting like falconry and archery, even tho there is more suffering involved, but the logic is that there are not to much skillful hunters with this weapons, and in case this became also popular, which I doubt, then this could be banned also as bloody-recreation! some will say it is impossible, but hey definitely all countries would not ban this blood-enjoying-sport, so let those that are blood-thirsty go somewhere else to lust for slaughtering! 

normally in case of pest control it could be given limited right to local hunters for resolving the matter, but to stimulate hunting as is today done is merely as stimulate dope for kids, yes its fun, makes u happy and gives u strength, but they dont tell ya that imprisons ur souls, mind and body! and yet I know that this sounds ridiculous, but I believe if there is ngo campaigns followed by referendum, that this elite bloody tourism as legal way of life wouldnt continue to flourish here! there is to little people that have to much privileges, as here so as in europe [ - 1 ] and there are examples that this kind of idealism could prevail [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 23-Oct-2012 at 17:10

you cant educate people to become empathic IF they are encouraged since young to become hunters! [ - 1 ]
you CAN however be cosmopolit and spread the word of empathy to all that surrounds us, except the evil itself and its devotees! [ - 2 ]
tho the're times it should be allowed to roll out some things that we perceive 'em as evil, so it could be stopped greater evil to unleash! [ - 3 ]

this was example case with Menka, a bear from the revolutionary village on mount Pelister called - Tsapari , which was found near as little bear beside its mother, once a local big-game trophy, and from grief she was kept and raised on fishpond at the end of the village... it was unbelievable scene, true rural attraction for those that heard about, and many adventurers visited the place just coz Menka, but the most special thing was that she was free, living and eating at the fishpond but also flirting and rumbling in the mountain, and from time to time, even her boyfriend have been coming near the fishpond! one couldnt believe how much Menka was clever, fast and strong yet gentle, and most of all friend! 

first time when i saw how little girl is feeding her from hand, it was something out from this world for me! yep the granddaughter of Pande have feed this massive animal with its own hands, then despite all fear among many, also saw others approaching and checking own bravery while giving daily snack to Menka, tho this was also easy way to be photographed with her, after all it was wild animal that dont hang around like your domestic dog or cat! anyhow, Menka was very eager for sugar, apples and rakiya, normally the "owner" give her bread and fish, but coz all of that was on the regular menu, Menka didnt bother too much about it, as she was about the sweet goody! many gave her sugar from plate, but there very also those that gave her sugar from their hands, it is pointless to assure u if u cant imagine that, and even more if I told u that this was done also by small children! not that this is something unbelievable, there are many examples of bears as pet [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ], but Menka was unique coz 4 years lived double life, as domestic or wild animal when and what ever she liked, plus near so much people, with never fenced free spirit! 

nevertheless Menka was wild as any wild bear, and altho living at the end of the village, many didnt had pleasant dreams, so finally someone shot her down, some say that she became danger when was starting to descent in the apple fields below the village, others that the real reason was political coz Menka was right-winged as its guardian, who even once painted VMRO on her belly, also he had saying "Menka VMRO-vka prava Makedonka" i.e. Menka the revolutionary is the real macedonian... 
I think that in this case no matter how tamed Menka was, or why its Pande didnt cage her, at least fence the fishpond, altho sad stil I found this action of safety,  to be genuine! maybe police had done it, without telling the owner about, so it could prevent any anger or vendetta, coz believe me she was for him more precious than his life, coz he became mother and father to her, and in same time not some pet or live trophy but another member of the family, its hard to explain this, but hey after few years even grizzly can become best friend, normally if u have enough food to share! now only memory from her are just private photos and videos, and one - documentary dedicated to Menka , which author composed even this requiem after her death, so all that ever meet Menka could bring to mind memory of her...


bears arent - thirsty carnivorous except the polar ones, but could easily wipe out anything if smell danger, altho rarely [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] then its clever always to have plan for any case scenario [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]  usually as all animals bears also reacts on adrenalin rush (fear) from the opposite side [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] and in case u cant calm ur self and try slowly to move from her way, or somehow scare her, that is usually case when cubs are around, then as Pande says > its best to run < but not up or down or to climb three, but only in sideway which eventually will trow the angry bear from balance and force it to give up the chase! but this would not help with wolfs [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] for them only solution is Sharplaninets > the Mountain Tzar [ - 3 ] so always have one if U decide to live in macedonian mountain, and instead of hunt any pests, learn how to defend or avoid them! people should shift their hunting or imprisoning paradigms, yes its difficult but lets try, at least dont imprison these wild animals in zoos, and then dont kill them without good reason, tho even then could be found more human way to settle the problem, if the animal at all is the problem! even in this case with Menka she could be driven away to some wild sanctuary if she became danger for the villagers, tho I also believe that she was not, stil everyone cant live happy and free knowing that their neighbor has bear instead dog at his fishpond, this village has population of 500+ so at least few of them could lived with constant fear, altho on whole mountain there are bears that regularly come at villages on this altitude +1000m amsl, and in this way at least one can always be prepared for bear greeting card...   

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 24-Oct-2012 at 17:10

the name Menka literally means bear as lovingly alias, it is common womans name in Pelagonia, this also counts for the mail name counterpart - Mendo (dem. Mende, that need to use bear tallow to become Mendo), and it is name that bear strength and wise attributes, which is even scientifically true i.e. except among the strongest maybe u didnt know but bears are also among the smartest animals on the earth [ - 1 ]

apart from the nickname Menka, bear literary is called Mechka, in both cases here the usual designation for bear is feminine noun, and she almost have same id as cat i.e bear is mechka and cat is machka, and if machka somehow find wings she can become kvachka or strachka (broodhen or crow), depending of the wings polar charge  but there are other even stranger circumstances around the macedonian bear like Bear convicted for theft of honey - - [ - 1 ] this is due to the status of full protection of the bears here, so if state as usual estimate small compensation, many goes to court appeal in which case get extra refund for the damage, annually 250k euros goes from the state budged for bear damage, which if is compared as  percent per capita to rest of europe [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] makes us recharge champions, in many occasions kind of scam, coz elsewhere every farmer or food producer living in similar areas is obligated on electric fencing! [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 2 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] tho even then would exists rural hustlers that through courts will try to open new holes in the law! 

if u decide to wonder around the macedonian forests, its always smart to have any local knowledge regarding the bears, no matter how rural sounds [;year=2011;volume=9;issue=3;spage=189;epage=201;aulast=Lescureux - 1 ] but also have a look, even if u dont have time, some scientific article - as is underlined in the first link, not just that only today > Ursus arctos < the Macedonia's brown bear population appears to be a key link in the distribution of one of Europe's largest brown bear populations, the Dinaric-Pindos population. < even earlier she had prime role e.g. in middle ages she was what lion was in the antiquity, a forest king that got the main mythological pedestal in the local lore
The use of animals as symbols was a theme frequently used by artists. The deer symbolized light and victory, and was considered a defender and leader of the dead. For example, a deer standing at a watering place was a Christian symbol related to christening. It is found throughout Christian art – in floor mosaics, church decorations etc. Bears were addressed with many different names: grandmother, aunt, she, and in some regions, Menda. As characters and on masks, bears can be seen at the carnivals in Prilep, where the so-called “mechkari” (bear-tamers) have a performance during the celebration of “Prochka” (Forgiveness-Asking Day)....Within the yearly cycle of folk customs, there was a link between cultic activities and certain animal sacrifices. Examples of this include: (a) feasts devoted to the wolf were observed twice per year (11-17 November and 1-3 March), (b) the feast day of St. Andrea (30 November) honoured the bear and (c) the feast day of St. Jeremiah, a day of protection against snakes,...The eagle was hunted for the medicinal power of its fat against rheumatism. Bears were used for therapeutic purposes. A sick person would lie down and allow a bear to step on him to drive out pain. Fumigation with the burnt hair of a bear would also ease pain, or could release the demons from pregnant women.... -

again bears do make troubles and they are not all raised with love as Menka was, so always be prepare for the worst when trekking or hiking [ - 1 ] in and around bear ares, u are their guest there and have that in mind! even minor scratch or bite could provoke infection etc. so always have first aid kit, and as already suggest above means of self defense like - bear-pepperspray specially if u go there alone, if cant find similar cans at - local shops or survivorist, then maybe useful tip is to carry some stuff for burning, coz bears dont like burning smell or its best to use signal-flare gun that will scare them away easy [ - 1 ] however they like the odor of the turpentine or kerosene if not burned, so stick to the flare guns and sticks or similar noisy fireworks, normally always be aware what and where u eat or left after [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and if u want any contact with them first try some mascot
[ - 1

Posted By: Max
Date Posted: 25-Oct-2012 at 10:55

from time to time, i can see myself on edge of an huge old bridge, through whom i fly down till the first roofs of a once familiar realm, and not to pick up where I once left off, but to pick some oldskul resonances that i have learn from, tho only trees and rocks hide some more of the - southern echo , maybe people too, but they are not there any more... echoes in every travel reecho similar visions, that in the end always have the message of survival [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] quest that for someone resembles strive for comfort, other joyful happiness, third all-round fun, and there are those that (after rarely before) goes even to an inner circles > wherever, whatever and whenever they travel > above all those that strive DOing good things so can - became ultimately free through uniting with God < i.e. those that travel to learn and meet rather than exploit and memorize! they just enjoy reasoning about resonances from these trips [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] often seeking to became themself one-true-resonance [ - 4

C, JH, ARF or DG for all of this u dont need money, ok maybe some so u could pay the road-toll if driving, but its easier if - cycling and best if - trekking , coz in this way u are not obligate to subdue ur spirit to ur mind, but ur spirit will,can benefit from ur mind! and at the end of the road someone will decide that should come back home, and some that he have found new one, especially if that place is with pure dove-like energy... 

When Someone Goes Away Everything That’s Been Done Comes Back!In the embrace on the corner you will recognize - someone’s going away somewhere. It’s always so. ...One day someone will fold our blanketswill open our letters and sort them out by dateinstead of by how often they’ve been read....One day, the wind won’t change direction - butterflies will leave their dust on our cheeks ...The Things - we forget them- even before we lose them –the penmanship notebook, for instance....[ - 1 ]

For the western reader, it cannot be stressed enough that - Macedonians come from a place where history isn’t something just learned in a textbook or considered on the Independence Day, but something as natural as leaves and bone in all fabrics of life, just as geography isn’t confined to a map but etched in lives old and young alike.

 Central Church Cross from Poloshki Monastery built in 14 century -


Posted By: FoSsiL
Date Posted: 02-Dec-2012 at 13:54

Незнаев каде да го ставам... Ако има посоодветна нишка, преместете го... 

Macedonia: Day 1

I can’t help but think my journey started in Luton’s dingy boarding gate, where a crowd awaited Wizzair staff’s nod of approval, the hallowed sign we could trickle onto the aircraft and escape the noisy, sweaty staircase doubling as waiting lounge. A middle-aged Eastern European man shouts “we are not cattle!”, his fuse clearly shortened by having been submitted once too many to the all too familiar subpar services of low cost airlines. Partly disgruntled for having my morning quiet disturbed (I barely made it out of bed), partly amused at his abrasive belligerence, I wonder why I assume him to be Macedonian, having only met one in my life that I can remember. And he isn’t particularly short tempered.

Four hours later, we land in Skopje. Alexander the Great is a brand new airport, with kiosk spaces still waiting to be filled and ATMless holes in the wall. Its slogan, “Live, smile, fly!”, makes absolutely no sense to me, but I might still be in early-morning grump mode, having just woken up from a semi-submersing nap. To its merit, the trek from the gate to the bus stop is short, clear, and smooth - I’m outside, bus ticket in hand, in 10 minutes. Perhaps I got lucky and took all the right turns, but a quick look around confirms there’s little opportunity to get lost.

After staring at the bus timetable for a while, I regret not pre-emptively studying up on some Cyrillic. Relying on the transparency of languages is rather useless when you can’t read the alphabet. Thankfully, a closer look reveals a pattern in the seemingly illogical time sequences: the schedule changes according to the day of the week, in an effort, I suppose, to match incoming flights. I sit against the glass walls and wait. It takes about five minutes before I realize how crisp the air is, pleasantly fresh and soothing. There’s not a building of notable proportions in sight; the horizon is lined by chain of mountains. I love airports lost in the countryside. There’s absolutely no distraction, no noise, no head clutter. My mood further improves when approached by a British tourist for the time - I must not look as raw and jaded as I feel.

When the dingy shuttle bus, not quite the giant blue transporter from the website pictures, makes its appearance, it is same tourist who notes the bus is filled with exhaust fumes, which prompts me –singled out by the driver to take place first– to commandeer the seat at the open window. I am as happy as a dog, muzzle high up in the air and ears flapping in the wind, until a man seated behind me leans over and shuts the window with a curt ‘sorry’.

Macedonia is a country in development, Skopje a city under construction. We drive through a countryside littered with half-finished houses and makeshift huts. The city is no different, with its concrete soviet-era apartment blocks, grey and grim, sometimes dilapidated. The sight challenges my conviction I prefer ugly cities over the pretty ones, but I know I’ll be gratified when I start noticing those small eccentricities that lend character.

The people here are short spoken, solemn, unsmiling, but friendly. In the search for my hotel, I address a dour looking lady who glowered at the tiny map on the booking sheet. What could have been mistaken with annoyance and reserve was, in fact, careful consideration of how to steer me in the right direction in the few words in English that she knew. Another man abandons his renovation works to join me on my quest, asking locals for directions until I assure him that if it’s in the neighborhood, I’ll be able to find it. Soon I discover that it is, indeed, not that far.

There is no lobby, only a bustling pizzeria. A waiter – Bobby, my new best friend – disappears with my passport but comes back with a beer. It worries me some when he says away for a while, and it is only when I have finished my collation that another waiter asks whether I want to be shown to my room. I am guided outside, up the stairs, and into a room that you enter straight from the street. Instead of a double, it has two twins and – most importantly – virtually no window. I make my way to the restaurant again, find Bobby, and inquire about my passport. A few words are exchanged with his manager, who assures me the waiter handed it to me before – and I’m certain he hasn’t, but when I check, it’s right there, in my folder along plane tickets and hotel booking. I dig and dig, but I have absolutely no memory of the handover. I must be exhausted.

Although apologetic, I sense I really do have friend in Bobby, and I ask for a room with a window. Another chat with the manager results in another set of keys. Bobby escorts me himself. I’m pleased to be presented with a smaller but quainter room, with a window spanning wall-to-wall and wooden beams stretching across the ceiling. The view is –as would be proven at nightfall– spectacular, a panorama of the archaeology museum across the river. As pre-warned in the hotel reviews, this room must be particularly noisy, being situated right above the river sidewalk/youth hangout, but I’m delighted. It’s not too far a cry from the promo pictures.

Hours later, after a meal, an Internet fix, a nap and a shower, I loiter outside the Irish pub helpfully named ‘St. Patrick’s’, waiting for my local friend and his wife. It must have been more than two years since we last saw each other, although neither of us remembers exactly how long. I am conscious, all of a sudden, that these kind of reunions, both with close friends and friendly acquaintances, have been creeping into my diary of late. They unnerve me, because they are a testimony of the past, which has not always been peachy. But my momentary apprehension is quickly quenched under the familiarity of our happy quips.

Македонија - Земја на чудата!

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 07-Jan-2013 at 14:34


Had I reached Macedonia yet? I wasn’t sure! - - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] -

also Try BM When lost - -


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 21-Jan-2013 at 21:44 - - - [ - 1 ]

Stroll ancient stone streets.
Sip local wines. Meander through markets.
Mingle with Macedonians. Relax by the lake.
Sleep in rural villages. Visit monasteries.
Hike mountain paths. Explore ancient ruins.
Retrace the steps along the Via Egnatia.
Savor traditional foods and drinks.
Move at a slower richer pace.

You will enjoy the freshest vegetables and the most delicious “slow food” (made from scratch the oldfashioned way) in restaurants and B &Bs. You can indulge your sweet tooth with Turkish-style treats and enjoy the teeny-tiny ice cream and gelato cones that Macedonians favor at bakeries and shops.

Experience Macedonia lets you absorb a different way of life.

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 22-Jan-2013 at 16:17

[tube]xKjHgcMDKQg[/tube] - [ - 1 ] -

... - an local food review ...


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 24-Jan-2013 at 10:07

LNG Lazaropole National Gallery (use CC for traslation)

[tube]WqlINTNjFO4[/tube] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ]

dont miss Sun surfing every morning or evening above the village on Krasta or Sokolitsa Hills especially on 2 August that is our brightest and lightest national day the Saint Elijah day when the village Church Saint George was blessed and also date of macedonianавгуст - uprising against ottomans and athenians       

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 28-Jan-2013 at 21:01

Above numbered once a most rural parts of the country now are best keepers of our near or ancient past although there are even today not so empty villages that are truly rural like - Vitolishte in Mariovo where despite all that ruins there is also guest house that says all

In some peculiar way maybe the villages in Prespa have the grates potential for rural tourism, but for now only Brajchino is active one, where you shouldn't miss the opportunity for cycling or trekking around and above the lake as freestyle adventure or following some of the marked routes of historic spots, - divine places or natural monuments that altogether are part of the - pelagonian region

[tube]Sa609S5axjQ[/tube] - - -


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 03-Feb-2013 at 22:00

In case You cant or want wander around the country for rural experience,this year will be introduced new ethno museum above Skopje in village Nerezi, right beside one of our most famous monasteries - Saint Panteleimon (that together with the monastery of Saint George in Prespa village Kurbinovo are considered as predecessors of european renascence) [ - - 2 ][ - [ -
This ethno-village should be Macedonia in small, so that visitors can faithfully experience the look and ambient of the Macedonian village from the 19th century through the copies of traditional and recognizable macedonian buildings. This project aims to present the traditional Macedonian village, the way of life, culture, architecture, handcrafts of all ethnic communities in the country...

The complex would have 17 facilities, including 12 authentic houses representing the culture and traditions of all regions in Macedonia. This village will also house a museum of Macedonia's ethnological treasury, amphitheater, traditional inn, watermill, fishpond...


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: gjoko
Date Posted: 11-Feb-2013 at 01:11


Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 13-Feb-2013 at 01:13

That's why we have so much overclocked processors around [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] which dont even ask for reset coz thats prideless measure reserved only for those that cant get kazan (distillery) in their neighborhood!

Anyway if you do like to become liverpool fun i'll suggest that diving in rakya its SAFER WITH - INSPIRATION or maybe - VENTILATION but always try tilting in some meana (restoran) where can be obtain - quality battery recharge instead ending with building - quality life direction !

I have accepted the fact that the truth is just a figment when she is updated by rakiya especially if that rakiya is medena i.e. prepechenitsa, when its more - like olive oil (due to the fact that in Macedonia we say mad for honey) after what there is no other antivirus except governmental creativity pumped late at night for any case - life decision intermezzo

[tube]PWMKuKtyusY[/tube] - - -

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 06-Oct-2013 at 16:04


one can easily escape this twisted way of diving in happiness only if there is substitution for it! early in our 90's-high-times that was - CS here, when she was dressed naturally while now is mostly painted artificially, as such producing - even more dumber way of pleasure than any cheap local spirit! petty our ganja early was among the best in the world eg. - Stojakovo Gold , Miravtsi Platinum or Trkanje Abstract, which from time to time were sold as rarity in the coffee shops, probably as i had heard coz it was more than 23th generation of sativa-strains natural cross-pollination, yep probably myth tho, but definitely coz it was tradition assimilated from the scythians in antiquity [ - 1 ][ - 2 ] unfortunately today the pot that could be found here is rather down-dope than high-hope, definitely coz the gmo-varieties from the neighborhood [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] making from the youth lazy apathic stronghold, which is waiting for the - -ad via viz-air or white-star emigration [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

in the end what counts is measuring which is better, rakiya or skunk, to get liver or lung cancer, to be dumb or dumber, coz u are not capable of going in natural adventure eider by mount hiking and biking or lake swimming and kayaking [ - 1 ] activities that here are more cheaper than elsewhere, and - can pump up more endorphin than any other anthropomorphic stimulant! on other hand maybe spliffin is quite tempting coz its forbidden fruit and fast way for reality-check-out, which normally ends up as addiction
[ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] usually by those that percive the life as prison, at best with open courtyard full of stopsigns and barbwire, fear that keeps ones potential hooked on trust in alcohol but not in weed as alternative, tho mixing them is worst case scenario for any action except chillin' or partyin' even more coz most of the stuff today is labbed on one or another way!

anyway weed here is still prohibited and supported only on - b-day@skolka tho there have been also failed attempts for - marching revolution that had end up as - jay-day party-jams when those green-enthusiasts realize that fromit would benefit only politicians and their ego-propaganda, while it would also open the - european doors for voted decadence and more and more gmo-buds, creating quasi-junky-country full of debils addicted to mediocre chemistry and low lusts topped with high desires, thus instead masses to go astral they will go more and more physical! [ - 1 ]


maybe is better to stay like this with - alfa-state of consciousness which will hold any opportunity for chemistry festivals which are going hand by hand with every loosen place full of weeded pleasures! plus here to be straight means to be happy coz there are so many things that one can do for cheap-dirt prices at most comfortable way!
my frends walk on by with smiling heart, coz life is beautiful when u deepening ur happiness with simple mind [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] specially when visiting country like ours!

Top 15 Cheap, Safe and Friendly Countries

Have you ever wondered which is the cheapest, friendliest and safest country in the world? Well, wonder no more. A recent 500+ page - report by the World Economic Forum contains a few golden data nuggets that has enabled me to come up with the answers. I also used data from this wonderful index website called - Numbeo . Before traveling to any country, I suggest checking out a few indexes on Numbeo about the country of your choosing.

From my limited but growing travel experience, I have come to the conclusion that there are three factors that influence how enjoyable a country is. In no particular order:

  • Attitude of locals towards foreigners (we’ll call this “friendliness”): Friendly local people means it’s easy to get around, ask for directions and find people to party with. It also increases your chances of immersing yourself in the local culture and getting to know the people better.
  • Cost of living: Everyone likes cheap countries or countries that are relatively cheaper than our own. This means that if you’re from Norway this doesn’t concern you because - no country in the world is more expensive .
  • Safety: Safe countries are fun. Why? Because you don’t have to restrict yourself to day-only activities in touristy areas. If a country is safe you can do more “off the beaten path” activities. You can explore new places and stay out late if you feel like it. You can walk around freely and fearlessly. Try doing this in - Caracas .
I’ve found data for each of these individual aspects and then I’ve combined the three sets of data to come up with a new list that shows the countries that are the best for cheapness, safety and friendliness combined. I’ve provided individual rankings for each aspect first and at the end of the post you’ll see the results of the brand new combined rankings.

Friendliest countries

You can find the full list of countries in the WEF report that I mentioned above. It’s page 455 in the PDF. Here’s a quick snap shot and a list of the top 5 and bottom 5 countries.

Most friendly countries: 1) Iceland 2) New Zealand 3) Morocco 4) Macedonia 5) Austria 
Least friendly countries: 140) Bolivia 139) Venezuela 138) Russian Federation 137) Kuwait 136) Latvia
Special mention: 42) South Africa 55) United Kingdom 102) United States

Cheapest countries

Cheapest countries: 1) India 2) Pakistan 3) Nepal 4) Algeria 5) Bolivia
Most expensive countries: 95) Norway 94) Switzerland 93) Australia 92) Luxembourg 91) Denmark
Special mention: 35) South Africa 78) United Kingdom 62) United States

Safest countries

Safest countries: 1) Japan 2) Taiwan ) Hong Kong 4) United Arab Emirates 5) Malta Least safe countries: 95) Venezuela 94) Trinidad & Tobago 93) South Africa 92) Kenya 91) Puerto Rico
Special mention: 45) United Kingdom 76) United States

Cheapest, safest and friendliest countries

Now, here’s what you are really looking for. The individual rankings are not very useful. Why? Because there’s no point going to Bolivia which is cheap but very unfriendly for tourists. There’s also no point in going to Pakistan which is cheap but not very safe or friendly. Iceland might be super friendly but your wallet will take a hammering. So what you need to know is which countries fair the best in all three aspects. These countries are golden and you should consider visiting them on your next vacation. If you like numbers and statistics, you can check out the spreadsheet I used to combine the rankings over here.

So, drum roll please. Here are the top 15 cheapest, safest and friendliest countries on our beautiful planet. - Country --- Overall Rating (Max 1)
1. Macedonia --- 0.99
2. Georgia --- 0.98
3. UAE --- 0.82
4. Morocco --- 0.80
5. Hong Kong --- 0.75
6. Montenegro --- 0.71
7. Malta --- 0.68
8. Taiwan --- 0.67
9. Ethiopia --- 0.63
10. Thailand --- 0.62
11. Estonia --- 0.60
12. Sri Lanka --- 0.59
13. Nepal --- 0.55
14. Bosnia And Herzegovina --- 0.55
15. Portugal --- 0.46

So there you have it! I barely even know where Macedonia is but judging from these results it could be a hidden gem. This is quite a different list from your normal “top travel destinations” recommendations, with the exception of the UAE and Thailand which are well known destinations.

Least cheap, safe and friendly countries

At the other end of the pile, - we have these countries that make the bottom 15 when ranked by cheapness, safeness and friendliness combined.
Some surprises here! Australia makes the list due to the super high cost of living, same with Norway. France and Italy are known to be expensive and not so friendly to English speaking tourists so they make up the bottom 15 too. Iran and Pakistan should be avoided for obvious reasons.


If you want to see the full list of 90+ countries in my safe-cheap-friendly ranking, then you can download the spreadsheet - here .
Like all surveys and studies, this one has flaws. However, it does provide some useful insights. That said, the best way to find out how accurate it is, is to go explore these countries and see for yourself.

So, who’s up for an adventure? Macedonia anyone? Or maybe sunny Morocco? What about multicultural Malta?

You decide. -


all left behind use CBD vs sars'cov'2

~ - ~


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 08-Oct-2013 at 14:51

as our manja from domestic mastraf is alternative for joyful time-warp, so as good alternative for cheap transport is leaving ur time in hitchhikers backpack! in both cases the ride is safe and legal until u stumble upon some twisted local law or tradition eg. going in circles til the provider or depriver of the service unleash his own independent creativity to such extended that u will never meditate again all along the road while waiting for the man! - _____HM___

actually here is mostly safe to hitchhike, but as with any cheap stuff u really dont know what to expect, coz from moment to moment u are feeling truly how history is breathing its hyping moments (full of - odisei 's that plant&harvest mystic rainbows while marching emotionally blind)

if u ask me when and how is best to make road gestures while trippin' around, ill say maybe when u dont have nothing to lose, or u travel by any means to get here and there, just be creative when u - thumbing up eg. in cycling outfit probably is easiest way to get ride in Slovenia while in Macedonia u would be welcomed autostoper if had briefcase instead backpack when also u should - use ur thumb wisely , and as with all unusual road activity be aware that everyday people are driving with everyday habits (fast-furious-high-lazy) tho similar pull similar, but repel if overloaded, yet u never know who is really overloaded [ - 1 ] and gravity makes all of it to go spiritual i.e. making friends on unusual way with unusual consequences [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] and in my opinion is even more unpredictable if u - avoid to HH with sign

if u choose this way of exploring u will trow extra energy on the road ahead while rushing from A to B but for sure u will reach somewhere where only destiny can get u, in best way to ur gratefulness as most aware characteristic that we poses as souls - even if u live in gaming world , so enjoy ur ride while u still have smiling imagination - - [ - 1 ]

after while stop thumbing around and go hitchhike within, - ask people to show u their inner writings,plays,music,videos,at least their local story portfolio, normally where and when they want! and when u had enough of the road take some boat -

After a short search I take a pause in a nice restaurant “No Stress” and then decides, once again, to move on to the next city.

While once again walking out of the city I find some really cheap hotels but I still decide to go further. My next ride is again a luxurious car, this time by a local business man that after a while stops in an outdoor restaurant along the way to buy me a coffee and have a talk. He tells me that he has two businesses, one is import and the other is personal development. The second one is the one he wants to talk to me about, and very quickly I realize that he is trying [softly] to sell a pyramid scheme to me. I write down the information and we continue the drive. After a while I realize that he is going the whole way to Macedonia, but because I want to spend a night in Kosovo I ask him to drop me off before on the road.

It is now starting to get dark and I am not even in a town. There are more people here but they are either waiting for a bus or for friends to pick them up. After what feels like a long time I finally get a ride. This guy is going to the Macedonian border to get or drop off some documents, like a courier. I ask him to drop me of in Kacanik where I plan to find a hotel. But there are no hotel according to all the people I ask, including the taxi drivers, so I have no choice but to go to the road again. The option is to hitchhike back some kilometers to a motel in the middle of nowhere, or to hitchhike to Macedonia. I choose Macedonia, now longing for being back in Bulgaria.
Again I stand around for what feels like forever, with the darkness getting nearer and the people looking at me like they have never seen a hitchhiker before, or maybe even a stranger.

When finally the second BMW for the day stops with two mysterious guys inside I feel relieved, but a bit tense.
The conversation is not going well, with the driver only speaking Albanian and German. After a while they stop and walk out of the car, talking outside. I decide to go out to stretch my legs, but the car is locked. Finally the drivers friend takes off and the driver opens the door for me, saying something like “lets go” and pointing to the bush. I do not understand what he means, he walks and takes a leak and then we are on the way again. Now the conversation is a bit lighter, but still we have big difficulties to understand each other. When we finally hit the Kosovo/Macedonian border and are first in line the guy can not find the right paper for his Switzerland plated car (he lives there). His plan for the day was to go to north Macedonia to get something from a friend and then directly drive back to Kosovo again, a long drive but perfect for me coming near the Bulgarian border. Now it seems he has to turn back early instead without entering Macedonia.

A young guy that talks to him about the problem offers me a ride instead and I walk with him to his car, where his friend and his father awaits – looking skeptical at me. Anyway we drive through the border and into Skopje where they let me off somewhere in the center, asking if this is fine for me and me saying yes because I have no idea where I am anyway. I stand looking at the enormous buildings for a while, being used to small towns for the last days, and then starts walking around for about 15 minutes before I decide to go on to Kumanovo instead, one step closer to the Bulgarian border.

I start hitchhiking on the highway near to where I was dropped off just minutes earlier, accompanied by a taxi man and a cheer-leading group of girls maximum 15 years old. A car stops even though he is going the other direction, but I think he will maybe turn around so I go to talk to him. It turn out the guy in the car wants to buy sex from me, ok so this is maybe not the best place and time to hitch hike I realize. I say no and go back to my spot, but after 10-15 minutes the guy once again comes back, now on my side of the road, and tries to convince me.

About one hour later I am ready to give up because of the dark but with no idea where to go, when a German couple stops and picks me up. They are going to a small village near where I am going, to visit their family. Dropping me off outside the city I have to walk into the center. During the walk I take out some local currency and buy street pizza with mayonnaise, Bulgarian style. The pizza guy tells me he also just came back from Germany visiting his girlfriend. He also tells me where I can find some hotels but before I take off some of his friends walks by and he tells them to show me instead. We walk for a long time, not as close as the pizza guy told me the hotels were, and when we finally arrive they realize that the hotel is now gone and replaced by a restaurant. I say no problem and want to take of, but they have an internal argument in Macedonian for some 20 minutes discussing what they should do with me. Finally I tell them I will go back to the street to hitchhike and takes of, but instead goes to a guy 20 meters away to ask him for directions to a hotel. He tells me one nearby and even though it is not on the address he tells me I find it thanks to some other helpful people. After a quick bargain I get a room for 10 Euro, even with a TV showing a Bulgarian music channel. Before falling asleep I write a long blog entry in my mobile about this day, which mysteriously disappears.

Tip: When going to Kosovo ask to NOT get a stamp in the passport, because a Kosovo stamp could make it difficult for you to enter Serbia. -


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 10-Oct-2013 at 15:21

hitchhiking is like hosteling, u never know with what kind of worlds u'l clash, sometimes unique and some tormenting, thats why i prefer touring with bike and sleeping in bag or tent i.e. i was undiscovered camper who trow every comfort possible coz of vortex-friendly people&places that usually cannot be found - along major routes ...
in Macedonia camping is not obstructed only to camping areas as is in europe and u can camp wherever you want whenever you want, just be careful not to ruin someones crops or cut beautiful trees, at least respect that everything is flourishing like multidimensional echo or singular mirror which have the - karmic message - what goes around comes around!
i dont wont to talk about - how risky is to camp in wilderness but hey thats the most greatest times of my life, when i was tronned by d nature&life in their kingdom of blissful synergy...


as in all europe also in Macedonia there are many commercial camping areas, which usually lacks animated events, so always bring with u ur favorite toys and means eg. d pocket chess,ping-pong balls,juggling eggs,air-cushion or unique books!

to be camper is one thing, to be traveling camper third and something in between is couchsurfing! honestly u should be such kind of type, eider survivalist or - hobo , so u could enjoy in any situation, tho there are impossible times to stay calm and handle stacking moments like strange names in the map and even stranger on the signs...
in case u end up in some jurassic park maybe is wise to properly educate urself how to resolve such natural riddles [ - 1 ] then ur mind is ur gun and ur eye is ur bullet try not to shoot ur self or ur crew!
wrong number of people is also problem if u camp near water, and never go at such places if u dont have life-jackets, believe me u will save plenty fearful moments of your quality time, which if they're spent in deep nature (maybe with ur loved ones) i'l suggest learn where and which wild herbs could be found here and there ... in a way this knowledge is similar to faraway sail without sailing knowledge or affinities, i did learn that at 4k altitude 100km from civilization surrounded by hungry will and hungry people!
also always have some reserves of something, if not to help someone then to exchange it as gift with them!">

eartly advice: as memorable thank u note, normaly in case u have extra free time, always try to make and leave some ground sms like rock-art or big sign, as greeting-card for all the good people that will pass by, message which for sure will revoke in them thoughts like Life Is Beautiful so try escape the concrete jungle! [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]
social advice: be carmakarachi and buy - second-hand equipment so u can share it with others, mostly travelers or nomads, but have in mind that with it u share - ur emf-imprints so at least dont trow it where u dont wont u to be trown!
spiritual advice: watch the sky, focus ur self on upper atmosphere, go to the outskirts if not wilderness, out of any obtrusive artificial city-light so u can reach the stars [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 11-Oct-2013 at 02:43 -

some Pelister echoes
Spread wings
Be free

Here the unusual things are an excuse for a stronger presentation of the possible background or reverse of the technical destroying power. The area is full of broken elements of organic or inorganic origin, or in some other occasion, it is transformed into a shocking laboratory of a enormous destruction of everything that is human. -

The earth hums and dances like a simmering stew. Tired, I want to sit on the edge of the world, to go on strike. But I continue onward so no one will see the short distance between me and the homeless, between them and the pull of the floor, a divider thinner than skin. It’s only that they have a bigger imagination or sense of the future.

In the meantime, just when we switched from a single-party to a multi-party system, my old-fashioned, shared heating system failed, so our mutual system deprived us of its previous services. And because winter came not only to the door, but also into the house, I called on my pluralistic children to form some kind of coalition against cold, even if an unprincipled one, as long as it was efficacious. - Z + - S


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 11-Oct-2013 at 03:34

in my previous post there is direction toward multiculturalism and geography i.e. the video is made by baltic guy with balkan actors and aussie music, the thoughts are croatian,jewish and macedonian, - himalayan picture and the music classic-balkan crossover! eventually there is small boundary in the opening link where the accent is on the term western-balkan but strangely now narrowed to less countries altho earlier Croatia was also in the same pejorative group, probably coz they are now eu-member they disappeared from the list where by all geographic logic there should be listed also Slovenia and Greece besides Croatia, but maybe this is good paradox coz as such is eye opener about others mental fixation to border this or that yard, even when there is no need for it! strangely but only Macedonia and Slovenia from all of these countries are - truly multiethnic , other one are more or less polyethnic except our southern neighbor which is living in parallel arian world, tho they're not alone in this world but extra exception for tropical balcony on our ethnic peninsular train!

what to say except WakeUp escape the EtnocentricMatrix, be borderless to ur neighbors even they've been homogeneously brainwashed, at least open green passages for cultural and artistic hangups eg. try their cousin spiced with their music and after invite them to escape their solitude with smile giving them praise for their existence as creative souls No matter the color of their eyes!

enjoy the balkans as one - veggie salad + enjoy the world as one - fruit salad both seen through macedonian eyes, u can find them in any our music or films as fast accessible art, tho i'l suggest that best cosmopolitic dioptry could be obtain from the - ancient petrogliphs (whether - inner or - outer ) - -

this raw veggie mix + cheese we tend to call it Shopska salata, and when is filled with mayo it becomes russian(veggie+mayo) or french(v+meat+mayo), that says all i.e. that we are originally natural , tasty without any condiment or additional spices like the latest one which should flavor the 3billion old ohrid lake with - grotesque cubist floating casino complex with symbolic investor sahara group(luckily they will probably go broke soon), tho if we refuse them for sure some other neighbor will be openhearted eg. we tend to forbid fishing of carp in prespa and trout in ohrid but others are overfishing them without any restriction, the sam problem is with the overuse of the lake waters etc. but it is coz both greece and albania have sea so why to bother with some ephemeral lakes even tho they were among the oldest three in the world! here is one photo riddle we got bridges,fishers,patterns,models and atmospher, what else we need for all to be sustainable? i think sunshine in our hearts! [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

today in our schools is celebrated the MLD Macedonian Liberation Day which survived as such last 70 years, coz everyone else are probably occupied with the idea not to upset the bulgarian minority so mainly they celebrate this day in front of tv or comp, plus we banned the picnic culture so we can save some more money for the homeless people, elementary right for all local cosmopolitans! sorry for my sarcasm, but even myself was not aware of this fact, tho is also lacking own backup (so i'm not the only one) whichДен_на_востанието_на_Македонија - at least can be find on her macedonian version , anyway on this day we started our antifascist resistance [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ] in that time early communist bulgarians didnt mind that we overthrow back then those bugarian nazi-colaborators, even they had have recognized our macedonian minority and granted them all rights to communication and collaboration with its brothers in tito's federation [ - 1 ] but strangely now in their eyes we are vileness, sadly how history can change face from time to time as political elites wants, thus repuzzle already gained freedom e.g. now as in greece so as in bulgaria macedonians are not recognized officially [ - 1 ] (extra exceptions in "democratic" europe)

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 12-Oct-2013 at 16:40

one of the most beautifully multiethnic places in Macedonia is the city of Tetovo situated in Polog valley, where early in Ottoman empire turks and albanians were dominant til 1900 [ - 1 ] while now albanians and macedonians are largest communities [ - 2 ]

Tetovo is located at the foothills of the Shar Mountain in north-western Macedonia, 468 m above the sea level, on the edge of the Polog Valley. The city is separated by the river Pena, which flows from the Shar mountain.

Although there is evidence of settlements in the area as early as the bronze age, the town is first mentioned under a name resembling its modern name in the 17th century under the toponym Htetovo. The legend is that Tetovo got its name after the legendary hero Teto, who cleared the town from snakes; not surprisingly, Tetovo means Teto's place.

In the middle ages Tetovo was an important trade center for the local farmers and craftsmen, as well as an important military fortification for the Ottomans. In the 19th century, the Russian Consul I. Yastrebov spoke highly of Tetovo's climate - mild snowy winters, sunny and comfortably warm summers. The traveler Ami Bue described Tetovo as a very clean city [ - 1 ]
above Tetovo is our most forgotten beauty - d Tsar mountain where u can hike,ski or cycle [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

use cc for translation

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 12-Oct-2013 at 18:51

I Got My Bike, I Love To Ride, Ask Me Why!?
- Life is like a sixteen speed bicycle, Most of us have gears we never use! [ - 1 ]
- Every time I see an MTB, I no longer despair for the future of the human race [ - 1 ]
- If people in antiquity had horses, modern people have bikes, to have both of them is memorable privilege!




HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 13-Oct-2013 at 07:58

+ one more ? for the ride - ask ur self is it worthed to visit such place one day, at least for one day - what can u see and gain if u do!?

to this ? there are three =

1. d european Lighthous - as always only country around with official praise to the Sun, even brighter with our latest provisional un-etiquette (we were told it would last three months) with which we find creative comfort to - - Fyr oM (stay positive nomather how xenophobe is our surrounding) - -

2. post - says we are Cheapest, Safest and Friendliest country in the world

3. post - we have most Universal Kitchen coz what overeating rulz

btw please feel free to drop some info-Chi in this thread, eider like advise or guerrilla marketing pie, then dont miss d 16th gear simply be explorer, tho even as fly-by visitor u can spin some wheel e.g. - with BT spikes ...


Evliya Çelebi was a famous traveler who travelled through the Ottoman Empire over a period of forty years. His collection of notes from all of his travels formed a ten volume travelogue called the “Seyahatname” (“Travelogue”).
His notes are very important and useful for the cultural aspects and lifestyle of 17th century Macedonia. The fifth and the eighth volume of the “Seyahatname” (“Travelogue”) deals with the journeys through the Macedonian land. In this book he successfully describes the journeys in - Rumelia ’s cities like Skopje, Kumanovo, Stip, Veles, Bitola, Resen, Kratovo, Prilep etc. During his travels he was taking notes on buildings, shops, markets, customs and culture. Nowadays “Seyahatname” (“Travelogue”) is a very important book to learn about the past situations and lifestyle in the Macedonian cities. This paper will deal with this matter. [ - 1 ] - old bazaar skopje - - ] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ]

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 13-Oct-2013 at 16:06

[tube]62Q8wOoiciE[/tube]   [tube]0aG1d2kzBns[/tube] 

Astronauts food from the eagles canyon

Except impeccable #76031311"> by DNSUnlocker" style="z-index: 2147483647;"> hotel , the magic of nature and organic food, tourists from the West are looking for something more exotic story that will lead them to travel to a place that offers far more than a ready-made, arranged tourism. In Macedonians understand that, and along the cheap accommodation in the renovated #58066544"> by DNSUnlocker" style="z-index: 2147483647;"> hotels , untouched nature of Ohrid Lake, Mavrovo, Galichitsa and Pelister, they offer stories that have brought visitors in other areas also.

Such a story is about plant that after had been harvested and stored in herbarium can simply revive itself, and this story immediately captured the imagination of those tourists that comes to Matka Canyon, 20 kilometers from Skopje, in the narrow waters of the river Treska.

- The plant that botanists call - Ramonda Nathaliae grows mainly at Matka Canyon, and for it currently are pretty interested in NASA because her properties i.e. that after long time spent without water, in frost, even in the herbaria, simply when it is poured with water immediately gets alive - explains Gligor Tintorski, expert from Matka.

Its fact that this plant has all these qualities, but something about her background suppressed: it was discovered in 1874. Joseph Pancic, first in the Sichevach gorge, and called it Ramondia serbica, then later was found on Suva Planina and Matka Canyon. Because the variety from Matka is slightly different in color is called Ramonda Nathalia, - after the wife of the serbian king Milan .

First time was called Phoenix plant in 1928 year, when Russian botanist Pavel Chernyavski accidentally poured water on herbarium specimen and at his amazement found that she came to life.

The bear fact that with this phoenix plant deals NASA, that wants to use it as a food additive in spaceflight, and the information about butterflies that live only in the area, has attracted a number of tourists from across the ocean. Tourism workers from Skopje, in whose hotels are staying this guests, hoping there will be more visitors, but environmentalists say that big rush of funs of birds, butterflies and rare plants, will endangered ecologically the Matka canyon. Fortunately, in the canyon there is just one mountain home with little beds, but in the organization of Skopje hotels Matka is easily accessible.

The canyon has seven monasteries of the 13th century and is full of endemic plants, birds and over 100 species of butterflies, of which forty appears only in this area. Sometimes the place is referred to as the eagles canyon, but all four types of eagles one by one disappeared. Environmentalists now as first step are trying to return white vulture and golden eagle.

- It is forbidden to collect or hunt anything in the canyon. Is it because of too hot weather, or something else, now is just noticeable absence of butterflies. Once in the canyon communities lived four species of eagles, and last flew a few years ago - says Tintorski.
- Domestic tourists mainly come to Matka for kayaking or rafting on the wild Treska waters or to enjoy the mountain bike trails, where they are refreshing in several restaurants by the water. But there are hunters of endemic plants and butterflies, which are difficult to prevent not to spoil the pristine nature. While our team of journalists stayed in the canyon, a helicopter has been searching for hours for some exterminators of rare butterflies, which were lost in the wilderness. -

[tube]k2WxTXdP5fs[/tube]   [tube]MDDYybRPB10[/tube]

HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

Posted By: +Protagorist
Date Posted: 14-Oct-2013 at 07:44

[tube]1qAigR5ANmE[/tube] - [ - 1 ][ - 2 ][ - 3 ][ - 4 ][ - 5 ]


HaјсилнoтoOpужјe - е вo caмитeHac cинaпoвo3pнo co НaдeжВepaЉубoв

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